Mission: Space tragedy


New Member
I'm afraid I've steered this thread way off topic. So an apology for that. It was not my intention to start an argument about the media. I was just coming to their defense because it is my chosen profession.


Well-Known Member
MrNonacho said:
Sigh, how is this the top story in a city three hours away?
At least is seems like responsible coverage at the top level. I can't make out the normal-sized print, but from what I can see it seems good. I can't see any words like "killed", "deadly", "blamed", etc. I'd like to read more. Maybe I'll look for an internet version.


New Member
:( yes a 4 year old boy did at epcot he was right mission space.He meet the required height. The doctors say there is no trauma. So it was not the attraction the caused his death. The ride is very fact and it's like actually going into space. I would never let a four year old ride this attraction. There are warnings all over the place before you enter the ride.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
You beat me to it.....but I was going to make the same point.
Now, now, Slade wants us to express our own opinions - but, Oh, I see you've done plenty of that already - never mind! (just joking - I have to say this because people don't always get my sense of humor) ;)


Premium Member
KingStefan said:
At least is seems like responsible coverage at the top level. I can't make out the normal-sized print, but from what I can see it seems good. I can't see any words like "killed", "deadly", "blamed", etc. I'd like to read more. Maybe I'll look for an internet version.

The story itself isn't that bad. My beef is with the huge headline above the fold on the front page. I don't think this story warrants the amount of coverage it's getting.

The story can be read here:


Well-Known Member
sleepybear said:
I'm afraid I've steered this thread way off topic. So an apology for that. It was not my intention to start an argument about the media. I was just coming to their defense because it is my chosen profession.
Sorry if I offended you or anyone else. I agree that the media is generally responsible most of the time. In this case, all most of the media did is to copy the wire reports verbatim, so you can't really blame them too much there. And I don't mean to bash anyone's profession. I'm sure the vast majority of the people in the industry are very concerned about responsible reporting. Furthermore, the times that some media (at least the non-yellow ones) are sensationalist or biased, I'm sure if it is like in other industries, this is usually an executive decision, and not the journalist. And as for the yellow ones, that's why they exist, and everyone knows it, so that's not so bad either.

So please excuse me if I came on too strong.


Well-Known Member
Some of the media is pushing it a little too far for its sensationalistic nature. Its a tragedy, no question about it, but more facts need to be known before writing some of these stories.

Bascially, the facts are not known, and stories and implied conclusions that the ride "killed" the young boy are wrong at this point. Its not the first time the media has jumped the gun for a story. Take for instance the recent Wendy's story on a finger in a chili they served. The media quickly jumped on it, reporting how a woman was traumatized after she found a finger in her chili. The reports led to nationwide drop in sales for Wendy's. When the truth came out, the damage was done, despite the fact the woman put the finger in the chili herself. Although the stories themselves are not comparable by any means, the way they were handled can be.

The forces felt on MS are far less than what most experience on roller coasters, but they are sustained for longer amounts of time. Many roller coasters that have multiple inversions make me feel like I might need to vomit, but despite that, the rides don't provide motion sickness bags, even when they should. They are there in MS for convenience, not necessarily necessity, but the media is twisting that for a good story.


Well-Known Member
Sensationalism in media....mainly broadcast media, is huge.

Not saying every media outlet it bad, but when one has the choice between 7 or 8 24hour news channels, how else do these channels get the consumers to pick them over the other channels.

For instance, this last tropical storm that hit the gulf coast....some channels were reporting it like all of Florida was in danger from the worst hurricane ever. This was far from the truth. Except for the people in the path of this storm, the hurricane did not need to be covered on a national level. (did it even become a hurricane).

The sad thing is, once the storm was named, vacation bookings in Orlando slowed to a crawl, and many people cancelled their trips.

Media sensationalism has started to hurt people, businesses, and the economy.....all in the name of ratings.


Well-Known Member
wdwmagic said:
It may be true that 5 people have had chest pains, and that there are motion sickness bags, but that fact is being spun by the media to suit a story they are trying to create.


That link will take you to a local coaster called the TN Tornado. I rode that coaster several times about a month ago. On TWO occasions within 15 minutes, a car had to be blocked off and cleaned due to a "protein spill". They don't offer barf bags, but I've seen more people sick on that coaster than I've ever seen on M:S. The g-forces are almost twice that of M:S and I've watched people have to sit down after the ride due to being sick or not feeling well.

The media is playing this tragedy up to it's fullest extent to get ratings. It made our local news here in East Tenn and all of the national / international outlets. In each report that I've seen or read, they have used the statements that "the ride has a history of sending people to the hospital" and "it's so intense that motion sickness bags are added". In none of the cases did they equate the occurance of sickness or hospital visits to the number of riders with no problems nor did they point out that people get sick or go to the hospital after riding other rides. That, in my opinion, is irresponsible reporting, and is being done by ALL media outlets at this time.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
Sensationalism in media....mainly broadcast media, is huge.

Not saying every media outlet it bad, but when one has the choice between 7 or 8 24hour news channels, how else do these channels get the consumers to pick them over the other channels.

For instance, this last tropical storm that hit the gulf coast....some channels were reporting it like all of Florida was in danger from the worst hurricane ever. This was far from the truth. Except for the people in the path of this storm, the hurricane did not need to be covered on a national level. (did it even become a hurricane).

The sad thing is, once the storm was named, vacation bookings in Orlando slowed to a crawl, and many people cancelled their trips.

Media sensationalism has started to hurt people, businesses, and the economy.....all in the name of ratings.
Another example: all that we've been hearing about on the news in the Greater NY Metro Area (besides the stadium fiasco and the national stuff like the Jackson trial) is about the tremendous heat wave. So much so that parents have called schools in a panic, in many places causing schools to be shut down yesterday and today, or cut short. This in turn causes many child-care problems, etc.

Now, first of all, people in hotter climates will laugh at us, because the high yesterday was about 90 (but humid). But keep in mind that many schools have no air conditioning up here, and people are not accustomed to the heat, so many do have health problems, etc.

But that's not the point of the story. The point of the story is, after all that, at 8:30 local time this morning, there was a news flash, and guess what? The wind shifted a little, and it's only going to be in the high 70's in NY today. My kids' school will still close this afternoon, though, because it's too late now!

Edit: sorry, I know this is a bit of a drift - I'll be quiet about the media now!


He was pronounced dead just before 5 p.m. Monday at Celebration Hospital.
Anyone notice the irony here? Cant they come up with a less festive name for a building of far more serious matters. I know its located in Celebration, but do they have to call it that? :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
Jseven said:
Anyone notice the irony here? Cant they come up with a less festive name for a building of far more serious matters. I know its located in Celebration, but do they have to call it that? :veryconfu

Its real name is "Florida Hospital - Celebration Health"


New Member
after reading this article on Here

LAKE BUENA VISTA — Agnes Bamuwamye knew something was wrong after she and her 4-year-old son, Daudi, strapped into the “Mission: Space” ride at Walt Disney World.

Why would the mother have wanted off the ride? If she knew something was wrong after they were strapped in, won't they let you off before they start the ride?



New Member

This thread disgusts me...

A little boy died while enjoying his vacation. What a horrible tragedy.

I cannot believe that people are going to sit here and debate who is or isn't at fault. It does NOT matter. A four year old boy is dead, and I can't even imagine how his family must feel.

Instead of bickering, why don't you say a prayer for this poor child and his family?

Anyone who would think "It's not Disney's Fault" (or the reverse) should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. Anyone who said the words "pre-existing medical condition" should be ashamed as well - because you wield those words as if it's the boys own fault.

This is a tragedy, let's take a moment to reflect on what happened, instead of worrying about the reputation of a huge corporation. All that can be straightened out later. Right now, supporting a mourning family is the only thing that matters.


Well-Known Member
sum41914 said:
after reading this article on Here

Why would the mother have wanted off the ride? If she knew something was wrong after they were strapped in, won't they let you off before they start the ride?

The article is not correct, that’s the problem with the media. That article makes it sound like she knew something was wrong before the ride started and that she noticed body was rigid as the ride began. If you read the actual police report you will see that the article is just trying to make the story sound better and that the mother did not notice anything was wrong until the ride was towards the end.

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