Mission: Space "Spew" Factor


New Member
I didn't get sick, but I did feel queasy afterward for about an hour. We went almost first thing in the morning (early entry, rode TT first and had FP for MS and time was up right after TT). We didn't have a big breakfast (I don't recall that I had anything more than a few crackers in the hotel room, none of us are big on breakfast) Anyway, out of our party of 5, I was the only one who felt it afterward but I didn't throw up, or even get close to it.

We went straight to UofE afterward, which was the first time for us. I figured it would be a nice, quiet sit down ride. I had no idea it was so long, and I started feeling better initially, until we got the to film part where you are flying through the sky...and that didn't help me at all. But by the time we were done on that ride, I felt fine.


New Member
Well, i went on after eating, not a good idea, and i didnt really feel that all sick at all, since i kept looking foward. while i dont support eating before going on, Just keep your head straight, and look foward, and you'll be fine. I've had a person puke, in the barf bags, but i wasnt really bothered.


New Member
About a year ago, my daughter and I got paired up with another man and his daughter. My daughter (then age 6) was joking around before liftoff, pretending to barf in one of the bags. The man looked both concerned and not at all amused by her carrying on.

At the end of the ride, the man got off toting a filled barf bag. He was at the opposite end from me, so I did not notice it happening.


New Member
I have ridde nthis ride 40+ times and still have yet to see anyone get sick on the ride itself. Though I have seen once or twice people getting sick as they are walking down the exit hallways. I think the after-effects of the ride get to more people than the ride itself. Like someone posted, its not a dizziness feeling, you just feel a little wierd--maybe that slightly buzzed feeling after drinking a couple of beers. I would say 95% of people handle the ride ok, just follwing the directions and you will be O.K.


Well-Known Member
I too have a phobia about barf, I am comforted to know I am not the only one!! I have been on MS and never had a problem, just follow the instructions/warnings and to be extra sure (like I did) ride it first thing as the park opens before breakfast. Then after you've been on it you can have a lovely brekkie at Electric Umbrella or Fountain View Bakery :slurp:


New Member
Sickness Advice For Mission: Space

Bit of advice for you. Mission: Space is the most barfsome ride at WDW. If you're going to ride it, try this. Before your trip, visit the doctor and tell them you're going on a cruise and get seasick. Ask for a short course of anti-emetics ( Metocoplamide, stemitil or cyclazine) start taking them the night before you want to ride and on the morning of the visit. They won't stop everything barflike, but will help out no end. I've not barfed yet!


New Member
alanindy said:
For any Epcot cast members: Any chance they could ease up on the frigid air blowing in your face?? That really was a nuisance during the ride. Either dont make it so cold, or slow up the fan unit a bit.

I think the answer for all that cold air is in this quote.

gcurling said:
At the end of the ride, the man got off toting a filled barf bag. He was at the opposite end from me, so I did not notice it happening.

So it looks like them flushing you with air not only gives you the "coldness of space" effect, it also keeps you from smelling the potential hurl on your neighbors t-shirt.


Le Meh
Premium Member
New thread, same topic, same response........dont eat before you go on, dont eat right after you get off, look straight ahead and dont think about it. Most of peoples problems are psycological anyway.

If you urp, you urp...will just give you more magic to remember!


Active Member
ok well i dont have a fear of puke. i just have a gag reflex in which if i see puke or smell it i puke. kinda sucks. but as said earlier just keep your head straight ahead and don't look to the right or left.......... you WILL become disoriented. belive me i kno. (this coming from a guy who does not remain in an upright position on a log flume. u should try laying down soemtime) lol (no seriously dont u get a migrane) :p


New Member
There is no reason to think that you are going to puke, and if you feel that way going into the ride it will ruin it for you. I dont take simulators all that well. I rode star tours for the first time in november, a few hours before our plane ride home, and felt terrible. My advice for Mission:Space is to ride it twice. The first time I was concerned about the 1,000,000 warning signs that are posted around the ride. I rode it and had some fun. A few days later I rode it and had a blast. The best thing to do is to look forward and dont shut your eyes. Once those eyes close for longer than a regualr blinking, you are going to come out wet and stinky.


New Member
The wife and I love the ride and never get sick or have seen anyone else get sick(puck) either.And we have been on it like 12 times.But I will tell you this if someone was to get sick those bags are not going to help and there will be vomit flying all over the cabin.Gravity will force it right back at you.But IMO its the best ride in Orlando and the most realistic.Astronaughts have said it feels like the real deal.And to me it surpasses what Ive always imagined it would be like.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
crazycalf said:
My wife got sick both times that she went on it.
But it wasn't a throw up sick, it was more of a dizzy type thing.
oh, well that isnt sick....... that is a cheap buzz in college :D


New Member
The after the ride theory is a myth

People DO get sick during the ride. My first time riding (while it was still in testing) a kid next to me kept saying "This stinks, this stinks" during the takeoff sequence of the ride. During the "slingshot around the moon" part of the attraction he just lost it. Luckily the "gravitational force of the moon" forced the vomit onto him like a magnet and not on to the other passengers.

2 weeks later, I went on the attraction again - one of the capsules was closed off due to what looked like an even coating of upchuck. Yuk


When I was there last Jan. ('04), I went on M:S for the first time. I had the fortunate experience to be the single rider person added to a family of 3. When the ride ended, 3 of us stood up (myself, the mother and the daughter), while the father sat, almost in a trance. He then vomited a bit on himself and the seat but was not responsive to his wife or me. At that point, a cast member showed up as the mother began to scream (frankly, he looked pretty bad) and I (on the end) was trying to prevent the 4 young girls entering the ride after us from seeing what was going on.

He came to quickly and went off to clean himself up and I proceeded to get reprimanded by a cast member for trying to exit the ride to the left instead of the right (while preventing the girls from sitting in it). In all fairness, that CM had no idea what had just happened.

I meant to go again later in the day, but never got to it. When my wife and I are down in the fall, I'll go back on, but I think my story scared her away from giving it a shot.

Having never had any kind of issues with other rides myself, I will say it's an interesting and unique experience and it took me a second to get the dizziness out of my head after walking down the long hallway.

I don't mean to scare anyone away because I really enjoyed the ride to that point, but just wanted to relay my experience since a number of people had never seen a incident on the ride. I'm sure mine is definitely a rare exception, but at 1 of 1, I'm batting 1000.

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