Mickey's Fun Wheel, also known as "Mickey's Death Wheel", "Mickey's Wheel of Terror", "Mickey's (Not So) Fun Wheel", "Mickey's Wheel of Doom", etc. is the most terrifying ride in the entire Disneyland Resort, in my opinion. I've been on coasters at Magic Mountain before, but Mickey's Fun Wheel not only made me feel sick, nervous and scared, but it made me feel like I was going to die. The swinging gondolas look like they're slightly swinging from a distance, but it's a totally different experience when you're actually in one of those doom cages.
I am not the only one seriously scared of this attraction. Here are some of my favorite on-ride videos of this attraction from you-know-where... LOL, enjoy.
I am not the only one seriously scared of this attraction. Here are some of my favorite on-ride videos of this attraction from you-know-where... LOL, enjoy.