Well, let's see, DCA is probably loosing Millionaire for The Much Anticipated West Coast Rock 'N Roller Coaster, right? Maybe. If there's one thing the Studios doesn't need it's another Stunt Show. 3 stunt shows, no matter what the tone of this rumored one, are definitely not needed. Power Rangers would be pretty stupid, and I think definitely meet a lot of controversy from the Disney fan community, we can swallow some non-disney products in the parks, but they have to be high quality productions, like Indy, Star Wars, and the Wizard of Oz. Keep the Power Rangers out. Kingdom Hearts, however, would be wicked cool. Anyway, in a perfect world, Millionaire would stay open and Armageddon would go into the unused Backlot Soundstage and the empty Doug Theater would be fixed up and Cinemagic from Walt Disney Studios Paris starring Martin Short would go in there. But until then, we'll wait and see what the Motor Stunt Show does for the Studios, and maybe more importantly, the infrastructure of the park.