Miserable CMs?! - My Experiences


Well-Known Member
He is pretty abrasive. Just add him to your ignore list. I did and things got A LOT less combative. :)
Wait just a freaking minute. I did no such thing. Tell me where I said anything abrasive or even contradictional. I simply agreed and now somehow that makes me a bad guy once again to those that enjoy standing in judgement of others. The response I got sounded like an attack which is why I asked what I said to make that response happen. (No response yet) I didn't get nasty, I just originally responded to a post that interested me. I didn't even know who posted it until is saw that follow up post. Are we not to comment on a discussion board?

I don't really care how many of you put me on the ignore list because frankly I have absolutely no interest in being stalked or even communicating with the self appointed cool kids whose opinion I have absolutely no respect for. I also won't sit here and be attacked for something I didn't do because of narrow minded closed off opinions. So if you have me on ignore, I guess you won't be part of this particular discussion. You folks are right though because every once in a while I have all I can take of childish whining, incorrect assumptions and the general condescending, obnoxious and parochial passive aggressiveness toward the people who they perceive, erroneously, to be inferior to themselves. We get enough of that in our everyday lives lately.

This post was intentionally abrasive so everyone can tell the difference.
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Well-Known Member
Being rude to a guest is never acceptable, however CM's are human too. In my daily experience of been there done that after a few guest giving you a hard time you can only suck up so much. Many guest will complain about how they paid good money to be there blah blah. The fact is everyone paid good money to be there! Some feel entitled to special treatment because they paid a lot of money, again everyone paid a lot of money. The issue I run into on a daily basis is safety! Some people get very angry because we won't allow their sleeping child to stay in the stroller on the bus. First it's a DOT regulation and every bus has a sign stating that. Second if I slam on the brakes and your child goes flying, your still going to blame me! It's a lose lose situation. I'm not trying to be mean I just don't care to risk my job or my CDL because your child is sleeping as your leaving the park at 12:30 am. Maybe getting them back to the room four hours ago would have been better for you. This scenario can play over and over many times in one evening, it gets old fast. It's not my rules or Disney's it's the law and my license is in play here, sorry. No one is willing to take responsibility for their own bad judgment they want to blame someone else for the outcome.
Ok...... I'm done! 😂
Very well said, and very true!


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Well, we just got back and I'm happy to point out that we didn't see anything like a disgruntled or miserable CM while we were at the resorts, en route to the parks, at the parks, or in Disney Springs. Everyone we interacted with was cheerful and helpful.

One security CM was what I'd call neutral when we were entering the CSR parking lot the first time, but after that, it was happy, shining people all around.


Well-Known Member
Well, we just got back and I'm happy to point out that we didn't see anything like a disgruntled or miserable CM while we were at the resorts, en route to the parks, at the parks, or in Disney Springs. Everyone we interacted with was cheerful and helpful.

One security CM was what I'd call neutral when we were entering the CSR parking lot the first time, but after that, it was happy, shining people all around.
I had one security CM said he was going to have to confiscate my pre-packaged ham sandwich because he said he was hungry.:hilarious:


Well-Known Member
I hear you. I've seen too many rude guest to count, and encounter rude drivers every day - to say the least.

However, don't you think WDW's policies are a tiny bit to blame for their customer's anxiety? Even if we set aside the significant price hikes for a moment, and just consider the way WDW now pushes guests towards a rigid schedule, here's what we get:

In the past, if we missed a FP, it was no big deal. Once, the system was forgiving. If I (just) missed a bus from my resort, and we had to wait an extra half hour past our FP, it was no big deal. Even when we were (later) held more strictly to the printed FP time window, it was still not that big of a deal to miss one, because obtaining FP was easy. We hadn't invested much in getting one.

These days, FP are more high stakes. A FP is something I booked well before my vacation even started. The anticipation of using my fastpass has building for over a month! The kids have been dreaming and doing all their chores! If I miss my ADR, I'm charged $10 a head. For a party of 5 people, that's $50! Ouch!

So when I hear someone complain about how much their WDW "cost," I hear MORE than a comment about money. That family planned, and dreamt, and made sacrifices to be at WDW. I get a little Langston Hughes, "What happens to a dream deferred?"
I feel your pain and would not dispute it because in fact your right! But as we all know the rules go into affect out of reaction to a ongoing problem. Like a dinner reservation I would have to say that for the most part people look forward to thier dinner reservations and keep them. The flip side is before the $10 a head issue some people would just not show up or call to cancel. So a table stayed empty that someone else could have enjoyed. Solution: $10 penalty. And if you see both sides of it like we do , you get it. Unfortunately the ones who play by the rules get punished for the actions of the ones who couldn't care less!

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
Wait just a freaking minute. I did no such thing. Tell me where I said anything abrasive or even contradictional. I simple agreed and now somehow that makes me a bad guy once again to those that enjoy standing in judgement of others. The response I got sounded like an attack which is why I asked what I said to make that response happen. (No response yet) I didn't get nasty, I just originally responded to a post that interested me. I didn't even know who posted it until is saw that follow up post. Are we not to comment on a discussion board?

I don't really care how many of you put me on the ignore list because frankly I have absolutely no interest in being stalked or even communicating with the self appointed cool kids whose opinion I have absolutely no respect for. I also won't sit here and be attacked for something I didn't do because of narrow minded closed off opinions. This post was intentionally abrasive so everyone can tell the difference. So if you have me on ignore, I guess you won't be part of this particular discussion. You folks are right though because every once in a while I have all I can take of childish whining, incorrect assumptions and the general condescending, obnoxious and parochial passive aggressiveness toward the people who they perceive, incorrectly, I might add, to be inferior to themselves. We get enough of that in our everyday lives lately.
Tell it all brotha!

It's been a minute....how's life treating you?

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
I feel your pain and would not dispute it because in fact your right! But as we all know the rules go into affect out of reaction to a ongoing problem. Like a dinner reservation I would have to say that for the most part people look forward to thier dinner reservations and keep them. The flip side is before the $10 a head issue some people would just not show up or call to cancel. So a table stayed empty that someone else could have enjoyed. Solution: $10 penalty. And if you see both sides of it like we do , you get it. Unfortunately the ones who play by the rules get punished for the actions of the ones who couldn't care less!
Not sure I follow......it is okay to charge the $10 for a no-show? I believe it is and don't have an issue with the policy.

What I'm not sure about is your last sentence "Unfortunately the ones who play by the rules get punished for the actions of the ones who couldn't care less".....not sure what you mean by that? Are people that show up on time for their reservations getting punished? Or is the punishment the threat of the $10 fee for no showing?

Don't misinterpret this as I'm curious to what you were agreeing......


Well-Known Member
Not sure I follow......it is okay to charge the $10 for a no-show? I believe it is and don't have an issue with the policy.

What I'm not sure about is your last sentence "Unfortunately the ones who play by the rules get punished for the actions of the ones who couldn't care less".....not sure what you mean by that? Are people that show up on time for their reservations getting punished? Or is the punishment the threat of the $10 fee for no showing?

Don't misinterpret this as I'm curious to what you were agreeing......
To put it in other words the ones who play by the rules have to live with the threat of the charge. To elaborate all rules in general can trace there roots to controlling behavior to make things fair for all. Same for FP in how it has become strict on time, it's because people would just show up whenever and it really wasn't FP anymore. So they had to make the time more ridged. People love to blame Disney but at the same time Disney has had their fare share of PR messes that were self inflicted.


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
To put it in other words the ones who play by the rules have to live with the threat of the charge. To elaborate all rules in general can trace there roots to controlling behavior to make things fair for all. Same for FP in how it has become strict on time, it's because people would just show up whenever and it really wasn't FP anymore. So they had to make the time more ridged. People love to blame Disney but at the same time Disney has had their fare share of PR messes that were self inflicted.
Case in point. We were at AK Weds afternoon, feeling the heat and really not in a mood for a large dinner. Tried calling to see if we could move our ADR time, but were told there wasn't any availability. Tried asking if we could cancel, and we were told "Sure, but it's $10 bucks a head."

So we had to re-wicker our entire afternoon and find some cool place to sit it out until our ADR time, so we could recover enough appetite to eat.

Learned two things -- (a) there aren't all that many cool places to just hang out at AK, and (b) if you have a Landry's Select card, USE IT!

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
To put it in other words the ones who play by the rules have to live with the threat of the charge. To elaborate all rules in general can trace there roots to controlling behavior to make things fair for all. Same for FP in how it has become strict on time, it's because people would just show up whenever and it really wasn't FP anymore. So they had to make the time more ridged. People love to blame Disney but at the same time Disney has had their fare share of PR messes that were self inflicted.
Got it....and love your take. Will add the predicament the CMs are put in when someone shows up late for a FP and complains when they are not allowed to ride!


Well-Known Member
Case in point. We were at AK Weds afternoon, feeling the heat and really not in a mood for a large dinner. Tried calling to see if we could move our ADR time, but were told there wasn't any availability. Tried asking if we could cancel, and we were told "Sure, but it's $10 bucks a head."

So we had to re-wicker our entire afternoon and find some cool place to sit it out until our ADR time, so we could recover enough appetite to eat.

Learned two things -- (a) there aren't all that many cool places to just hang out at AK, and (b) if you have a Landry's Select card, USE IT!
So in that case you felt forced to stick it out or pay the penalty..... good point😊


Well-Known Member
Case in point. We were at AK Weds afternoon, feeling the heat and really not in a mood for a large dinner. Tried calling to see if we could move our ADR time, but were told there wasn't any availability. Tried asking if we could cancel, and we were told "Sure, but it's $10 bucks a head."

So we had to re-wicker our entire afternoon and find some cool place to sit it out until our ADR time, so we could recover enough appetite to eat.

Learned two things -- (a) there aren't all that many cool places to just hang out at AK, and (b) if you have a Landry's Select card, USE IT!
1. I feel for you. We try to avoid going during the heat but you just can't predict the weather. I remember going in late November and having to buy warmer clothes for the opposite problem.
2. How am I supposed to use my Landry's Select Card? I feel like I'm missing out on a benefit...

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
Case in point. We were at AK Weds afternoon, feeling the heat and really not in a mood for a large dinner. Tried calling to see if we could move our ADR time, but were told there wasn't any availability. Tried asking if we could cancel, and we were told "Sure, but it's $10 bucks a head."

So we had to re-wicker our entire afternoon and find some cool place to sit it out until our ADR time, so we could recover enough appetite to eat.

Learned two things -- (a) there aren't all that many cool places to just hang out at AK, and (b) if you have a Landry's Select card, USE IT!
Any reason why you didn't go direct to Y & Y and ask? Most of the managers are accommodating to cancel, or even let you eat early. If they let you eat early, you might have to sit waiting on a table for a while, and thus cool off anyhow. Not wanting a heavy meal, eat an appetizer, or if (I shutter) you are on the dining plan, to just use snack credits....I assume you were not on teh Dining Plan if you were using a Landry's Card
So in that case you felt forced to stick it out or pay the penalty..... good point😊
Again, not sure I'm following. Weighed the options and it was worth $10 to stay? I assume they were aware of the penalty?
1. I feel for you. We try to avoid going during the heat but you just can't predict the weather. I remember going in late November and having to buy warmer clothes for the opposite problem.
2. How am I supposed to use my Landry's Select Card? I feel like I'm missing out on a benefit...
I don't get the benefit here either....points accumulate and uh.......don't get how it helped with trying to pass on a ressie?

The Landry's card used to have a fee, and at the time of registration, you would receive a credit that equaled the fee. Not sure if that is the case anymore, or if you get a discount (AP Discount was higher at Y & Y), but I do recall you HAVE to have the card with you at all transactions.....


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
We were across the park when we called. As it is, we showed up a half-hour early for our ADR, and got a cranked eyebrow, then let slip that we had a Landry's card, and were instantly elevated to honored guest status, checked-in, and seated in less than 5 minutes instead of being told we'd have to wait half-an-hour.

I won't bother making ADRs there again. I'll just use the Landry's Select Card as my key to good food.

Dad 2 M & M

Well-Known Member
We were across the park when we called. As it is, we showed up a half-hour early for our ADR, and got a cranked eyebrow, then let slip that we had a Landry's card, and were instantly elevated to honored guest status, checked-in, and seated in less than 5 minutes instead of being told we'd have to wait half-an-hour.

I won't bother making ADRs there again. I'll just use the Landry's Select Card as my key to good food.

But the 30 min wait would have benefited you, maybe? To paraphrase your earlier post "to cool off and reclaim your appetite"?

Surprising as Y & Y is one of the easier ressies (along with Marrakesh) to capture, and we have never been shut out when walking up. We walked up last Wednesday evening and were seated within 10-15 mins.

Sorry/miffed/perplexed you had the issue, especially during the slow season. We were there parts of the past two weeks and enjoyed the sparse crowds....Y & Y and with Marrekesh are hidden gems and are among our favs in the World!!

Glad to see the card is working on your behalf.....


I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
But the 30 min wait would have benefited you, maybe? To paraphrase your earlier post "to cool off and reclaim your appetite"?

Surprising as Y & Y is one of the easier ressies (along with Marrakesh) to capture, and we have never been shut out when walking up. We walked up last Wednesday evening and were seated within 10-15 mins.

Sorry/miffed/perplexed you had the issue, especially during the slow season. We were there parts of the past two weeks and enjoyed the sparse crowds....Y & Y and with Marrekesh are hidden gems and are among our favs in the World!!

Glad to see the card is working on your behalf.....
We did the wait in a (relatively) cool spot before we showed up 30 minutes early. When we got there, we could eat. And as I've said in my "not-a-trip-report," the parks weren't Spring Break packed, but the walkways were busy... busier than I'd normally expect during a warmer than usual late September. I was very surprised when we couldn't move our dinner forward, too.

Maybe word is getting out about those Ahi Tuna Nachos... yum!


Cajun Transplant
Only one snot so great run in with a cast member but in 2014 my Wife Son and I were in Animal kingdom and were right by the Dinosaur ride I asked a CM (Jose) where I could refill my hydration pack. He brought me to a spot then asked "How would y'all like to see Dinosaur as a VIP" He brought us in got us seated and when we got off the ride he was waiting with a ride photo printed out for us he was great. The next year in the same park we saw Jose again and he remembered us and brought us into Finding Nemo. He did not know us from Adam but this is the the way the CM'S are always gracious and helpful and why I keep going back

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