I agree, but the flip side - even more than the fact that she's really popular and making Disney a ton of dough - is that everywhere she goes at WDW is a potential risk. Some people just don't know how to control themselves around a "star," even a moderately-talented teenager with great P.R. and a body double. Some kids would freak out to see her, probably some adults too. Some might request an autograph or picture, some might not not even ask. Look, you've seen how some people act at character meals around Mickey Mouse. It might be easier, and less of a burden on Disney security, to let someone like her have "cutsies" rather than there be a security issue as people jump turnstiles or break line to try to get an autograph or a picture. Kinda sad that some people don't know how to behave, but they don't.
I remember making the same argument last year when they asked an old man to change his outfit or leave, because it was Christmas time, he was wearing a red t-shirt and black pants with suspenders, he had white hair and a long beard, and he was letting kids believe he was Santa. My argument at the time is, if he's not there working FOR Disney, he's creating an unnecessary burden on their security detail by making a scene, even if it's a "cute" scene. Some people might get carried away trying to get their kids close to Santa, and some oddballs might think Santa needs to be taken down a peg for not giving them their Battlestar Galactica playset back in 1979 (NO, not me, I'm over it, thank you). Not to mention, how potentially scarring might it be for those kids if this guy walked around the corner and smack dab into the "REAL" Santa Claus en route to a parade or photo op? And of course, there's always the off-chance that this guy could've said something really inappropriate/vulgar/anti-Semitic (maybe Santa doesn't like competition).
In THIS situation, I'd guess anyone who needed to know Cyrus was going to be there, did know, and the apporpriate steps were taken to ensure her time at attractions minimized anyone else's inconvenience, and that this was the easier approach.
Of course, if Hannah Montana just went as her REAL persona, nobody woud've known who she was, and we never would've known she was there. Really, that kid needs to use her head.