Once again, McDonald's is running their Monopoly promtion. Undoubtedly, McDonald's has some kind of "rigging" in place so as to ensure that few, if any, win the big prizes. I've always assumed that, for each color group, there is one property that they only print a small amount of. For example, everyone gets Parkplace, but they only print 100 or so Boardwalk's. However, I was talking to someone in the breakroom today and she said that her husband used to work for a printing company which printed those Monopoly tags and put them on the cups. And she said that, according to him, McDonald's divides the country up into two sections (I'm assumming only two, but perhaps more I suppose) and that one section receives, for example, Boardwalk, while the other half gets Parkplace. In other words, at the printing factories, according to her, all the "Boardwalk" cups get shipped to one half of the country while the "Parkplace" cups get shipped to the other half. Or, I suppose it could be different parts of the world, since McDonald's has a large international presence. So I'm just curious if anyone has any information to support or refute what this woman said. Since there are people on this site from various parts of the country and the world, I'm curious which Monopoly pieces YOU have received so I can compare to mine.
I live in Illinois and here is what I have accumulated so far from my McDonald's stops:
Baltic Avenue from purple color group. So I am assuming my chances of getting Meditteranean avenue are pretty slim
From the railroads, I have all but Shortline
None so far from the light blue. Actually, I thought I got one a while back, but maybe I forgot to put it on my Monopoly board, and it's either still in my wallet, or has gone through the washing machine by now. :lol:
St Charles Place and States Avenue from the violet color group.
St James Place from the Orange Color group
Indiana Ave and Illinois Ave from the red color group
Marvin Gardens and Atlantic Ave from the yellow color group
Pacific Ave and North Carolina Ave from the green color group
ParkPlace from the dark blue group
Just wondering for those of you who live far from Illinois, which properties you have (if you are collecting), so as to determine the validity of what I was told in the breakroom today.
Do you think that there is one property from each group that they print very few of? Or is there something to what I was told today, that different "regions" get different properties so as to ensure that very few people manage to get a complete set? The problem I see with what I was told, if we're talking about dividing the USA in half, is that the line would have to be drawn somewhere and that wherever the line is drawn, there would be millions of people accross the country that would have access to a nearby McDonalds in the other "half" of the country and there could still conceivably be numerous million dollar winners. So maybe everyone in the USA gets Parkplace and everyone in England gets Boardwalk, etc.
I live in Illinois and here is what I have accumulated so far from my McDonald's stops:
Baltic Avenue from purple color group. So I am assuming my chances of getting Meditteranean avenue are pretty slim
From the railroads, I have all but Shortline
None so far from the light blue. Actually, I thought I got one a while back, but maybe I forgot to put it on my Monopoly board, and it's either still in my wallet, or has gone through the washing machine by now. :lol:
St Charles Place and States Avenue from the violet color group.
St James Place from the Orange Color group
Indiana Ave and Illinois Ave from the red color group
Marvin Gardens and Atlantic Ave from the yellow color group
Pacific Ave and North Carolina Ave from the green color group
ParkPlace from the dark blue group
Just wondering for those of you who live far from Illinois, which properties you have (if you are collecting), so as to determine the validity of what I was told in the breakroom today.
Do you think that there is one property from each group that they print very few of? Or is there something to what I was told today, that different "regions" get different properties so as to ensure that very few people manage to get a complete set? The problem I see with what I was told, if we're talking about dividing the USA in half, is that the line would have to be drawn somewhere and that wherever the line is drawn, there would be millions of people accross the country that would have access to a nearby McDonalds in the other "half" of the country and there could still conceivably be numerous million dollar winners. So maybe everyone in the USA gets Parkplace and everyone in England gets Boardwalk, etc.