Mission: Space Quality?


New Member
Original Poster
Reading all these "Mission: Space Exerpiances" made me realise this, everyone says something about the g's and how great they are and how this ride is intense and all of that. I have a question about it's quality though. I remember reading a ride review where the rider said something about the grapics. Are they really good? or are they sub-par or just okay? Because I haven't heard anyone talk about these, leading me to beleve that they might not be great, and the g's makes the ride. Another point is the theming. Disney appears to have found the easy way out by themeing the ride to a simulator (what it is), as compared to a flight in a space ship (A la. Star Tours). I think the idea of guests bording a simulator is nothing speical, and sounds hollow. If guests boarded a spaceship on a trip to Mars, it sounds alot more exciting. The que and exit "ramp" even look bad, just some metal bars that turn the line into a weave (with themeing on the side) as apposed to extreme detail as seen at Splash Moutain. Everyone is saying "g's", "g's", "g's", but I don't hear anything else about the ride. Is there anything else that is worth seeing in this ride? How about the actuall time on mars? Or the mission itself? Or should i just go visit some Nasa traning camp to feel some g's?


New Member
I don't get it!

Ya haven't even been on the damn ride and you're b!tchin' about it!:confused: You'll never be happy with the attraction cuz you've set your expectations too high. Best thing to do is have a few beers at Hooters and go to Universal.:lookaroun

damn, what a bunch of pantywaist weenies in this place lately.


New Member
Think about it...

Buddy, i'm sorry, but you're just a freakin moron. You think that "Star Tours" is better just because it tells the story as if you were taking a trip into space? Look again. Next time you walk into the show building for "Star Tours," take a look at what it says on the wooden walls. It specifically calls the entire showroom a set. They want you to know that it's all an illusion and that you're just supposed to play along, and be an "actor" in their newest show. They just take it to a different level in "Mission: Space." EPCOT has never been about illusions, just about discovery, and this ride does that perfectly. It allows people to discover what life would be like for an astronaut in training. It's a ride and that's all that it's ever going to be, so dont be so hard on it.


New Member
Splash mountain is my favouite ride due to the emense themeing of the ride however we should reserve our thoughts on space till after the official opening as it is unfair to judge till (a) we have ridden it and (b) it is officially opened they have a very costly period of soft openings to fine tune and make it right for us ( test track did take a little longer than hoped to get right ) after this period we can then ride it and judge - i do hope the creators who's vision it is dont read negative posts. ps going next friday and hope to go straight to space

james uk


Active Member
The good days are over. Test Track, SE, Maelstrom, and El Rio are the only things I even really care about in Epcot anymore. Food Rocks and The Land come in second. The rest is just blah. They may not say that its a thrill park, but I see its turning into one. Test Track and Mission Space are thrill rides. This rumored Time Racers thing is a thrill ride, and probably more coming soon. Just becuase it costs millions doesn't cover the fact that its a thrill ride. I'd say Test Track and Mission Space both have less theming then the earlier rides. Don't diss Universal, becuase it seems Disney has started to use TVs to tell a story too. Test Track has TVs in the queue, the preshow video, in the car, and the ride itself (Back To The Future did this same thing). Then again, Epcot never really had elaborate queues, they were mostly just big open rooms (which I'll take the early 90s EPCOT over the current Epcot anyday). The good days of EPCOT are nearly over for me, the future of the place is grim in my eyes.


New Member
Original Poster
ah, the members here are just so kind. I never said it sucked, I never said I didn't like it, I never said star tours was better. Please read what I said more carefully. After all the insults of 'freakin moron' to the complaint about me 'b!tchin'', I still don't have awnsers to my questions (not opinions). Anyone want to try and awnser them?

and tramp: I won't ride this ride until it has the same status as Body Wars does now (mostly because of my fincial situation), so I would like to know what it's like, for i cannot draw my own conclusions.


Well-Known Member
What the _______ is going on here today????

Can't anyone be civil anymore??

NATE: Glad you asked the question...I have been wondering this too!

TRAMP: I don't know what to say. Since when is asking a question with some backup reasoning B___ing???? You know better.

TOMATOES: Great impression for a FIRST POST! Hopefully, with an attitude and name calling like that, you'll take your other posts to another board.

After the whole thing with CORAJACK today....NOW THIS....Somebody better check the fullness of the moon.


:brick: :rolleyes: :brick: :rolleyes: :brick: :rolleyes:


Active Member
Originally posted by Natelox
ah, the members here are just so kind. I never said it sucked, I never said I didn't like it, I never said star tours was better. Please read what I said more carefully. After all the insults of 'freakin moron' to the complaint about me 'b!tchin'', I still don't have awnsers to my questions (not opinions). Anyone want to try and awnser them?

I know how you feel, when I read your first post, I didn't see it as some huge outrage. I would also want to know if it would be high quality. Its basically a simulator in which I am not too excited in seeing a simulator replace a very good dark ride (same thing with JIYI, not too excited about that either).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Natelox
ah, the members here are just so kind. I never said it sucked, I never said I didn't like it, I never said star tours was better. Please read what I said more carefully. After all the insults of 'freakin moron' to the complaint about me 'b!tchin'', I still don't have awnsers to my questions (not opinions). Anyone want to try and awnser them?

and tramp: I won't ride this ride until it has the same status as Body Wars does now (mostly because of my fincial situation), so I would like to know what it's like, for i cannot draw my own conclusions.

As for the theme of the line area, I think they did an overall good job. It isn’t anywhere near as elaborate as Splash Mountain but given the theme, I don’t think it should be. This whole thing takes place (I think it was) 35 years from now. The design is very modern and as a result may look a little bit minimalist. Splash mountain had a huge area outside which was nothing but rope with some things sprinkled it. I suppose they could have added rooms with some sort of strange experimentations going on but it is my belief that they were going for a more realistic approach which would explain such props as the moon rover model from the Smithsonian. Truth be told, the didn’t even seem all that long to me once inside the building anyway. A lot of people look to classic Disney rides for line theme but if you look at Pirates, it is mostly just grey walls and Space Mountain? Standing in the dark with windows of stars isn’t anything all that great either…

This is all somewhat moot to begin with because the line area is CLEARLY marked as the “standby” entrance. As is stated somewhere in the main section of this site, this was the first Disney attraction built from the ground up with Fastpass (and single rider) in mind. When I rode, neither were yet running but it looks as though there is going to be a significant emphasis on using these two options ones the attraction is officially open.

As for the story of the simulator thing, this part is a bit sketchy for me because in the beginning they do tell you that you are going to go through flight training but once you are inside the vehicle, it seems as though it has switched to the real thing. I’m a little confused on that part but it doesn’t take much to confuse me and I’ve only ridden it twice so it is hard to say.

To me the video quality was overall good. There were parts that I thought could have been a little better but because of my line of work, I’m kind of on the prowl for visual flaws in just about everything… The reason you probably haven’t heard much about the video is because once you are inside and it starts to work, it becomes kind of hard to focus on details like that… Heck, they give you instructions at the beginning where all you have to do is press two buttons and half the people on both my trips couldn’t manage to do even when the time came and they were told to. I think the reason you are hearing so much about the g-forces of the ride is because they are what make up the bulk of what is unique about this ride experience. Most people here have already done Body Wars, Star Tours, BTF, and so on. There is a lot more emphasis on the video in those rides because all you are doing is sitting on a wobbly platform. They simulate a sudden thrust forward by tilting you back. This may trick your eyes but that is about it. With Mission Space you have much of the same effects (toned down because they aren’t needed as much) plus the sensation of actually being thrust forward in a manner that most normal people will probably never otherwise experience in their lives – that is why you hear so much about the forces…

The exit area isn’t all that elaborate until you get to the interactive part but I think that might be intentional. In my experience riding, a lot of people were still a bit dazed and confused when getting off, the cast members were having to do a lot of ushering to get people moving in the right direction to exit and I have to admit that the first time riding, I walked right past the exit area and started to circle back to my pod because I missed all the signs on the floor and the people telling me where to go… I think this area may be kept a bit bland to keep from confusing people and also to keep the traffic moving through this part. The first thing I actually recall seeing once off going down the hall was a water fountain – I doubt this was by chance.

All in all, I think you need to ride it before you attempt to make any type of judgment. Looking at static pictures or video hardly does any of the experience justice. It would be like watching ITTBAB at home on your TV without the 3-D glasses and without any of the theater effects – no stink – no water – no wind – nothing coming down from the ceiling – no stings no crawling bugs at the end… Like that attraction, this is a true sensory experience and the most important aspects of this attraction simply cannot be recorded by camera or video.

In short, kind of like what Tramp said but a little more PC – don’t knock it till you’ve tried it. I’ve yet to run across anyone who has actually been on it who thought it was shabby or lacking in any way. You may be the first and if those are your feelings I’m sure that I and everyone else will be interested in hearing your opinion ONCE YOU’VE BEEN ON IT. :)


Also, keep in mind that we are still over a month away from the soft opening and still a few months away from the official one. If they get feedback now about anything that suggests they need to change something somewhere, I’m sure they will act on it. I’ve already seen some posts about seat modifications so who knows what could be changed between now and then.


You’ve been here for over a year and you still haven’t gotten used to Tramp’s charm yet? Boy, you must not be around here that often – I can’t speak for him… but what the he-you-know, I will anyway: I’m damn near positive that no real harm was meant.


New Member
Originally posted by MrPromey

You’ve been here for over a year and you still haven’t gotten used to Tramp’s charm yet? Boy, you must not be around here that often – I can’t speak for him… but what the he-you-know, I will anyway: I’m damn near positive that no real harm was meant.


You're right, Mr. Windbag...I meant no harm. I could sense a frustration in his writing tone that because some features of the attraction haven't been elaborated upon, he was drawing negative conclusions about it. The last half of his post looks more like '' from someone who has already experienced the attraction and had found it lacking in some way. The poor guy is setting himself up for a huge disappointment when he visits the attraction or a nervous breakdown worrying about it. I still say a few beers at Hooters would give him a better perspective and perhaps a greater understanding of the finer things in life.:lookaroun So Nate, to put it in your own generational jargon....CHILL! :wave:

Eric, I quickly glanced thru your post so as not to learn too much about the attraction to spoil my own experience. It's good to see your voluminous writing technique has not suffered in your absence and in spite of your promise to become less winded. :lol:

...and if someone doesn't know me yet as a classless, loud mouth, know-it-all buffoon, then that's their own fault for not paying attention to my meaningless posts and my general attitude that not very much gets this old fart excited anymore.:wave:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Tramp

It's good to see your voluminous writing technique has not suffered in your absence and in spite of your promise to become less winded. :lol:

:p I bought the book. I haven’t actually read it…yet :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by blm07
The good days are over. Test Track, SE, Maelstrom, and El Rio are the only things I even really care about in Epcot anymore. Food Rocks and The Land come in second. The rest is just blah. They may not say that its a thrill park, but I see its turning into one. Test Track and Mission Space are thrill rides. This rumored Time Racers thing is a thrill ride, and probably more coming soon. Just becuase it costs millions doesn't cover the fact that its a thrill ride. I'd say Test Track and Mission Space both have less theming then the earlier rides. Don't diss Universal, becuase it seems Disney has started to use TVs to tell a story too. Test Track has TVs in the queue, the preshow video, in the car, and the ride itself (Back To The Future did this same thing). Then again, Epcot never really had elaborate queues, they were mostly just big open rooms (which I'll take the early 90s EPCOT over the current Epcot anyday). The good days of EPCOT are nearly over for me, the future of the place is grim in my eyes.

Bad news but the families of the 80's are gone and the future isn't of singing live-stock and bad Small World re-makes. Have you ridden M:S yet? Huh?


Well-Known Member
Brer Stitch!!!!!!

Brer Stitch,

Great post. My wife loved it so much she made me come over and read it. I feel the same way! LOL

Although, being a native NY from Long Islander, I don't feel Buffalo is really part of NY, but part of Canada!!!!!!


New Member

Sorry about ing any of you off, but i was just noting that maybe they intend for all of these details on this ride to be exactly the way they are; that's all that i was trying to get across...


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
shhh with the dirty wordies... the kids are trying to sleep... ______________ ay!


Well-Known Member
About the quality of queues...Here's my guesses as why they aren't as "cool" anymore....

1. Costs. I think that, especially in these times, we should just be happy the dang attraction is actually opening! Disney isn't spending like they used to, so I think it is just fine seeing as Disney is also gonig to be spending money on future attractions like E:E, Philharmagic, and teh new Stunt Show at MGM (supposedly). In my opinion, I think it is ok for Disney to skip on the over the top themed queues and focus speding on the main attraction.

2. I think TVs can help enhance the story and set up your objective just as well as anything else.

3. Lets face it, the average guest doesn't really care about the waiting line. Most people are usually talking in line anyways or just extreemly anxious to get on. I mean, I think the whole "super themed" queues main examples are in TOT and Splash Mountain (and some others from the early 90s or late 80s), and that is when they could through money around as much as they wanted. They probably did this and said, "wow, this is cool! Why didn't we do more of this kind of theming earlier??" Then later they probably said, "well, its cool, but no one seems to really care..." I mean, I think those queues are awesome, but looking at things realistically, most people might not, so why waste the money on it?

Still, I think it shouldnt be that costly to make a few cheap props here and there for a queue. I think of Spiderman's queue at IOA, and that does an excellent job with what looks like a few not hard to make props and a lot of different video screens.

ucf disneyfan

New Member
WHAT IS GOING ON TODAY??? Has anyone been to Universal lately? The themeing can't compare to Disney!!! They took an outdated ride and just changed to movie for it and it still seems outdated. Disney is constantly building fresh rides. TT and M:S might not be the most thrilling rides, but they are ONE OF A KIND. Where else in the world can you ride a TT type ride? NOWHERE! And where else can you ride a Space Simulator where you feel like you are actually sitting in a space pod and Gravity is pulling the skin off your face? NOWHERE! I think Disney is doing better than ever with their rides. The TT queue has TV's because it's what fit the ride. What else would you put in there to make it better? And I found nothing wrong with the theming of M:S. One comment I made when I came off the ride was how I could tell that every last dollar was spent on it. When will Disneys budget be enough? They spend over $100 million on one ride when Universal spends a quarter of that. Disney could have easily built 4 Universal type rides, but instead they built what I think is one of the most groundbreaking rides ever.

Thats just my 2 cents.:)

Sorry for the rant. I'm not trying to PO anyone.


Well-Known Member
Re: Brer Stitch!!!!!!

Originally posted by KevinPage
Brer Stitch,

Great post. My wife loved it so much she made me come over and read it. I feel the same way! LOL

Although, being a native NY from Long Islander, I don't feel Buffalo is really part of NY, but part of Canada!!!!!!


Thanks for the support KEVINPAGE!!! :wave:
It's not usually like me to have to try to be the voice of reason! :lol:

Now on to this Canada thing, eh? :lookaroun

We voted Lawn Guyland out of the Union years ago!
That's why they all moved south! :lol:

Ironically....I'm on my way over the border right now! :lookaroun



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