Interesting that you take this stance yet only choose to focus a majority of your angst in my direction. I believe that if you were truely concerned with the quality of post that your criticisms of style would be spread more judiciously amongst the members of this board.
Dont think I said you were solely to blame did I?
Again if you feel that my posting style or content does not conform to the rules of the forum, please, I invite you to use the reporting feature.
What victim card did I play, Pumbas? You randomly latch on to posters and pick at them for a few weeks until you get tired and move on to a new target. It's something that has happened to me and I have watched happen to other members. It's what I've observed you doing. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no victim here, nor have you posted anything I consider reportable.
You accuse me of latching on and picking at people, then say I do nothing reportable, at least I have stated why I find some of your posts beligerant. And If I remember correctly its the aggresive wording and dismisive nature of your posts that drew me to comment initially.
Good thing we have you around to point that out for everyone.
But you seem to feel the need to point out for folk that the net promotes negativity and shouldnt be believed?
I'm done responding to you Pumbas until we have this same conversation again in a few weeks.
No we wont as I dont think Ill be wating park time to talk to no marks.