Millionaire to be closed and Replaced w/ ride.


Well-Known Member
I don't know the particulars of this rumored ride but I will say that it is welcome news. There is a lot of empty or misused space in MGM (Sounds Dangerous, WWTBAM, and the sound stages that I don't think are used much (if at all)).

It should be interesting what they announce when the time comes. I have a lot of faith in John Lasseter. I think the days of building "on the cheap" are over. And that, my friends, is GREAT news :)


Well-Known Member
As someone who won the entire thing back in 2002 (I was #29) I'll be sad to see it go, but it hasn't been drawing the crowds it used to for at least the last 2 years. I still think that there's a place for a similar type of attraction with guest interactivity and the ability to win some great prizes (the grand prize was a trip to NY and a chance to meet Regis when I won back then). I hope they don't turn it into a dark ride.


If this is true it's great news. Not only will it replace a blah attraction, but it will give MGM something I think it's been lacking; a family ride. Sure there's good shows that families can experience together, but not many rides. ToT, RnR, and Star Tours are all thrill rides. Maybe this will be the good family ride for MGM.


New Member

See, I'm 17 and I just went to Disney in late April, and got on the number 1 slot in the leader board 3 times, but the reason why I didn't get in the hot seat was because I either missed 1 question, or time ran out. Yes, I do admit it can be difficult, but I always thought it was fun to play.

Well, maybe if this "Midway Mania" game has prizes at the end, it might be a good idea. Personally... I know that Midway games are games that people interact with, like the basketball shoot, or the ladder climb, etc. and then win a prize. Perhaps this is planned to be the BIGGEST Midway game ever played, and you win cool prizes based on your score?


Well-Known Member
IcicleM said:
See, I'm 17 and I just went to Disney in late April, and got on the number 1 slot in the leader board 3 times, but the reason why I didn't get in the hot seat was because I either missed 1 question, or time ran out. Yes, I do admit it can be difficult, but I always thought it was fun to play.

Well, maybe if this "Midway Mania" game has prizes at the end, it might be a good idea. Personally... I know that Midway games are games that people interact with, like the basketball shoot, or the ladder climb, etc. and then win a prize. Perhaps this is planned to be the BIGGEST Midway game ever played, and you win cool prizes based on your score?
I doubt that...and I doubt it will keep the name "Midway Mania." That works for DCA b/c it is going into Paradise Pier but it would be nonsense back on Mickey Ave. I would expect it to be something that is interactive online and online players can win virtual prizes--that seems to be how Disney has been going w/ rides like this recently.


New Member
I'd be sad to see either Who Wants to be a Millionaire or Sounds Dangerous! go. As mentioned before, there are plenty of underutilized areas in this Park where they could put a new attraction. Get rid of that Narnia thing, for example. That was the biggest waste of 20 minutes (including wait time) next to Lights! Motors! Action! I encountered last week. Maybe they should just rethink that whole back area in general. Give us a real backlot tour, get rid of LMA (I know, it's new. It isn't going anywhere), abandon the silly Narnia set, and put in a couple new ride-style attractions like the one rumored in this thread.
Maybe I just have an affinity for Millionaire because I have been in the hot seat a few times. My only real complaint about it is the length. Maybe if it were half as long and a little more fast-paced. I'm more upset that they took it out of California Adventure and have yet to replace it with something.
As for Sounds Dangerous!, I enjoy the show itself. It could use a little TLC, as the headphones looked a bit ragged, but I always enjoy the show. My biggest beef is the post-show area with Soundsations and such. Everything is so outdated in there. It looks as if they're still using laserdisc technology for the sing-alongs and such. Yikes.


I didn't care to much for Millionaire, but honestly I love Sounds dangerous, it's cute and fun...and i can't remember my trips to Disney ever being complete without it! It's a little bit of entertainment for everyone, and can't hurt to stay in MGM just a little bit longer. I'm all for MGM growing, I think it needs a great deal more in the way of attractions and such. But at least let them keep that tacky funny little place for me to rest my feet. I'd hate to ever lose my cooldown spots! ( Muppets 3-D and Sound Dangerous) :snore:

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
KrazyKemp said:
While I agree that Sounds Dangerous isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread, I'm pretty sure that it still brings in crowds. (Especially after a showing of the Indiana Jones Stunt Show) and hundreds of people get in line for it.

I don't believe I have ever seen Millionaire as unpopular as it is right now...they will more than likely close this attraction, bring in this new "Midway Mania" ride and then consider other possibilites for the park.

As it has been stated, Disney Studios is now the "half day" park...and a great new E-Ticket ride would do it.

I just don't see one coming in the next few years...especially any form of an Indiana Jones ride.

IMHO of course.
I always see it packed. Now grant it, I'm not there everyday. Could it be it's MGM that's not popular instead of the attraction?

I think there was 10 people in Sound Dangerous the last time there. And a CM was standing outside telling everyone it was open and to come in.

Unless it Star Wars weekend, it hardly ever full. Everyone seems to be around TOT and RnR.

Computer Magic

Well-Known Member
CThaddeus said:
Get rid of that Narnia thing, for example. That was the biggest waste of 20 minutes (including wait time) next to Lights! Motors! Action! I encountered last week. Maybe they should just rethink that whole back area in general. Give us a real backlot tour, get rid of LMA (I know, it's new. It isn't going anywhere), abandon the silly Narnia set, and put in a couple new ride-style attractions like the one rumored in this thread.
I totally agree the above. The Narnia thing was a joke. I spend more time walking around trying to find something to do. I spend most of my time at ToT and RnR.


Well-Known Member
I would rather see Sounds Dangerously go first than WWTBM
What area is larger, the Space Sounds Dangerously or WWTBM


brisem said:
I would rather see Sounds Dangerously go first than WWTBM

I agree.....thankfully Disney/ABC doesnt own "Deal or No Deal" or we would have another tie-in! It would be fun for awhile but then lose its attraction just like the tv show.

I can think of only 3 games shows that have really stood the test of time...

1. Wheel of Fortune
2. Jeopardy
3. Price is Right
and maybe Family Fued...


Well-Known Member
YES! I have always wanted to see WWTBAM: Play It get replaced with some sort of ride experience. I hope this comes true very badly. And even if the ride isn't all that great, I guarantee I'll like it better than Millionare.


New Member
I know this attraction is coming to MGM, but it will certainly not replace millionaire. The name it will recieve is Woody's Roundup and it will be built in the backlot making use of the Al's Toy Barn Facade. The proposed storyline has you saving the toys from Al of Al's toy barn. Millionaire will still close before the beginning of the 35th anniversary, likely early september or closer to the Nemo Atrractions openings.


Hmmm....seems like someone around here has been posting much of this info on these boards for a while now...except for the part about it going into the Millionaire building.
Wonder who it was?



Well-Known Member
Teenchy said:
I agree.....thankfully Disney/ABC doesnt own "Deal or No Deal" or we would have another tie-in! It would be fun for awhile but then lose its attraction just like the tv show.

I can think of only 3 games shows that have really stood the test of time...

1. Wheel of Fortune
2. Jeopardy
3. Price is Right
and maybe Family Fued...
I live about 30 minutes away from Atlantic City, and a bunch of casino's have done The Price Is Right live stage shows, and they were immensly popular, as the whole audience get's to participate. They had 3-4 shows a day, and they all filled up (and that was at $30 a ticket to boot!)
I think they could put a ride in another empty place in the park, and maybe put in another game-show type attraction in Millionaire.


Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Hmmm....seems like someone around here has been posting much of this info on these boards for a while now...except for the part about it going into the Millionaire building.
Wonder who it was?


I don't know, who was it? :lookaroun

:lol: :wave:


New Member
Teenchy said:
I agree.....thankfully Disney/ABC doesnt own "Deal or No Deal" or we would have another tie-in! It would be fun for awhile but then lose its attraction just like the tv show.

I can think of only 3 games shows that have really stood the test of time...

1. Wheel of Fortune
2. Jeopardy
3. Price is Right
and maybe Family Fued...

the above quote is clearly coming from someone that never saw match game... the reruns on GSN are still the best game show on tv...

as far as the new attraction as much as i dont like that its so much like buzz, im sure as development goes on it will become its own entity... im really just glad to see the studios getting some attention i think its the park with the most potential and was once my favorite....

on the topic of unused space in the park... why did they get rid of the hunchback show? IMHO it was the best live show on property in its day... what is there now? anything?


Account Suspended
phillipsa9 said:
on the topic of unused space in the park... why did they get rid of the hunchback show? IMHO it was the best live show on property in its day... what is there now? anything?
I think Al's Toy Barn went in it's place. Not exactly sure. I heard it was closed because of the stage being unreliable and something about having too big of a cast.

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