Micheal Jackson?

Toy Trumpet

New Member
Originally posted by missy28
On Drudge Report...


So now we have his assistants threatening the kids... doesn't make Mr. Jackson look like a lily white (pun intended) innocent man, huuh?

Lily White...now that says it all doesn't it?:lol:
Not to be confused with Lily Disney, or Betty White, of course...You know, come to think of it, you never hear of problems like Michael's associated with any of the Golden Girls...They must have better PR and legal counsel...or maybe they don't invite youngsters over for slumber parites...who knows? ;)

And btw, NOTHING makes Michael Jackson look like any kind of man (except videos of, er, him, from pre-1985)...


New Member
too bad they are homeless now that the powers that be at Disney saw fit to KNOCK their house down on the backlot... I can just poor little Sophia wandering around New York Street with her purse wondering where in the heck her house went!

Toy Trumpet

New Member
Sophia would feel right at home on New York Street! She'd probably be happy that all the wicker furniture is gone! Blanche would just be trying to pick up the Stunt Show drivers. Rose would probably be trying to find the 100 Years of Herring display she'd heard they put up a few years ago. And Dorothy? She'd be chasing MJ off property (as long as she isn't singing, that would be fine...) ;)

By the way, is it just me, or did the Golden Girls' house not look anything like the "Golden Girls' house"? Empty Nest, fine...GG, not so much...

Oh yeah, and Michael shouldn't be hanging out with kids!!! ;)

(and I pm'd you again, too, btw...)


New Member
Firstly, you can have an opinion on Michael's odd behavior, but don't call him a child molester just because he's been accused of it. There's more evidence pointing against the prosecutor right now than against him. Secondly, Michael likes WDW just like we do. It's where you can have a good time and be like a kid again. By the way, Michael has said he never had much of a childhood. Third, he has his own children who want to be like every other kid in the country and go to WDW. I'm a major fan of his music and I hope he has never molested any child. He has the right to go to WDW, so stop saying bashing him.

Wilt Dasney

Well-Known Member
I haven't read all of this, but for all of you who are worried about Michael being in the parks around kids:

He doesn't go anywhere without a massive entourage around him, and usually a heavy disguise, as well. It's not like he's just walking around Main Street shoulder to shoulder with Timmy from Wisconsin.

He showed up in the Studios one weekend when I was working there, and they cleared out an entire store so he could shop in privacy. (Obviously, they didn't tell the guests this was why the store was cleared.)

Basically, the guy is kept hidden and isolated, even when he's "in public." Even if he is at WDW at the same time as you, odds are you will never know it, without a tipoff from Cast or the media.


New Member
Originally posted by Disney2002
Well, now that all his rides have been repossessed....

I can just see him at the Imagination pavillion:

"Honey I Shrunk The Audience! What was wrong with me and Hooter?"

and at Star Tours:

"What! George Lucas got another attraction?"


New Member
Re: .

Originally posted by civileng68
If he's not convicted yet, then why shouldn't he be allowed in? First of all, do you know how many people come in those parks that are on trial for the same thing as he is? The only difference is that you know of him because he's famous. Trust me, there's much worse in the park that him. In fact, there's probably employees in the parks that you wouldnt want with your children, yet you let them take pictures in costumes with your kids.

He's not convicted and truthfully, you may not want to acknowledge it, but there's not even any evidence against him and personally if you saw what they did to his ranch you'd ralize this is a personal issue with the D.A. and Jackson more than an actual issue of Jackson doing something wrong.

They got a warrant to search the home, and instead they destroyed it and "supposedly" bugged the place. It's just not right.

Anyone can be accused of anything, just remember that when you think of how harshly you judge him. Your best friend can accuse you and sue you of molesting their children when all you did was hold them and kiss them. Just remember that.

If Jackson were "normal" looking he wouldn't be treated like this. However, if he's guilty he's guilty, period. I just think people are really crossing the line judging him based on his "weird" factor when there are so many "weird" people in the world and in fact, he's not been convicted of anything.

Again though, do you know how many CONVICTED and REGISTERED ______ offenders there are in the parks at any given time, yet you are wanting one who is ACCUSED with no hard evidence publicly known to be restricted from being at the parks?

Let's put it this way... he paid a huge cash settlement to the family of the last victim. Why, if nothing happened, would he buy them off... unless he knew that he did it and that he would get caught. It was a self-incriminating act.


New Member
Re: leave him alone

Originally posted by civileng68
...OJ who had hard facts against him, even DNA got off and was cheered as he left the court room as a free man.

Absolutely disgusting. People should have a heart of sympathy for people.

For some reason, I'm not feeling your "heart of sympathy" for OJ yet he was found not quilty. :lol:


Originally posted by Wilt Dasney
I haven't read all of this, but for all of you who are worried about Michael being in the parks around kids:

He doesn't go anywhere without a massive entourage around him, and usually a heavy disguise, as well. It's not like he's just walking around Main Street shoulder to shoulder with Timmy from Wisconsin.

He showed up in the Studios one weekend when I was working there, and they cleared out an entire store so he could shop in privacy. (Obviously, they didn't tell the guests this was why the store was cleared.)

Basically, the guy is kept hidden and isolated, even when he's "in public." Even if he is at WDW at the same time as you, odds are you will never know it, without a tipoff from Cast or the media.

I agree. He visited one weekend when I worked at MK and spent a lot of money at closed down shops, and was backstage with entourage, escorted to rides after closing time, etc. I saw plenty of celebrities, but never got to see him. :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Spectroman2003
Although I agree with you, what do you mean allowed. If they said "no you can't come in" that would be a Public relations disaster that no one could even dream about. They let all sorts of people in there.

They didn't let Marilyn Manson in.


Well-Known Member
By the way did anyone watch the new South Park episode last night? It was about MJ and was kind of sad. As much as people always think South Park is a horrible show to be on television, I think sometimes they give out a good (sometimes political) message (in a very sick way albeit.) On the show he was known as "Mr. Jefferson" :lol:
It was about the cops trying to frame a 'black man with more money than us' but to their surprise find out he is white and begin to panic. It also showed his kids with masks and veils over their heads. The show did not portray him as innocent or guitly and although they kind of made fun of his physical image, I thought the message at the end was good. The only ironic thing was that the episode they showed before was about men who like younger boys :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Wilt Dasney
"No...no, they're all ignorant! You're all being ignorant!"


LMAO!!!! "you're all being ignorant!" ....and the fact that his son's name is Blanket. Come on folks, there is something mentally wrong with this man. Cut him some slack.


Active Member
That was a great episode. It's amazing how many things they covered, from hanging the baby outside the window, thriller, plastic surgery, etc. He does have some problems.


New Member
Well, I have it on good authority that MJ was at WDW. But the reason he was there is because he had heard that the character department was having auditions for a new Tigger. :lol:

I just had to say it. You all know you thought it. :lol:

:wave: ACE

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