MiceAge on the latest news regarding MyMagic+ : Read it and weep.


Premium Member
This seems to be consistent with some of the statements made on the most recent earnings call. During that call, one of the analysts asked whether they would be seeing the revenue/expense benefits they had projected for FY14 from MM+. They (Rasulo & Iger) acknowledged that with the rollout delays they would not be seeing the benefits they initially projected during FY14 which began in October but would start seeing many of the expenses associated with it.

As a result of that condition, they are likely not hitting their operating expense budget targets as a whole for P&R for the year and have to reduce those expenses to stay on budget. IN a public company they don't have the option to just go over budget and loose money. In a corporation the size of Disney, those budgets were likely set 6 months ago and done with a set of assumptions about availability of MM+ that are now proving invalid.

It seems in this case you've got a bunch of choices ranging from reducing staffing in the parks to lowering expenses for future projects to hit your budget goals. They could have easily cut staffing in the parks to stay on budget but took a less disruptive to day-to-day operations approach of reducing other expenses instead.

The dialog that has been referenced about reducing investments that comes up in the earnings calls is typically about Capital Investment not operating expenses which are 2 different things. Without getting into all of the details of it, now that MM+ is live (working is a totally different debate) all of the expenses to run it for IT, staffing etc. are hitting the operating budgets but due to delays, the projected benefits are not hitting. All of that is resulting in a likely very significant hit to operating expenses.

While I'm not a fan of the delays in potential development projects, I'd rather see that than reduced staffing and everything that comes along with that in the parks for a few months while things catch up.


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else skeptical about the accuracy of this reporting? None of the projects reported here as cancelled or placed on hold had even been confirmed or given a tentative start date. There are no sources cited, at all. The whole thing sounds like a hit piece against MyMagicPlus that uses rumors and counter-rumors as evidence.

MiceAge updates, especially when they were written by Al Lutz, have a long history of being highly accurate. As someone who has read his updates since the mid 1990s(!), I can assure you 95% + percent of what is reported can usually be confirmed later as fact. There is no one who has (had?) the sources and reputation of Al Lutz and crew, particularly with DL info.

The update is not a posting by some new blogwhore from the midwest looking for hits, but a respected, reputable source of Disney Parks information for almost two decades.

Take it for what you will.


Well-Known Member
I spent last week testing the system. I don't think anyone is arguing that the wristbands aren't convenient (when they work properly). But this isn't as labor-saving as the invention of the cotton gin, so to act like using a wristband is the greatest time saving device is ludicrous. And it certainly isn't perfect. If you don't like wearing anything on your wrists, this isn't going to make you change your mind. And a lot of times it probably would have been faster for me to have simply pulled out the room key and use that instead, because in some instances you need to be a contortionist to get it to read.

Personally, I don't see how this can make money. A lot of people plan their vacations with a budget in mind, and I doubt the Magic Band, created for the uber-lazy, is going to change what purchases people make. It really is no different from a credit card, other than being on your wrist. The only way I can see people spending more money as a result of the "convenience" of the Magic Band is by those people wanting to "play" with the novelty of using a wristband for purchases. But with infrastructure costs and the actual costs of the bands themselves, I don't see where the money will come from. Targeted marketing might work on a few people to spend more, but I don't know that it simply won't shift around what people will spend their money on, as opposed to making additional expeditures.


Premium Member
Well Avatar has probably been budgeted for a long time and Disney Springs may have too so they are both most likely safe

Also, Avatar seems to be Iger's baby so he has a vested interest in letting it continue. As for Disney Springs, it has a more direct connection to revenue generation then a ride would. Also, unless they plan to undo what has already been done with the parking lot, they are pretty much committed to finished at the least the parking garage.


Premium Member
Also, Avatar seems to be Iger's baby so he has a vested interest in letting it continue. As for Disney Springs, it has a more direct connection to revenue generation then a ride would. Also, unless they plan to undo what has already been done with the parking lot, they are pretty much committed to finished at the least the parking garage.

This might be a case where the capital budget for Avatar has already been approved by the board so it's now being funded as a capital project (different budget model) vs. an operating expense like these other things.

As I recall, isn't the parking garage portion of Disney Springs being paid for by RCID with municipal bonds vs. by Disney directly? As a result, it wouldn't be impacted by any of these operating expense reductions.


When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
I am not sure how a company like Disney works with its Board and Iger, but how can heads not roll after this? I saw a few posts a while back about a few people being let go, but this is a massive failure. I know the blame will be pushed around, but is there a confirmed source of who started pushing the ideas of magic bands and who started it all?
The MagicBands are not the problem. They actually work great - for park entry, gated pools (which are apparently coming), DDP, charging, as room cards, and for PhotoPass.

It's EVERYTHING ELSE about NextGen, especially FP+ that sucks! (IMO.)


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
I spent last week testing the system. I don't think anyone is arguing that the wristbands aren't convenient (when they work properly). But this isn't as labor-saving as the invention of the cotton gin, so to act like using a wristband is the greatest time saving device is ludicrous. And it certainly isn't perfect. If you don't like wearing anything on your wrists, this isn't going to make you change your mind. And a lot of times it probably would have been faster for me to have simply pulled out the room key and use that instead, because in some instances you need to be a contortionist to get it to read.

Personally, I don't see how this can make money. A lot of people plan their vacations with a budget in mind, and I doubt the Magic Band, created for the uber-lazy, is going to change what purchases people make. It really is no different from a credit card, other than being on your wrist. The only way I can see people spending more money as a result of the "convenience" of the Magic Band is by those people wanting to "play" with the novelty of using a wristband for purchases. But with infrastructure costs and the actual costs of the bands themselves, I don't see where the money will come from. Targeted marketing might work on a few people to spend more, but I don't know that it simply won't shift around what people will spend their money on, as opposed to making additional expeditures.

I can see cost savings coming from a reduction of EMH by alloting additional FP+ quantities to guests at on-site resorts, additional sales opprotunities with PP+ at rides, $49.95 per family per vacation adds up fast with 29,000+ rooms, targeted advertising resulting in small to large upsells to guests based on their habits could bring even more to the table, even the reduction in paper expense and the labor for manning the distribution machines for FP can be added in, and so on.

At the scale WDW is dealing with, they are going to be shipping a lot of bands to on-site guests with APs picking theirs up. The cost of the bands at these extremely high volumes are most likely very inexpensive (less than $5.00 + shipping) and have been built into the cost of your vacation or AP so net don't truly cost WDW anything.


Join me, together we can rule the galaxy.
The MagicBands are not the problem. They actually work great - for park entry, gated pools (which are apparently coming), DDP, charging, as room cards, and for PhotoPass.

It's EVERYTHING ELSE about NextGen, especially FP+ that sucks! (IMO.)

I agree, FP+ absolutely bombs with frequent visitors but new guests are absolutely in love with it.

But... several co-workers are going in January simply because now they can plan a few days by reserving rides & meet-and-greets for their kids and are under the illusion that they are saving time and money. Three families I know of going to WDW that were not going, it is contagious after another returned after testing. Not to mention, the grade school kids wearing the bands in school as sort of a badge of honor.


Well-Known Member
What we can extrapolate from this is that the overruns for MM+ for this quarter are AT LEAST equal to the entire budget of all other P&R projects currently in the pipeline.
I think it also means that projections for business at Walt Disney World are seriously down as well and that combining numbers with Disneyland will not be enough to show "growth." This strategy just helps to illustrate that Paul Pressler's business model did not leave with him.


Well-Known Member
I just never understood how Disney thinks this is going to get guests to spend more money. Considering you can only get 3 fastpasses and are limited to one park that may leave more time waiting in line on other attractions. People are not going to spend more money because they have a band. They have what ever money they want to spend and thats it. Maybe they are expecting to make money by having your name announced on Its a small world but you have to pay extra for that.

I spend less money at Disney Every year. The souvenirs are generic and mean less to me on every trip.


Well-Known Member
I just never understood how Disney thinks this is going to get guests to spend more money. Considering you can only get 3 fastpasses and are limited to one park that may leave more time waiting in line on other attractions. People are not going to spend more money because they have a band. They have what ever money they want to spend and thats it. Maybe they are expecting to make money by having your name announced on Its a small world but you have to pay extra for that.

I spend less money at Disney Every year. The souvenirs are generic and mean less to me on every trip.
Disney thought FastPass would get people to spend more. The explosion of merchandise sales at Universal Orlando Resort probably also helped re-convince Disney that people have the money to spend but lack opportunity, ignoring the role of experience in people's decisions and impulses (where the MagicBand is supposed to really exploit).


Active Member
Can someone please provide a comprehensive list/explanation for how the NextGen situation is a "Disaster?". I don't doubt it has issues or that it has indeed failed in its original intentions, I just keep reading how terrible it has been and I'm trying to find some quantifiable examples of its failure. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Disney thought FastPass would get people to spend more. The explosion of merchandise sales at Universal Orlando Resort probably also helped re-convince Disney that people have the money to spend but lack opportunity, ignoring the role of experience in people's decisions and impulses (where the MagicBand is supposed to really exploit).

Disney execs and other elites in business and government positions live in Bubbleworld. The rest of us live in Disneyworld. When there is no more money to spend in my Disneyworld household - then there is no more money. In Bubbleworld they can create another Bubbleworld that has more money in it to spend.


Well-Known Member
Can someone please provide a comprehensive list/explanation for how the NextGen situation is a "Disaster?". I don't doubt it has issues or that it has indeed failed in its original intentions, I just keep reading how terrible it has been and I'm trying to find some quantifiable examples of its failure. Thanks!

There's nothing quantifiable about any of this. That's why this aticle is so useless. It comes across as a way of walking back previous rumors (Star Wars at Tomorrowland) with new ones.


Well-Known Member
Can someone please provide a comprehensive list/explanation for how the NextGen situation is a "Disaster?". I don't doubt it has issues or that it has indeed failed in its original intentions, I just keep reading how terrible it has been and I'm trying to find some quantifiable examples of its failure. Thanks!

You'll get a lot of examples from people here, but it is not giving fits to the majority of people using it. It is true that it is over budget and behind schedule. So I suppose that it was a bad idea from the start, but I for one still really like it. However, I do acknowledge that it is seriously flawed in the grand scheme of things. Even though it is "buggy" or a down right failure for as few people as there are it is still a problem. You cannot have a system as comprehensive and invasive as this have even this many problems. People are having problems with the package not being tied to the bands, the bands not activating properly, bands not working on the entry gates/checkouts/FP returns, etc.... Disney needs to work these bugs out before it get so bad that they have to scrap the whole thing. They are going to start losing (continue to lose) a ton of guest money to rival parks if they don't.

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