Miley Cryus- Not playing it Safe


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Original Poster
Miley Cryus Could not work at WDW because she plainly did not remember to put on a seatbelt! :lol: Just joking! I read this article...and I can't believe people these days!
Its a mother accusing Miley Cryus for being a bad role model because she didn't put a seatbelt on in her new concert movie!! Read the Article

Welcome back.... I saw the movie...ya it was in 3D and I completely missed that...are the part of the movie is hardly a minute long... most kids aren't even probably paying attention at that part! I think this is just looking into something that doesn't need to be made a big deal!

What do you all think do you think the mom was right and that it was necessary to state something...or does it not matter.:shrug:

I think I would be a bit more concern if they were doing drugs with their seatbelts on then doing nothing without their seatbelts on.:lookaroun


Wow, I think she has a bit too much time on her hand :dazzle: Maybe she's single? Or her husband's never around.. idk, stupid people.

Too bad I dont like Miley either :lol:



Active Member
Please note ... the only reason I'm even bothering to talk about this is that the OP asked for comments. Otherwise, I keep my big yap shut about the subject.

I am a cognitive therapist. I treat people who have acquired brain injuries. About half of the people who sustain brain injuries were in motor vehicle accidents. In my 18 years in this profession, I've never once treated someone who was wearing a seat belt at the time of their accident.

When you are in an accident at even a moderate speed, you are tossed around like a rag doll if you're not wearing a seatbelt. Many people are ejected from vehicles. At accident scenes, it's not uncommon for someone's empty shoes to remain on the floor -- the impact was so fast and so strong that they were knocked out of their tied shoes.

The effects of brain injury are devastating, heart breaking, and life-long. Beyond the visible physical injuries arethe devastating injuries to the brain that rob people of their "normal" lives -- the ability to think clearly, to speak, to function in society.

I provide treatment to individuals and their families in their homes, and it is truly heart breaking. One moment's bad decision to not wear a seat belt has led to needing someone else to provide care for the rest of their lives. They can't figure out how to shop for groceries, how to cook, how to pay a bill, how to do laundry, how to interact with people ....

It's much worse than all that, I'm just not finding the words right now, mailnly because I'm in a rush to get to work. Today I have to break the news to a 30-something-year-old that she'll never be able to drive again due to the severity of her brain injury (that she sustained in a car accident) -- she "looks" fine but her reaction time is too slow and she can't make judgments and decisions fast enough to safely operate a car. Her fiance left her after she emerged from her 2-month coma because she just wasn't the same as she was before her accident.

This beautiful, smart and vibrant career-oriented 20-something who was living the high life in her own place is now reduced to living with her parents for the rest of her life (and heaven knows what will happen as her parents age and eventually pass away). She can walk and talk and use the bathroom and have brief conversations with people and everything seems normal, but ask her to write a check, address/stamp an enveloipe, or microwave a frozen dinner and she just can't figure it out no matter how hard she tries.

All because she didn't buckle the seat belt in her Volvo a few minutes before another driver didn't see a stop sign.

So yes, I'll take exception to Miley Cyrus not wearing her seatbelt. She IS a role model. Kids DO emulate their idols.

I see the devasting effects of not wearing seatbelts. But I'm lucky ... I get to leave my patients' homes after a few hours of therapy. My patients and their families bear the burden for the rest of their lives, all because of a stupid seat belt.

Off my soapbox now ....

WDW Monorail

Well-Known Member
Maybe parents should be their own kid's role models? :shrug:

Maybe parents should take responsibility for their children's actions? :shrug:

Or is that too far-fetched? :shrug:


Maybe parents should be their own kid's role models? :shrug:

Maybe parents should take responsibility for their children's actions? :shrug:

Or is that too far-fetched? :shrug:

It's not too far-fetched, but still, kids want to be cool and sometimes (in their world) Mom and Dad don't cut it.

CleveRocks, thanks for your post. I'm big on seatbelts and would like to add something that most people don't think about- the danger you pose to someone else if not buckled in. I had a friend who ended up with a broken back after another friend behind her, who was not buckled in, flew into the back of her passenger seat.

From the article-

"It is the norm for characters in movies to not wear a seat belt."

...that has always driven me nuts.


Well-Known Member
I agree that seatbelts are so very important and Miley should have been wearing one. I am sure it wasn't intentional, not her concern. Her concerns were on her concert. With all of the negativity that surrounds so many other stars, it is refreshing to see a young starlet on the right track...not drinking, doing drugs or sleeping around. Whil I think a seatbelt should have been worn, ask a young girl what they remember from the movie and a seat belt will not bne the first thing that comes to mind. They are fixated on Miley, her music, her clothes and her in general.

I am not condoning her behavior but things could be worse. I am also sure that since the press is making this big news, she will indeed wear a seat belt in the future and make all right in the world. I have lost a pregnant friend from a car accident for not wearing her seatbelt so I know the effects, but I am sure Miley did not do it intentionally.

And yes, as a parent, it is our job to point out what she did wrong and stresss the importance of wearing one. We need to show our kids the right things to do. We are their parents.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I haven't seen the movie so someone fill me in so I can have an educated opinion.

Is she actually in a moving car or is it a stationary car with some blue or green screen work?

Is she doing some sort of acting routine and putting on the seat belt is not part of the script?


Active Member
My DD, 8 has seen the movie and it hasn't stoped her from wearing a seat belt. Maybe it's because I will never drive until I know she has it on? :shrug:


I agree that seatbelts are so very important and Miley should have been wearing one. I am sure it wasn't intentional, not her concern. Her concerns were on her concert. With all of the negativity that surrounds so many other stars, it is refreshing to see a young starlet on the right track...not drinking, doing drugs or sleeping around. Whil I think a seatbelt should have been worn, ask a young girl what they remember from the movie and a seat belt will not bne the first thing that comes to mind. They are fixated on Miley, her music, her clothes and her in general.

I am not condoning her behavior but things could be worse. I am also sure that since the press is making this big news, she will indeed wear a seat belt in the future and make all right in the world. I have lost a pregnant friend from a car accident for not wearing her seatbelt so I know the effects, but I am sure Miley did not do it intentionally.

And yes, as a parent, it is our job to point out what she did wrong and stresss the importance of wearing one. We need to show our kids the right things to do. We are their parents.

I am very sorry for the loss of your friend.
My DD, 8 has seen the movie and it hasn't stoped her from wearing a seat belt. Maybe it's because I will never drive until I know she has it on? :shrug:

And hopefully she (and my DD as well) will continue to wear it when she is older and riding in her friends' cars :)


New Member
Are You People Kidding Me--so What She Forgot To Put Her Seat Belt On--like None Of Us Have Done That Before--i Do Think Seat Belts Should Be Worn But Do Not Kill Her For It For A Bad Role Model--lets Talk About Bad Role Models For That Age Group--how About Jamie Lynn Spears (pregant At 16) And Brittany Spears (2 Kids And A Total Basket Case) Those Are Bad Role Models---my Daughter Is 11 1/2 Yrs Old And Loves Miley--use To Like Brittany And Jamie Lynn Until They Totally Screwed Up, Now She Could Care Less About Those 2 Knowing What They Are Doing Is Wrong.:


I definitely think she is being singled out. As quoted earlier most characters on tv/movie don't wear them... it still bugs the heck out of me :lol:


New Member
Are You People Kidding Me--so What She Forgot To Put Her Seat Belt On--like None Of Us Have Done That Before--i Do Think Seat Belts Should Be Worn But Do Not Kill Her For It For A Bad Role Model--lets Talk About Bad Role Models For That Age Group--how About Jamie Lynn Spears (pregant At 16) And Brittany Spears (2 Kids And A Total Basket Case) Those Are Bad Role Models---my Daughter Is 11 1/2 Yrs Old And Loves Miley--use To Like Brittany And Jamie Lynn Until They Totally Screwed Up, Now She Could Care Less About Those 2 Knowing What They Are Doing Is Wrong.:

i agree. 100% i think it all has to do with the parents. if your kids know that what they see them doing is wrong. then they wont do it. little kids see there parents as the biggest role models


Active Member
Of course we as parents make the rules. And of course as parents we are our kids' biggest role models. No doubt about it.

But we aren't our kids' ONLY role models.

And thank God for that! I don't want my 8 year old son walking around dressing like a formerly-cool 41 year old dressed like he's stuck in the 80s and humming Tears For Fears tunes. He'd be a freakin' outcast!

Regardless of the fact that we are our kids' most important role models and teachers, we also know that kids have other role models, and they try to emulate them whether we like it or not, and whether we are fantastic parents or absent parents. Don't you remember being a kid?


Active Member
My kids wear their seatbelts because their Mommy and Daddy do, plus it's the law in our parts. I remember reading that they were sorry for the mistake and didn't mean to give off any kind of bad message. I remember when I was listening to the news about this for the first time and the announcer read that Miley Cryus was in some kind of trouble, I thought to myself "great! She's pregnant, right? Here we go, here comes a difficult conversation with my 9 year old daughter as to why her favorite celebrity is in trouble, how do teenagers get pregnant if their not married daddy?" Only to find out she just wasn't wearing her seat belt. Give her a ticket and move on, there's much bigger stories out there. I lost a very good childhood friend because he was in an accident and died because he wasn't wearing a seatbelt, I know the pain and the stupidity. This is just a witch hunt for headlines following the Spears girls troubles. Anything to destroy.


Active Member
Of course we as parents make the rules. And of course as parents we are our kids' biggest role models. No doubt about it.

But we aren't our kids' ONLY role models.

And thank God for that! I don't want my 8 year old son walking around dressing like a formerly-cool 41 year old dressed like he's stuck in the 80s and humming Tears For Fears tunes. He'd be a freakin' outcast!

Regardless of the fact that we are our kids' most important role models and teachers, we also know that kids have other role models, and they try to emulate them whether we like it or not, and whether we are fantastic parents or absent parents. Don't you remember being a kid?

:ROFLOL::ROFLOL::ROFLOL:That image made me laugh. While we are the most (or should be) important example our kids will see, we'd have to be blind to not acknowledge they will be influenced by the world in which we live. Consistency in what they are taught is important. While I wouldn't carry it to the level of overreaction, I do think we can teach the importance of wearing a seat belt and use this instance in the film as an example of something that shouldn't be done.
I know in a few years (or months, more probably :rolleyes:), I will become the stupidest human alive to my kids. :lol: Why not lay a good foundation before then, and pray they don't forget it? :shrug:

Mufasa's Pride

New Member
This one story has seen more press than the entire movie has! If this is the worse trouble Miley Cyrus ever gets in, she will be in a very select group of child stars to turn out reasonable.


I don't know what you guys are talking about..... I saw that movie last month and I haven't put on a seatbelt since!!! If Miley Cyrus doesn't wear a seatbelt, seatbelts can't be cool!!

My old role model was Chuck Norris, but I kept getting in trouble for round-house kicking anyone in sight.
I don't know what you guys are talking about..... I saw that movie last month and I haven't put on a seatbelt since!!! If Miley Cyrus doesn't wear a seatbelt, seatbelts can't be cool!!

My old role model was Chuck Norris, but I kept getting in trouble for round-house kicking anyone in sight.

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