New Member
chrisps said:I think that the millonalor show should stay becuse I like the show. I think that the show should be updated to super milloonair I wach that show when ever I have a change to. I think that the doug bulding should become a rollercoaster or a dark ride like a sping wild mouse in the dark themed to roger rabbit. I aslo think that the studieos needs a new ride someting relly thirlling like a wild rollercoaster with invesons something like rock r roller coaster or storm runner at hersheypark but in the dark themed to a simsonsons ride I love to wach the simsonsons and I hope that they get a new ride I like rock n roller coaster and the tower of terror. I have qustion about the tower of terror way is the tower at 199 feet tall and the drop only 130 feet?
Sorry to be off topic, but where in lancaster are you from?
On topic: I think before they close Millionaire at DCA, they need to do something with the empty SuperStar Limo building next door. That area of HSB will seem really empty with both attractions gone. IMHO