Peter, you know that I have defended you a number of times, but, really? Are you by any chance a CEO or Board Chair of a multi-billion dollar entertainment empire? If not, as I am not, I am not in a position to pass that type of judgment. He may not be spending money on what WE want him too, but misspending or misdirecting spending? I would like to see any of our credentials that would allow us to know the answer to those things.
I remember not so long ago, this same statement being made against Eisner. We couldn't wait for Eisner to get tossed out on his rear and have the savior Iger float down from his heavenly perch to save Disney from it's pending implosion. All of a sudden now I hear how...Eisner wasn't all bad, he did a lot of great things for Disney, just kind of lost perspective in later years, is all. Without Frank Wells at his side he just lost it. I don't know, I guess that could be true, but I do know this. We all seem to have a lot of free time to spend on these boards, arm chair quarterbacking the operations of this giant. My feeling is that if ANY of us, and I mean ANY of us have that kind of ability, that is what we would be doing, not playing on discussion boards. At this point, at worst, Iger is only the evil that we know. Sometimes the evil we don't know is way worse.