Figments Friend
Well-Known Member
The weird thing with Indy as it is now is that you can ride it multiple times in a day and sometimes the ride can be extreme or sometimes extremely boring. I notice usually if it breaks down in line, that I am more likely to get a faster ride once it's back up.
Not weird at all, as one of the features of the Attraction since it opened was that the ride vehicles were programmed to respond randomly.
So it was designed to insure that no two ride through experiences were exactly the same.
The vehicle would react slightly differently each time that you rode through.
At least that was a feature that was heavily promoted in the early marketing of the Attraction, which stressed the re-rideability.
When the vehicle programming was changed some years ago, that feature may have also been diminished.
From the many times I have experienced 'Indiana Jones Adventure' over the last few years, I would say most of the time the Troop Transports would 'react' and move pretty much the same during each ride through.
A few little differences here and there, but those tended to be more for operational reasons ( scenes resetting, 'stalls' before the Boulder Room, etc. ).
The major differences in the overall thrill factor tended to change more based on where you were seated.
Best seat by the way - the vehicle programmers seat (back row, extreme right side corner when seated in row ).
Always a very wild ride!
Request the last row, seat 1.
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