Mission: Space tragedy


New Member
strobe said:
This thread disgusts me...

A little boy died while enjoying his vacation. What a horrible tragedy.

I cannot believe that people are going to sit here and debate who is or isn't at fault. It does NOT matter. A four year old boy is dead, and I can't even imagine how his family must feel.

Instead of bickering, why don't you say a prayer for this poor child and his family?

Anyone who would think "It's not Disney's Fault" (or the reverse) should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Anyone who said the words "pre-existing medical condition" should be ashamed as well - because you wield those words as if it's the boys own fault.

This is a tragedy, let's take a moment to reflect on what happened, instead of worrying about the reputation of a huge corporation. All that can be straightened out later. Right now, supporting a mourning family is the only thing that matters.

I totally agree. I sure hope that one day (God forbid) that if something tragic happens to me or a family member(s) there is not a website out there with a few dozen people shifting blame on my family or the event that may have caused it. I would rather have prayer and/or privacy.


Well-Known Member
Anyone who said the words "pre-existing medical condition" should be ashamed as well - because you wield those words as if it's the boys own fault.

It’s not about placing blame on anyone. And to think that those who said "pre-existing medical condition" were placing the blame on the boy is absurd. The purpose of this discussion is to find the cause of the tragedy not place blame. Personally I find your entire post especially the quote above to be extremely ignorant.


New Member
Slade said:
I've noticed that you only agree or disagree with what people have said in this thread. Why not say what YOU want to? Why do you have to agree or disagree all the time in this thread? All I see you say here is "I agree 100%" or "You beat me to it" and now "Bravo, Bravo, Bravo." I know your feelings on this already, but you should really speak your own mind. Get YOUR OWN feelings off your chest. I'm not trying to start a fight or anything, just commenting on an observation. :wave:
I've tried very hard to NOT contribute to the negativity in this thread, but I simply cannot keep quiet about this. Those of us who have been reading every post of this thread HAVE seen King Stephan's full opinion posted clearly and plainly for all to see/read. Because this thread has become so huge, you probably missed some of what was said earlier on.


New Member
A lot of us just want closure. We are discussing ride safety and what caused it so that we too may be prepared and so that this won't happen again. I don't understand the comment about pre-existing conditions. How is that the boy's fault???


Well-Known Member
To expect this NOT to every happen again is not a good expectation.....

It will happen again. Maybe not on MS, maybe not at WDW.

Someone will die at an amusement park again in the future.....it is just eventually going to happen.

What can we do about it?

1. Pressure the parks to ensure rides are well maintained and safe (which seems to typically be the case)

2. Stop acting like idiots on rides, and follow the posted instrustions (don't stand, keep facing forward...., which most people do)

3. Stay on top of your health. Take the responsibility to know your health, and the limits of your body. Do not ride attractions that could potentially cause difficulties in your body.

By doing these 3 things, you will probably NEVER die on an attraction. But not everyone will follow these suggestions, and eventually, someone will either be on an attraction when their body natually ceases to live, or they will somehow become injured due to actions of theirs, or of their body.


New Member
I was trying to word it better but thats just how it came out. But you said basically what i meant to say. By knowing how this poor boy died, we can better prepare ourselves for the future. we need to follow posted instructions and check our health at all times. To say that this won't ever happen again is highly unlikely.


New Member
peter11435 said:
It’s not about placing blame on anyone. And to think that those who said "pre-existing medical condition" were placing the blame on the boy is absurd. The purpose of this discussion is to find the cause of the tragedy not place blame. Personally I find your entire post especially the quote above to be extremely ignorant.

And I in turn find your post extremely ignorant...

You say "The purpose of this discussion is to find the cause of the tragedy."

REALLY? How in the heck do you plan on doing that - through rumor and speculation? Geez - we could save tax payers a whole bunch of money, and just tell the police and medical examiner to halt their investigations right now. Peter11435 is on the case, and he'll have the whole thing figured out in a jiffy.

I wasn't aware that Florida law enforcement provided civilians with the inside information and evidence needed to solve a case like this.

Before you call someone ignorant, you should probably take a long hard look at the statements coming out of your own mouth.

If anyone here thinks they are actually going to (and I quote) "find the cause" of this, you're crazy. This will come in time, when the EXPERTS figure it out. All we have here is a bunch of opinions from a highly polarized group. Some people on this site think they know everything about everything that happens on a Disney Park. You don't.


Well-Known Member
strobe said:
And I in turn find your post extremely ignorant...

You say "The purpose of this discussion is to find the cause of the tragedy."

REALLY? How in the heck do you plan on doing that - through rumor and speculation? Geez - we could save tax payers a whole bunch of money, and just tell the police and medical examiner to halt their investigations right now. Peter11435 is on the case, and he'll have the whole thing figured out in a jiffy.

I wasn't aware that Florida law enforcement provided civilians with the inside information and evidence needed to solve a case like this.

Before you call someone ignorant, you should probably take a long hard look at the statements coming out of your own mouth.

If anyone here thinks they are actually going to (and I quote) "find the cause" of this, you're crazy. This will come in time, when the EXPERTS figure it out. All we have here is a bunch of opinions from a highly polarized group. Some people on this site think they know everything about everything that happens on a Disney Park. You don't.

Do you have anything positive to add to this thread or are you just here to talk down to everyone you disagree with? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
strobe said:
And I in turn find your post extremely ignorant...

You say "The purpose of this discussion is to find the cause of the tragedy."

REALLY? How in the heck do you plan on doing that - through rumor and speculation? Geez - we could save tax payers a whole bunch of money, and just tell the police and medical examiner to halt their investigations right now. Peter11435 is on the case, and he'll have the whole thing figured out in a jiffy.

I wasn't aware that Florida law enforcement provided civilians with the inside information and evidence needed to solve a case like this.

Before you call someone ignorant, you should probably take a long hard look at the statements coming out of your own mouth.

If anyone here thinks they are actually going to (and I quote) "find the cause" of this, you're crazy. This will come in time, when the EXPERTS figure it out. All we have here is a bunch of opinions from a highly polarized group. Some people on this site think they know everything about everything that happens on a Disney Park. You don't.
I don't think anyone other than you would have taken my post to mean that I personally, or anyone else on this board for that matter was going to find the cause of the boys death. We are simply bringing together the facts we do have and discussing the information. I do not believe anyone on this forum has claimed to know what happened and why.

What rumors and speculation?

The ride operated correctly – Fact

Millions have ridden the ride with no problem – Fact

A perfectly healthy 4-year old should have no negative effects from the ride – Fact (per the pediatric doctor at Celebration Hospital)


New Member
Slade said:
Do you have anything positive to add to this thread or are you just here to talk down to everyone you disagree with? Just curious.

Who have I talked down to? I think I added something positive to the thread by stating we should all pray for the child and the family. I think it's the right thing to do. Just because I'm taking a different approach, doesn't make my contribution any less valuable. I'm not slamming anyone in particular, but there are a few people here who should be ashamed of themselves for jumping on the boy and his family. It's wrong. I can't even imagine how heart broken everyone is. This kind of bickering just isn't needed. No lawsuits have been filed, yet I've already seen the term "ambulance chasers" mentioned. It's disgusting to me. That's my opinion, and I have just as much right to express it as you do yours. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I will continue to post my thoughts nonetheless. Sometimes you may agree, and sometimes you may not. That's why it's called a "discussion".

As far as my second post goes, when someone calls me ignorant without merit, they can expect a response. Anyone who's been around for a long time knows that about me. You may not agree with my posts, and that's fine, debate is healthy. But I can assure you that my posts don't troll or consist of ignorant comments.



New Member
peter11435 said:
I don't think anyone other than you would have taken my post to mean that I personally, or anyone else on this board for that matter was going to find the cause of the boys death. We are simply bringing together the facts we do have and discussing the information. I do not believe anyone on this forum has claimed to know what happened and why.

What rumors and speculation?

The ride operated correctly – Fact

Millions have ridden the ride with no problem – Fact

A perfectly healthy 4-year old should have no negative effects from the ride – Fact (per the pediatric doctor at Celebration Hospital)

The boy had a pre-existing medical condition - Speculation.



Well-Known Member
strobe said:
Who have I talked down to? I think I added something positive to the thread by stating we should all pray for the child and the family. I think it's the right thing to do. Just because I'm taking a different approach, doesn't make my contribution any less valuable. I'm not slamming anyone in particular, but there are a few people here who should be ashamed of themselves for jumping on the boy and his family. It's wrong. I can't even imagine how heart broken everyone is. This kind of bickering just isn't needed. No lawsuits have been filed, yet I've already seen the term "ambulance chasers" mentioned. It's disgusting to me. That's my opinion, and I have just as much right to express it as you do yours. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I will continue to post my thoughts nonetheless. Sometimes you may agree, and sometimes you may not. That's why it's called a "discussion".

As far as my second post goes, when someone calls me ignorant without merit, they can expect a response. Anyone who's been around for a long time knows that about me. You may not agree with my posts, and that's fine, debate is healthy. But I can assure you that my posts don't troll or consist of ignorant comments.

For the last time nobody was "jumping on the boy." Nobody has even remotely attempted to blame the boy. That was simply you taking others comments way out of context. And I'm sorry but saying that we are blaming the boy simply because we say he probably had a pre-existing medical condition is ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Well that actually was told to us by the family.. They told news stations he had pre-existing conditions, considering he was born premature.


Well-Known Member
strobe said:
As far as my second post goes, when someone calls me ignorant without merit, they can expect a response. Anyone who's been around for a long time knows that about me. You may not agree with my posts, and that's fine, debate is healthy. But I can assure you that my posts don't troll or consist of ignorant comments.


If you actually read what he wrote, he said your POST was ignorant. If you want to take it as him calling you ignorant, then you are twisting his words to better suit you.


Well-Known Member
strobe said:
The boy had a pre-existing medical condition - Speculation.

Yes it is speculation. However it is highly reasonable based on the facts. Other 4 years olds have ridden the ride with no problems. And nothing differently happened during this boys ride. Thus the likely conclusion and that given by the doctor is that there must have been something that separated this boy from the rest, i.e. a pre-existing condition.


Well-Known Member
FlyingScooter posted this on Themepark Review -

"This is unrelated: maybe.
A couple of years ago, my daughter was 12 and played softball on a local summer league. Keep in mind, they had to have physicals before they could join the league. During one game in mid summer, a kid on an opposing team dropped dead of a heart attack right at the plate. The autopsy showed nothing. Death ended up being natural causes. The kid just died. no rhyme, no reason. It was horrible. I've never seen EMT's work so hard to save someone in my life. It's terrible, but sometimes death just happens. No blame..."


New Member
The_CEO said:
Well that actually was told to us by the family.. They told news stations he had pre-existing conditions, considering he was born premature.

He probably does have one, but people were speculating on that here immediately.

The thing that bothers me is the Disney defense flags were the very first thing to go up. We're all a bunch of kind people, why can't we focus on the tragedy at hand? How many can remember his name without having to go back and look?

That's my point. When something like this happens to an innocent child, at the happiest place on earth, why is everyone speculating and bickering over it?


Well-Known Member
strobe said:
That's my point. When something like this happens to an innocent child, at the happiest place on earth, why is everyone speculating and bickering over it?

Because it is human nature.


Well-Known Member
strobe said:
Who have I talked down to? I think I added something positive to the thread by stating we should all pray for the child and the family. I think it's the right thing to do. Just because I'm taking a different approach, doesn't make my contribution any less valuable. I'm not slamming anyone in particular, but there are a few people here who should be ashamed of themselves for jumping on the boy and his family. It's wrong. I can't even imagine how heart broken everyone is. This kind of bickering just isn't needed. No lawsuits have been filed, yet I've already seen the term "ambulance chasers" mentioned. It's disgusting to me. That's my opinion, and I have just as much right to express it as you do yours. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I will continue to post my thoughts nonetheless. Sometimes you may agree, and sometimes you may not. That's why it's called a "discussion".

As far as my second post goes, when someone calls me ignorant without merit, they can expect a response. Anyone who's been around for a long time knows that about me. You may not agree with my posts, and that's fine, debate is healthy. But I can assure you that my posts don't troll or consist of ignorant comments.


This is a discussion board......people are here to discuss. It may be your opinion to think that people should not being discussing this topic.....I disagree.

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