Mission: Space - Popularity Downturn


New Member
imagineer boy said:
Um, no it doesn't. Its perfectly safe unless you have pre-existing conditions which is why those people died on those rides. And it IS a fun ride.

And, there's no such word as "de-tuning"

imho they need to kick it up a notch, to me M:S is boring and not worht the 5 minute wait


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
ive seen teenage tough-guys with tattoos that talk all tough chicken out for this because of the warnings

Exactly. And those are probably the same people that would walk out of the attraction and say the same thing I said when I first rode it: "That's it?"

Don't get me wrong I liked it then and I like it more now, but come on. The launch at the RNRC is much more intense, IMO. Even if it does last only a short time.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
Exactly. And those are probably the same people that would walk out of the attraction and say the same thing I said when I first rode it: "That's it?"

My exact reaction first time. :lol: I enjoyed it, and thought it was fun, but it was a little short.


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
Exactly. And those are probably the same people that would walk out of the attraction and say the same thing I said when I first rode it: "That's it?"

Don't get me wrong I liked it then and I like it more now, but come on. The launch at the RNRC is much more intense, IMO. Even if it does last only a short time.

M:S is not a thrill ride inho, and i wish it was'nt branded as such.


Well-Known Member
MissionSpaceFan said:
My exact reaction first time. :lol: I enjoyed it, and thought it was fun, but it was a little short.

My big issue wasn't the length as much as the intensity. All I had heard was that this was the most intense Disney attraction ever and things of that sort. On about the 20th time I rode M:S, during the entire attraction I leaned forward, looked to the right, and closed my eyes. And it didn't bother me in the least. Either I have a high threshold for thrill rides or it really isn't that intense at all. Maybe it's a little of both :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by speck76
I think business is down....around 7/4, it had a 5 minute wait, while Soarin and Test Track were 90+ minutes....

When we rode, the two of us got our own capsule, and the capsule next to ours had only 1 person in it....

It is too bad, it is a fun and safe ride

yes, i was realy dissapointed, i'm afraid of practicly every thrill rise, and i felt brave going on it, but in the ride, i couldn't help thinking-"This is it?"- then i looked over to see my cousin looking like he was going to lose his breakfask, which is very strang because he's one of those thrill-seeker kind of person

it was cool, but i expected more


Active Member
by the way, i can't belive that the lines are so short

when we were there over easter the standby line was over two hours, and the line just to get a fastpass was over an hour


Active Member
dxwwf3 said:
My big issue wasn't the length as much as the intensity. All I had heard was that this was the most intense Disney attraction ever and things of that sort.

So if this isn't the most intense Disney attraction, what is in your opinion? I've ridden all the coasters at places like Cedar Point (minus Dragster), Knott's, several Six Flags, the Busch Parks, etc and was surprised by how sustained the G's are on M:S. No coaster comes close when it comes to how long you feel the high G's for. I do think the warnings keep a lot of people off the ride that would wind up enjoying it, but I'm fine with the short lines myself. I'm sure Disney doesn't appreciate it when they spend 100 million on it though.


New Member
I actually like the fact that waits are shorter. Less time to get on. That ride nauseated me so much, but it's my favorite ride, after Soarin that is.


Well-Known Member
Rotel1026 said:
So if this isn't the most intense Disney attraction, what is in your opinion? I've ridden all the coasters at places like Cedar Point (minus Dragster), Knott's, several Six Flags, the Busch Parks, etc and was surprised by how sustained the G's are on M:S. No coaster comes close when it comes to how long you feel the high G's for. I do think the warnings keep a lot of people off the ride that would wind up enjoying it, but I'm fine with the short lines myself. I'm sure Disney doesn't appreciate it when they spend 100 million on it though.

I think that the drops on ToT are more intense and, of course, the launch on the RNRC. And I would even say that Body Wars and Dinosaur are rougher, though not nearly as "intense".

Yeah I'm fine with the short lines too, but I won't be fine with them if they bring downgrades to M:S.


Well-Known Member
hunterfalcon said:
Wait, they're gonna DOWNGRADE MS? Why?

No, no, no! :lol:

I ment that I hope that the attendence at M:S doesn't get so low to where Disney takes drastic measures to bump up attendence. Don't worry, I seriously doubt it will happen.
I agree, M:S can be a little boring, they should make a couple different videos to go along with the ride. The warnings make it out to be so much more than what it is. I go on it a few times every trip though, hoping to go on it with new riders.. It's so much fun to look at their faces and listen to their responces when they hear the warnings then once the ride ends hear them say "What, that's it? What about all those warning signs?"

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Im sure that when we went not long after it opened MS had shorter waits than TT. Perhaps people are finding it too much of an "experience" rather than a thrill or show that can be repeated.

A ride that I dont really care about but my good lady loves.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Everyone has failed to mention that M:S was designed as a huge line eater. It has a very high capacity (Or at least that's what I've been told) and gets people in and out at a very fast rate.

Yeah that would be my thinking too...plus, with the opening of Soarin' the lines should be even shorter now...better for me I guess...short wait...


(And if this ride gets old fast...the video could always be changed...etc..)


Well-Known Member
Goofy4WDW said:
I was there in mid-May and the wait time for Mission: Space was consistantly shorter than Test Track and Soarin'.
Well, there are two reasons for that. One M:S has a much higher capacity than Test Track, and slightly higher capacity than Soarin. Plus Soarin is still extremely popular due to its new-ness. Also many more people are able and willing to ride Soarin and Test Track than M:S.


New Member
peter11435 said:
Well, there are two reasons for that. One M:S has a much higher capacity than Test Track, and slightly higher capacity than Soarin. Plus Soarin is still extremely popular due to its new-ness. Also many more people are able and willing to ride Soarin and Test Track than M:S.

Oh, I agree.


New Member
Looks like Peter already beat me to it. Capacity is the only reason why the queue wait times are different, not popularity.

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