Trip Report MAY THE SPORK BE WITH YOU!!! - a Kid-Free F&W Trip Report

Hi all!!! Well, we’re back from our 6 kid-free days at WDW (yes, much sadness), but now I at least get to share our trip with all of you! If you’re new to my trip reports, my name is Sandy. I did a pre-trip report for this one, but it wasn’t exactly my best work…i.e. I neglected it much of the time. Bad Sandy! Oh well, the real report will be significantly better. I swear, this is probably one of my best trips to WDW- EVER!!!

As many of you know…my reports are heavily picture infused things…mainly because I take TONS of pics so you can “walk” along with me. I took close to 4,000 pics this time…some better than others…but all to help paint the full picture of this trip. I will get into all of the pictures and heavy duty Disney stuff, but first a little background on the days leading up to the trip. Sorry- not much in the way of pictures in this portion, but I promise you…there really are TONS of pictures to come.

So, it’s the evening of November 4th and I’m prepping for our departure on November 7th. DH gets home as I’m putting our girls to bed and informed me that his mom was coming by to talk to us. Ok, so I’m now freaking out. His mom was supposed to have the girls stay with her so we could go on vacation, so this didn’t sound good. We’ve also have really bad luck before all of our recent WDW trips. I think we’d all agree that the car accident last year was the worst, but I am starting to think we’re cursed. In any event, my MIL comes by and drops a bit of a bomb on us. It’s really sad and scary stuff…I’m not at liberty to share the details…but from a safety standpoint, we couldn’t have the girls stay with her at her house. Thankfully, she was willing to stay at our house- so the big problem was solved, but now I had to work in time to deep clean the house. I mean, I was planning on a light cleaning…but I had to pack for me as well as for the girls (school day stuff, softball stuff, etc.) + I had to make a birthday cake!

Many of you know me from the Cake Talk thread over in the dining section, but I also make my own custom cakes on the side. My younger one’s bday is Nov 6th, so I had to have a cake the day before we went out of town…and of course she wanted something crazy (gee, I wonder who encourages this kind of madness??? ;) ). She wanted a 'fluffy' killer whale cake…just like her furry Shamu-esque plush named “Shammie.” Thankfully, the cake was fairly easy…well, minus the nearly 7 tubs of black food coloring I needed to achieve black buttercream. So, here’s the finished product as well as a pic with my ‘model.’



Day 1

So, the house is clean, the cake is done and we’re pretty much packed…and it’s after midnight…so, it’s officially our departure day!!! Our flight from Houston Hobby was supposed to take off at 6:15am, so we had to leave the house around 4am. I got about 3 hours of sleep, packed up the car, said good-bye to the girls (who were still in bed- asleep - MIL was in the guest bedroom), and drove to the airport. The roads were dead, but the airport was surprisingly busy. It took a while to get through security, but we at least had a good laugh when checking our bags. The ladies helping us overheard that it was a kid free trip to Disney and they made sure everyone in the area knew we were heading there without the kids. Most of the people just looked really confused, but we got a good laugh.

After DH forgetting to empty his pockets at security and having some minor issues, we make our way out to the gate and wait. Hey, at least it looks like we’re going to be on time.


Boarding and take off are pretty uneventful. I’m utterly exhausted and fall asleep shortly after. I mean, I tend to sleep on planes even when I’m well rested, but this was that uncontrollable … sort of passing out … kind of deep sleep. I didn’t sleep for the entire flight. In fact, I woke up to a lovely cloud filled sky…


Actually, shortly after this pic the clouds started to clear and I could tell we were approaching the Florida coastline…



Ok, I actually took a series of pics as we approached. I guess this is the air equivalent of people taking pics of the state signs when crossing the state line on a road trip…



I also realized that we were flying over the Tampa/St Pete area. My parents lived just outside of St Pete for a few years after leaving Gainesville and before heading to the Ft. Lauderdale area. I took this pic because I noticed a large pink building right at the coastline. Anyone who knows this area knows this is the Don Cesar hotel. Unfortunately, even when cropping, blowing up and saturating the colors in the pic below…you can’t really see that there’s a big pink hotel…but it’s there- I swear it is!!!


Now, I really enjoy being able to pick out familiar sites from the air. I regret not having my DSLR out with the telephoto hooked up for this, but you’re just going to have to take my word for it with the pics below. See, I usually can pick out Epcot from the air with no problem- in fact, it's why I intentionally sat us on this side of the plane. I mean, the “Swalphin” is super obvious and SSE kind of stands out. Still, for whatever reason, I couldn’t find them for the life of me. Then I spotted something…something I’ve never noticed before from the air. I’m sitting there thinking, “man, that white blob over there kind of reminds me of Space Mountain.” Then I realize the buildings I’m looking at to the right are BLT and the Contemporary!!! And while it was more a white blip from the air…I could see…THE CASTLE!!! And as my eyes adjusted and started picturing the WDW map in my head, I realized I could see the Poly, the GF, and yes…I was also able to pick out SSE and the Swalphin too! I could see all of this until shortly before landing. Talk about WELCOME HOME!!! I'll share one of these pics, but it's really tough to spot any of this...


I tried cropping and zooming, but it’s still really hard to pick them out…but I swear they are there!
So, landing was uneventful and we were soon ready for the first “ride” of our trip.



Kind of sad...I am now using the DSLR (vs my phone), but I'm so jittery from excitement that I can't take a decent shot!

I also had temporary amnesia…or magical euphoric memory loss (your pick)…and forgot where to find DME. Of course, the jetways now have it labeled on there…but I guess I also had some selective blindness upon arrival. So, I sucked it up, went to Information, and got directions to DME. I was kind of embarrassed, but clearly I needed the help. At least the info was correct…


As we get down to the ground level and start heading towards the DME area, I start seeing DME and DCL buses…and I’ll admit it, I got kind of misty. Thankfully, DH didn’t notice because I would have been mocked considerably. We had our magic bands on, so getting through everything was a breeze. In fact, the only tough part was convincing DH that our checked baggage would be delivered to our hotel. It’s like he’s never been to WDW before!!! We’re directed to line 2 and make our way all the way to the front.


We’re the only ones there and it kind of looks like we just missed a bus for our grouping of resorts. Just then the CMs manning that section of lines asked which resort we were headed to for our trip. I said we’re going to the Poly and magically, they opened the ropes and led us out to a bus. Sadly, it was a magical yellow Mears bus, but hey…it would get us where we needed to go.


Although, I was kind of jealous with all of the DCL buses around us…just something about having the Disney labeling on the bus. OK- feeling quite shallow right about now!


Still, I really can’t complain…we were on a bus, that bus was nearly full and about ready to go. I think we waited less than 5 minutes to start heading towards the resorts. This was also our first time seeing the new DME video and can I just say…I HATE IT!


Before ever crossing onto Disney property, we saw a sign that Disney was near!


Yeah- the Characters in Flight balloon is kind of a give-a-way that Disney is near! Shortly after spotting the balloon, one of the best views on earth came into sight…



I was obviously not in a good seat to snap any good pics, but I think most of us know that we were getting ready to pass under the Maingate!!! I remember being really frustrated after this as well. I wanted to check in on Facebook, basically confirming that we’re officially “inside the MAGIC BUBBLE,” but it wasn’t until we were farther in that I was able to get ‘Walt Disney World” to come up as a check in option. i.e. I didn’t want any of the parks or resorts. OK- minor annoyance…I know!

More to come on Day 1! Thanks for reading!
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Happy Thanksgiving. The castle cake was the perfect touch for the ending of dinner. My wife saw that and asked me were we can order a cake like that, so can you give us the information of who can we call for a cake to be delivered to Disney World? Following along.

Thanks! I was very happy with the cake.

I definitely can help walk you through the cake process, but who to contact all depends on where you're having the cake delivered. This cake was made by the Contemporary Bakery as it was being delivered to a restaurant in the Contemporary. The Contemporary Bakery also services the rest of the restaurants in the Contemporary, the restaurants at Wilderness Lodge and Ft. Wilderness, guests at these 3 resorts, and the Magic Kingdom restaurants...although, they handle their MK orders through a separate email. There are several other bakeries...GF, BC & YC, BW, AKL, Epcot, and to a lesser degree...Coronado and DHS (certain countries in Epcot and DTD operate differently/independently as well). They each have their own rules as well as resorts/restaurants they service. If you look at my signature, you should see a link to the Cake Talk thread over in the dining section of WDW Magic. I have all of the how to info in that thread as well as TONS of cake pics. Let me know what ???s you have and I will do my best to answer them.

How did you get that castle topper home?!!

Also, I have rice krispie picnics, cake would be better. Oh, what's Amanda doing? Oh she's just in the floor, noshing on some cake. No big.

Love that CG turned out so well and you went with the flow a little. For us Type A, it's so very hard!

Don't worry...I will tell the story of getting the topper home. :)

I'm glad someone can understand my cake picnics. I mean, here I am at WDW- getting to be a big kid at the World- and the ultimate kid like treat (beyond having cake for breakfast)- just felt like sitting on my floor and chowing down on cake. I think I dreamed about stuff like this as an 8 year old!

You will feel my type A pain on day 3. I really tried to go with the flow, but there's just so much I can handle of that.


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I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I must have, as I had to channel my inner contortionist this morning to button the same jeans I wore on Thanksgiving. It's kind of scary considering I bumped up my workouts through all of this. Oh well, at least the lights in the yard are done (still bugged that I don't have perimeter lights, but I haven't seen anything I liked) and the interior is fully decorated minus the 2 big trees. I might actually cut this short tonight so I can put up my tree OR jump on the elliptical and lift some weights. Yeah- I'm one of those crazy people who has her own tree for all of the ornaments I adore ... the ones that nobody else is allowed to touch. Yup...I'm a crazy lady.


So, the rain and lengthy dinner at CG the previous night gave us a much earlier night than I’d originally planned. Obviously, it was an omen how it all worked out for the previous night, but it also was sort of a blessing for the next day. I was able to get enough sleep to wake up before my alarm and be well rested for all of my morning plans. DH got to sleep in this day, which I figured he would, but the quieter night meant that he wasn’t dragging too much on day 3 either.

OK…so just how early are we talking? Well, we had a 7:15am ADR at GFC. I had every intention of going to this ADR, but well before we traveled, I had a strong feeling that DH would be skipping this.

So, I get up- get ready and make my way over to the GCH to grab the monorail to the GF. I saw this practically every day in the GCH of the Poly. How many hidden Mickey’s can you find?


Oh, and can I just say how those steps in the GCH may not look like much, but man are they hard on your legs when you’re exhausted and have been walking around the parks for a couple of days. I know there are elevators…but I really don’t need an elevator. Just hate having my legs feel like lead weights. Each day of the trip, DH and I would say how much harder it was to climb the steps.

OK, enough whining…I’m up on the monorail platform.



Notice anything?

Yeah, it’s still raining. The rain varied from light to poncho-worthy. Speaking of which, I opted to take the backpack with me today so I could 1) have my poncho handy (mine is a large Samsonite one- not cute, but sturdy), 2) have a place to protect my camera (yes, I have the memory card back in there today), and 3) have spare shoes. I started out the day in my joggers, but went into something more weather friendly before hitting the parks (more on that in a bit).

OK, so more pics as I wait…


And the monorail is here!!!


Pretty much have the whole thing to myself.


And I'm at the Grand!


GFC is looking pretty quiet…


Menu in hand…and I know what I’m ordering. Eggs Benedict...yeah, I sort of love pretty much any kind of hollandaise!


I had a server named Robert. He was just getting over laryngitis, so his voice was super gravely. What’s funny…with the rain and me being off on my own…it’s just kind of fit for the morning. Oh well, so I took pics while I waited on my food…







mmmmmm…diet Coke and water! I had thought about something more potent, but I was still feeling a bit guilty about my spending.


And breakfast is here!!!


It was very tasty. It was also nice and peaceful as I was seated in the back area and there were only a couple of people back there with me for most of the meal. It’s funny, the front half of the restaurant was like an entirely different place…fairly packed with people and lots of chatter.

***OK- the elliptical is calling, but I will try and post a little bit more before bed :)


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Feeling a bit better...

So, I head out of GFC and just decide to take some detail pics…







(so many memories of the girls chilling out right here, but have there always been 2 of these? I only remember this one)



This one is for @DisneyDebNJ


And this one is for me!


Love these…guessing they are water colors. They’re over by 1900 PF.


So, I pop into the bathroom over there to change out footwear before heading out in the rain. Yup…time to break out the Mickey Crocs!


I took some more pics before heading out!



I also got the wonderful treat of saying hi to the GF’s greeter, Richard Gerth. I didn’t wait for a picture as I could see there was a family coming up behind me and it looked like the kids were wanting to talk to him. Still, I got a nice hello and good morning. That was plenty! It’s also funny that I saw him since one of my long-time family friends was there, just days before us, and had pics of him with her family.

On my way out...




Almost at the bus stop…


Can I just say that all resort bus stops NEED this!



Now, the Poly did have a person there that was able to convey this information without a screen- at least most of the time, but it just seems like every bus area could benefit by something like this.


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I took a few pics while I waited…



…but it wasn’t long before our bus arrived.



Yes, I’m on my way to Animal Kingdom. What’s really funny…I knew I’d booked FP+s for this morning, but for the life of me…I couldn’t figure out/remember why I’d picked this park for this day. Oh well, it’s where I was heading…and yes, it’s raining harder.


I put on my poncho while I was on the bus. I guess I started a trend because everyone and their mother started putting on ponchos after I got mine on. I also saw a few people who were sadly without any kind of rain gear.

So, I went through bag check…and let’s just say it’s not as easy to take off a backpack from underneath a poncho. You also look pretty funny wearing your DSLR under your poncho. Ok, enough about my struggles…it’s time for me to figure out why I’m at AK. So, I go to scan my MB and the CM manning his post asked me, in sort of a flustered way, if I’m a resort guest. And I’m forgetting that it’s not 9am yet and wondering what the heck? I say yes in sort of a put off way, scan my band, and walk in after I get the green light…and then it hits me. I picked AK because it has morning EMH today. Brilliant! Oh well, I’m in the park…



And while I’m soooo not a Minnie Mouse person, I do kind of love the poncho that girl has on up ahead of me.


So, I’ve said it before…AK is not my favorite park. Still, I had at least part of a morning to myself and it was time to stop and smell the proverbial roses. In other words, I’m going to slowly make my way to a ride and take lots of little pics along the way.







Look…it’s another bird of paradise!


I decided to head towards the safari since this is something DH was likely to want to skip. Still, I stopped for a few little pics along the way...






***Alright, that's it for tonight. Thanks for reading!


Well-Known Member
Feeling a bit better...

So, I head out of GFC and just decide to take some detail pics…







(so many memories of the girls chilling out right here, but have there always been 2 of these? I only remember this one)



This one is for @DisneyDebNJ


And this one is for me!


Love these…guessing they are water colors. They’re over by 1900 PF.


So, I pop into the bathroom over there to change out footwear before heading out in the rain. Yup…time to break out the Mickey Crocs!


I took some more pics before heading out!



I also got the wonderful treat of saying hi to the GF’s greeter, Richard Gerth. I didn’t wait for a picture as I could see there was a family coming up behind me and it looked like the kids were wanting to talk to him. Still, I got a nice hello and good morning. That was plenty! It’s also funny that I saw him since one of my long-time family friends was there, just days before us, and had pics of him with her family.

On my way out...




Almost at the bus stop…


Can I just say that all resort bus stops NEED this!



Now, the Poly did have a person there that was able to convey this information without a screen- at least most of the time, but it just seems like every bus area could benefit by something like this.
You're so good to me! LOL


Well-Known Member
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. I must have, as I had to channel my inner contortionist this morning to button the same jeans I wore on Thanksgiving. It's kind of scary considering I bumped up my workouts through all of this. Oh well, at least the lights in the yard are done (still bugged that I don't have perimeter lights, but I haven't seen anything I liked) and the interior is fully decorated minus the 2 big trees. I might actually cut this short tonight so I can put up my tree OR jump on the elliptical and lift some weights. Yeah- I'm one of those crazy people who has her own tree for all of the ornaments I adore ... the ones that nobody else is allowed to touch. Yup...I'm a crazy lady.


So, the rain and lengthy dinner at CG the previous night gave us a much earlier night than I’d originally planned. Obviously, it was an omen how it all worked out for the previous night, but it also was sort of a blessing for the next day. I was able to get enough sleep to wake up before my alarm and be well rested for all of my morning plans. DH got to sleep in this day, which I figured he would, but the quieter night meant that he wasn’t dragging too much on day 3 either.

OK…so just how early are we talking? Well, we had a 7:15am ADR at GFC. I had every intention of going to this ADR, but well before we traveled, I had a strong feeling that DH would be skipping this.

So, I get up- get ready and make my way over to the GCH to grab the monorail to the GF. I saw this practically every day in the GCH of the Poly. How many hidden Mickey’s can you find?


Oh, and can I just say how those steps in the GCH may not look like much, but man are they hard on your legs when you’re exhausted and have been walking around the parks for a couple of days. I know there are elevators…but I really don’t need an elevator. Just hate having my legs feel like lead weights. Each day of the trip, DH and I would say how much harder it was to climb the steps.

OK, enough whining…I’m up on the monorail platform.



Notice anything?

Yeah, it’s still raining. The rain varied from light to poncho-worthy. Speaking of which, I opted to take the backpack with me today so I could 1) have my poncho handy (mine is a large Samsonite one- not cute, but sturdy), 2) have a place to protect my camera (yes, I have the memory card back in there today), and 3) have spare shoes. I started out the day in my joggers, but went into something more weather friendly before hitting the parks (more on that in a bit).

OK, so more pics as I wait…


And the monorail is here!!!


Pretty much have the whole thing to myself.


And I'm at the Grand!


GFC is looking pretty quiet…


Menu in hand…and I know what I’m ordering. Eggs Benedict...yeah, I sort of love pretty much any kind of hollandaise!


I had a server named Robert. He was just getting over laryngitis, so his voice was super gravely. What’s funny…with the rain and me being off on my own…it’s just kind of fit for the morning. Oh well, so I took pics while I waited on my food…







mmmmmm…diet Coke and water! I had thought about something more potent, but I was still feeling a bit guilty about my spending.


And breakfast is here!!!


It was very tasty. It was also nice and peaceful as I was seated in the back area and there were only a couple of people back there with me for most of the meal. It’s funny, the front half of the restaurant was like an entirely different place…fairly packed with people and lots of chatter.

***OK- the elliptical is calling, but I will try and post a little bit more before bed :)
I had the same exact breakfast twice during our trip. I'm a hollandaise freak too! They do such a nice eggs benedict at GFC!


Well-Known Member
Not everyone understands the wonderfulness that is iasw. I love the Mary Blair art and it makes me sad when they don't do upkeep on the ride. There were a lot of dolls missing on my last trip.

Personally, I'm more of a Chip fan. :-)

You know to much about WDW when you get phone calls like this:
Me: Hello?
Friend: How do I get to Test Track?
Me: What?
Friend: Do I have to go through the big ball?
Me: The big ball is a ride. There are pathways to go past Spaceship Earth.
Friend: Are there signs like Hershey Park?
Me: Walk on the left side of the ball. You can ask a Cast Member. It makes more sense as you walk up to it.
Friend: I'll call you if we get lost.
Me: <headslap>


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All of the pictures are turning out great. It must be nice to have some alone time in the parks to do what ever your heart desires. Animal Kingdom seems so quite and peaceful in your pictures. Following along.

Thank you! It was really nice to have some 'me' time. I initially thought I was going to get more, but someone (aka DH) clarified that sleeping in on vacay isn't like sleeping in on the weekends. Oh well...can't complain too much when you're at WDW. AK was incredibly peaceful. I'm sure the rain had some to do with that, but EMH certainly wasn't much of a crowd draw that morning.

You're so good to me! LOL
I had the same exact breakfast twice during our trip. I'm a hollandaise freak too! They do such a nice eggs benedict at GFC!

I do believe there will be more Pluto later on. I know I saw puppy pics! :) No harm in eating something good 2x during the trip.

So I'm using your alone time to judge what I want to do on my solo trip in January. I only have 2.5 park days, and I know I need some Epcot and MK time. But I think I need to fit in an AK morning, at least through the first FOTLK show. I'm getting a camera for Christmas, and I'll want to hit the safari and FOTLK, I can feel it.

Loving this report, it's telling me the things I want to do that are quieter!

Everyone always says AK is the park to hit to soak in the, that was another reason I was happy to have some alone time to go at my pace. What kind of camera are you getting? DH doesn't get it, but I'm seriously thinking of upgrading my camera this year.

Quiet is good! normally doesn't equate quiet with WDW.

Not everyone understands the wonderfulness that is iasw. I love the Mary Blair art and it makes me sad when they don't do upkeep on the ride. There were a lot of dolls missing on my last trip.

Personally, I'm more of a Chip fan. :)

You know to much about WDW when you get phone calls like this:
Me: Hello?
Friend: How do I get to Test Track?
Me: What?
Friend: Do I have to go through the big ball?
Me: The big ball is a ride. There are pathways to go past Spaceship Earth.
Friend: Are there signs like Hershey Park?
Me: Walk on the left side of the ball. You can ask a Cast Member. It makes more sense as you walk up to it.
Friend: I'll call you if we get lost.
Me: <headslap>

The attraction could definitely use some love. I had hoped it would get some with the anniversary, but I think it's evident in some of my close up pics that things could use some cleaning, paint, etc. I'm also pretty certain there were dolls missing. I know it happens...but I thought there were supposed to be multiple dolls and costumes in reserve to ensure all dolls were always in the attraction.

The phone convo above is interesting and a good tie in to how I was going to start tonight's entry. I have a mini story about using my Disney knowledge for good. It's funny with your post above...with the exception of a few little details, it is funny how we can all navigate most of the areas at WDW without maps or directions. You could tell me to meet you at pretty much any attraction, hotel, restaurant, etc. and it's like knowing your hometown. We grab maps as souvenirs rather than any kind of tool. Oh well, I hope they found TT :)


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Before getting into tonight's post @ThatBrunette and some events of the day have reminded me of how we can all use our WDW knowledge for good. Not that I really know how it could be used for evil, but you get the idea. I won't get too long winded with the story since I know most of us wind up in similar situations from time to time. i.e. coworker knows you're a Disney junkie and comes to you for trip help. Long story short, I got sort of an SOS email about hotel preferences, dining plan options, etc. for a 2015 spring break trip. They're inside the 180 mark and didn't know about booking dining in advance. I don't know how much dining she booked today, but I know her daughter is going to get to experience CRT b/c of our WDW discussion today. Always makes me happy to know my WDW knowledge can go beyond my own trips.

DAY 3 Continued...

So, I was walking towards the safari...




And it’s pretty much walk on…




I had a row to myself and nobody was in the last 2 rows. My pics were all over the place, but I’ll share some of the better ones…






This is one of my favorite pics of the entire trip...


There’s just something about the feeding giraffe up against the varied leaf colors in the background that really gets me.

Back to more mediocre shots...







They are just so CUTE!!!!



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...and I'm still on the safari...



Now, I know the CMs driving the safari vehicles don’t see everything, but she only pointed out the male lion.



(big pretty kitty)

Everyone was already looking ahead to whatever was coming up next and I seemed to be the only one that noticed the lionesses sleeping beside him.


OK…more safari pics…




And I’m off.



I decide to try and make my way towards Everest. It’s our first FP+ of the day, but why not try and ride twice? So, I take pics all along the way.








Took a pic of the bathroom door because I remember trying to explain to someone why the AK bathrooms have doors.


And still walking...



***That's it for tonight. Everything is just moving way too slow. Thanks for reading!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We completely enjoy AK. It has never, ever been a half day park for us, as there is just so much to see and do, so many details that many miss. I often wonder about people who fail to slow down and enjoy it, and feel sad they miss out on such a beautiful place. Yes, there are those who say they can go to local zoos to see animals and they want more rides. We just view it differently I guess and would still go, even if there were no rides.
One of our best days ever was a rainy day at AK, with a slow, steady, cooling rain all day, with occasional heavier showers scattered throughout the day. We had our own, bigger, heavier nylon ponchos, but still got wet during the course of the day, and our feet were soaked and a couple of times we had to wring out our socks, but somehow the rain added to the day, making things more peaceful, serene even.
Now, mind you, we have been known to go walking in the rain here at home, just for the heck of it, so maybe we just enjoy the rain.
Great pics...thanks again.
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Well-Known Member
Love the empty park, it gives you a clear view to take all of your pictures without someone walking in the way. Can you tell what species the nest of eggs are from? You got a couple pictures of the lion which is pretty tough. Following along.


Well-Known Member
Hello. Just have to say that over the years you have been my fave trip reporter. Love following along. Just started reading this report today, and had an omg moment.

You have the same DDB as me. The one you bought on day two. I bought it last year when we were there in November. I bought mine because I had seen one of your reports where you got a DDB and loved it, so my DH got me one.

Looking at the pattern on mine I have the castle top left of the badge, and tink top right. Cheshire Cat is just underneath the badge. Donald on the other hand is on the bottom of the bag, so this would not work for you. I am a tink fan so pleased with mine.

We are off the the world next year, and as it will be my 40th shortly after, my DH is springing for another DDB.

We did the mvmcp and I had my bag when we saw tink and her sister. Periwinkle noticed my bag and that it had tink on it and they thought it was so cute. Kept calling it a satchel, which was funny as I am from the uk so it is a bag.

Keep up the good work on the reports. You look like an amazing family.


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Great trip report, I almost picked Polynesian for our trip in early October, but BW had comparable price at the time, with the 30% off deal.

Thanks! Funny, but I was really hoping we'd be able to switch to BW for this trip, but they were out of rooms...even at regular price! I grew up in NJ and BW has such a vintage NJ shore feel to it...right down to the miniature Lucy in the lobby. Oh well, hopefully next time! :)

We completely enjoy AK. It has never, ever been a half day park for us, as there is just so much to see and do, so many details that many miss. I often wonder about people who fail to slow down and enjoy it, and feel sad they miss out on such a beautiful place. Yes, there are those who say they can go to local zoos to see animals and they want more rides. We just view it differently I guess and would still go, even if there were no rides.
One of our best days ever was a rainy day at AK, with a slow, steady, cooling rain all day, with occasional heavier showers scattered throughout the day. We had our own, bigger, heavier nylon ponchos, but still got wet during the course of the day, and our feet were soaked and a couple of times we had to wring out our socks, but somehow the rain added to the day, making things more peaceful, serene even.
Now, mind you, we have been known to go walking in the rain here at home, just for the heck of it, so maybe we just enjoy the rain.
Great pics...thanks again.

Thanks! I was certainly able to appreciate AK much more while being off on my own. It's funny...the other parks are a bit creepy to me when they're this empty, but there's something really calming/peaceful about AK when it's quiet. I'll steal your word...there was a certain serenity about it :) In general, I love a rainy day at any WDW park is good with me. It's really just my camera that's my concern.

Love the empty park, it gives you a clear view to take all of your pictures without someone walking in the way. Can you tell what species the nest of eggs are from? You got a couple pictures of the lion which is pretty tough. Following along.

I always enjoy feeling like I kind of have the place to myself. As @akayw0718 noted...the eggs are cement. Well, they are real ostrich eggs, but they're filled with cement. I love I always try my best to get them as we go through that section. Thanks!

Nothing DSLR fancy, just an upgrade from my very basic point and shoot. The Nikon L830 in plum.

I believe those are from the concrete species.

I've heard those cameras have a lot of similarities to working with a DSLR. It's almost like they're least from the ones I've seen. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun going to WDW with a new camera in hand :)

I can guess why, but what is the reason the bathrooms at AK have doors?

I've always heard that it's a safety measure...just in case any animals get loose in the park. i.e. guests can be safe behind closed/locked doors in the bathrooms.

Hello. Just have to say that over the years you have been my fave trip reporter. Love following along. Just started reading this report today, and had an omg moment.

You have the same DDB as me. The one you bought on day two. I bought it last year when we were there in November. I bought mine because I had seen one of your reports where you got a DDB and loved it, so my DH got me one.

Looking at the pattern on mine I have the castle top left of the badge, and tink top right. Cheshire Cat is just underneath the badge. Donald on the other hand is on the bottom of the bag, so this would not work for you. I am a tink fan so pleased with mine.

We are off the the world next year, and as it will be my 40th shortly after, my DH is springing for another DDB.

We did the mvmcp and I had my bag when we saw tink and her sister. Periwinkle noticed my bag and that it had tink on it and they thought it was so cute. Kept calling it a satchel, which was funny as I am from the uk so it is a bag.

Keep up the good work on the reports. You look like an amazing family.

Thank you :) :) :)

I really like this DDB. It's far more functional than my LC and a lighter load than lugging around my tassel tote. Sounds like you got really nice placement on your bag.

So exciting that you'll get to go back for your 40th! It's just such a wonderful place for birthday celebrations. Also exciting that it means another DDB! I think next time, I'm going to make the trek to World of Disney as they seem to have the best selection.

I just enjoy when the characters notice these things. I'm wondering if she was calling it a satchel since it's the official DDB style type for that bag. I mean, I NEVER call it a satchel, but maybe that's why.

Thank you for reading! Hopefully Flickr will cooperate so I can post more before bed.


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So, I left off on day's still EMH and I'm heading towards Everest...






And when I get there…it’s closed...some kind of repair issues. So, I keep walking and keep taking pics.



…even turning back a few times to get different angles of EE.


While it’s one of my other FP+ for the day, I decide to head to Primeval Whirl. I’ve never ridden it because of the girls…so now’s my chance. So...I head that way...



Why is it that I've never noticed the parking space lines in this area??? Oh yeah...because someone is usually having an epic meltdown by this point.


I have arrived!


The wait isn’t too bad, but I take pics…of course!




I had stuffed my poncho back in the bag and had my camera out by ride time…




Just my kind of humor...




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And here I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Way to go... a ride that can make me feel old!






I knew it was a “crazy maus” style coaster, but for whatever reason…I didn’t think to slip a backpack strap through my leg pre-ride. I was really lucky…I managed to snag the backpack from across the car and loop it into my leg just as I was going into a wicked spin.

And just like that…I’m done and on my way out…



I thought about heading back to Everest, but opted for Dinosaur instead…


(oooops...not our dino)

And I'm walking...




I guess I'm following this lady...




Again…walk on…







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...and my last few pics before heading back in time.



Ride was fun and bumpy as usual. And, I’m out…



I’m also approaching FP+ time for Everest and DH should be meeting me…so I head back that way…










So, I've arrived at Everest, but it’s still down.

I try calling DH, just to realize he’s been calling me. He got into the park earlier than expected and was just wandering…although, I don’t think he did much of anything. Oh, and just like the closure with RnR the other day, it pretty much was a waste of a FP+. Our next FP+ wasn’t until a bit later…and it was Nemo…so, we had some time to kill. He didn’t want to ride the safari or Dinosaur…so, it was back to Primeval Whirl.




I know…what strange pics I took of the area this time.

I also made the mistake of telling DH that I just noticed the parking space lines for the first time today. Yeah...he was shocked and mocked me for it. Figures! Granted, there was some payback...he had the crazy idea that the area was just an old parking lot that was repurposed.

I skipped the ride pics this time, but it was fun...again. Dh was shocked by the spinning. We also got in there at a bad time...well, not bad...but the wait was a bit longer. Oh well.

It was around this time that I also tried swapping out my Primeval Whirl FP+ for Everest at a later time. It ended up booking me for a much later time than I’d selected and was doing that on the app for any attraction I tried to switch to. So, basically…our FP+s were a waste for the afternoon. Oh well…the doors were now open for Nemo…so we decided to head in…


***OK…I’m exhausted and off to bed. I will try and post more tomorrow!

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