Mission: Space - Popularity Downturn


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with some people here...M:S was a little bit of a let down for me. I was pretty excited after hearing how intense and cutting edge this ride was. The lift off was wonderful...but then it's just another simmulator ride. It's definately not a bad ride but it doesn't have much re-ride value to me. I rode it once my last trip and that was that.

Maybe the large capacity AND a low re-ride value combined are part of what leaves it with such short lines.


Connor002 said:
yes, i was realy dissapointed, i'm afraid of practicly every thrill rise, and i felt brave going on it, but in the ride, i couldn't help thinking-"This is it?"- then i looked over to see my cousin looking like he was going to lose his breakfask, which is very strang because he's one of those thrill-seeker kind of person

it was cool, but i expected more

It could be that he is more prone to motion sickness. I LOVE roller coasters of all levels, but I have noticed that recently my tolerance for spinning is drastically reduced and I find that on heavy spin rides I get a little motion sickness. I experienced this on MS a little and I have even had problems on teacups recently, but I have no issues on roller coasters. Just one theory.


New Member
Too intense?

Hi there, I'm 37 and I love Theme parks. I have a question, if on Men in Black (on Universal) I get dizzy with only 4 rounds do you think I can go on MIS?

Also: What is like on the parks on November? Did it rain on those months? is it cold?


Dave :slurp:


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
My big issue wasn't the length as much as the intensity. All I had heard was that this was the most intense Disney attraction ever and things of that sort. On about the 20th time I rode M:S, during the entire attraction I leaned forward, looked to the right, and closed my eyes. And it didn't bother me in the least. Either I have a high threshold for thrill rides or it really isn't that intense at all. Maybe it's a little of both :)

These kind of "experiments" are what sometimes cause the news stories we hear...if they tell you NOT TO DO IT, it's for a reason...why risk it?


Well-Known Member
"Intense" is a pretty subjective term.

I found RnR and Tot to be more "intense" experiences. They delivered more thrills and more fun. But neither one made me nauseous. M:S defilitely had a higher queasiness quotiant.

I liked M:S as a one-time experience. I don't think I'll ever feel the need to ride it again and I know my wife won't.


New Member
MS safe to ride

This past March I roder MS with my family. I do usually get quite sick after riding spinning rides. I decided I'd "suck" it up and ride, as I didn't want to spoil the party for the rest of the family. I managed to get through the ride, did not get violently ill, but will NOT ride MS again, as I did not feel well the rest of the day. On the signs, it's posted that if you have NEVER experienced motion sickness you very well MAY. My family, excluding me, thinks it's the best! I do think it's a safe ride, just ride with common sense (not sure if I did) but I managed!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Capacity aside, I'm sure recent events might prevent some people from going on M:S. There are always those who need a tremendous amount of coaxing before going on a thrill ride for the first time, and hearing news that tragic will automatically put the ride in the column of "Never ever EVER" for many of those people. Especially because the ride is so new, there will be a concern that something important was missed. Maybe the ride effects people who just had exactly 12 ounces of soda 13 minutes prior while chewing strawberry-flavored Bubble Yum, and that could be me! I know it sounds facetious, but it is along the lines of how some people think, and until/unless they know exactly what happened to that unfortunate child so they know they are not at risk, there's no way many people of that type of mindset will ride.

Whereas, with ToT this week, the ride has been around so long, and with so few incidents, something like the young girl who (possibly?) had a brain aneurysm (thanks, spell check!) seems like an even more remote possibility. Hell, at this point, I'd think 95% of all people on that ride are repeaters. It has the advantage of a history behind it that M:S right now does not.

So I'd say the accident plays a part, but it's not the only reason why lines at M:S are shorter.


Well-Known Member
The major reason I have no desire to ride Mission Space is the fact that after riding it once or twice, the ride isn't much fun. I think the concept is great the first time around, but after a few times around it becomes stale and uniuteresting. Plus the slight feeling of nausea is not worth it for me. When I finally return to epcot in September I will be more excited to ride Soarin and Test Track!!!! :sohappy:


Premium Member
We were down there over the 4th too and were surprised at the wait times for MS. We loved MS though. But we expected wait times to be super long for MS so we went there first. Looking back we wish we would have went to Soarin' first because the wait times for that were horendous, the shortest wait we saw was 1 hour and 20 min, and longest 2hrs! Soarin is a cool ride but not worth the 2 hour wait.


Well-Known Member
objr said:
These kind of "experiments" are what sometimes cause the news stories we hear...if they tell you NOT TO DO IT, it's for a reason...why risk it?

You're not dealing with a Disney rookie here :lol: I was VERY familiar with the ride and I had talked to a CM about it beforehand. All the guy said is that you can tell that you are actually spinning and that is true. Remember this was about the 20th time I had been on it and I It was a very unique experience.

It's also neat to close your eyes on the Hulk coaster over at IOA. Even though I know the track completely (Ride it 75 times and see if you have any trouble memorizing it ;) ), it was still neat.

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