Trip Report MAY THE SPORK BE WITH YOU!!! - a Kid-Free F&W Trip Report

Hi all!!! Well, we’re back from our 6 kid-free days at WDW (yes, much sadness), but now I at least get to share our trip with all of you! If you’re new to my trip reports, my name is Sandy. I did a pre-trip report for this one, but it wasn’t exactly my best work…i.e. I neglected it much of the time. Bad Sandy! Oh well, the real report will be significantly better. I swear, this is probably one of my best trips to WDW- EVER!!!

As many of you know…my reports are heavily picture infused things…mainly because I take TONS of pics so you can “walk” along with me. I took close to 4,000 pics this time…some better than others…but all to help paint the full picture of this trip. I will get into all of the pictures and heavy duty Disney stuff, but first a little background on the days leading up to the trip. Sorry- not much in the way of pictures in this portion, but I promise you…there really are TONS of pictures to come.

So, it’s the evening of November 4th and I’m prepping for our departure on November 7th. DH gets home as I’m putting our girls to bed and informed me that his mom was coming by to talk to us. Ok, so I’m now freaking out. His mom was supposed to have the girls stay with her so we could go on vacation, so this didn’t sound good. We’ve also have really bad luck before all of our recent WDW trips. I think we’d all agree that the car accident last year was the worst, but I am starting to think we’re cursed. In any event, my MIL comes by and drops a bit of a bomb on us. It’s really sad and scary stuff…I’m not at liberty to share the details…but from a safety standpoint, we couldn’t have the girls stay with her at her house. Thankfully, she was willing to stay at our house- so the big problem was solved, but now I had to work in time to deep clean the house. I mean, I was planning on a light cleaning…but I had to pack for me as well as for the girls (school day stuff, softball stuff, etc.) + I had to make a birthday cake!

Many of you know me from the Cake Talk thread over in the dining section, but I also make my own custom cakes on the side. My younger one’s bday is Nov 6th, so I had to have a cake the day before we went out of town…and of course she wanted something crazy (gee, I wonder who encourages this kind of madness??? ;) ). She wanted a 'fluffy' killer whale cake…just like her furry Shamu-esque plush named “Shammie.” Thankfully, the cake was fairly easy…well, minus the nearly 7 tubs of black food coloring I needed to achieve black buttercream. So, here’s the finished product as well as a pic with my ‘model.’



Day 1

So, the house is clean, the cake is done and we’re pretty much packed…and it’s after midnight…so, it’s officially our departure day!!! Our flight from Houston Hobby was supposed to take off at 6:15am, so we had to leave the house around 4am. I got about 3 hours of sleep, packed up the car, said good-bye to the girls (who were still in bed- asleep - MIL was in the guest bedroom), and drove to the airport. The roads were dead, but the airport was surprisingly busy. It took a while to get through security, but we at least had a good laugh when checking our bags. The ladies helping us overheard that it was a kid free trip to Disney and they made sure everyone in the area knew we were heading there without the kids. Most of the people just looked really confused, but we got a good laugh.

After DH forgetting to empty his pockets at security and having some minor issues, we make our way out to the gate and wait. Hey, at least it looks like we’re going to be on time.


Boarding and take off are pretty uneventful. I’m utterly exhausted and fall asleep shortly after. I mean, I tend to sleep on planes even when I’m well rested, but this was that uncontrollable … sort of passing out … kind of deep sleep. I didn’t sleep for the entire flight. In fact, I woke up to a lovely cloud filled sky…


Actually, shortly after this pic the clouds started to clear and I could tell we were approaching the Florida coastline…



Ok, I actually took a series of pics as we approached. I guess this is the air equivalent of people taking pics of the state signs when crossing the state line on a road trip…



I also realized that we were flying over the Tampa/St Pete area. My parents lived just outside of St Pete for a few years after leaving Gainesville and before heading to the Ft. Lauderdale area. I took this pic because I noticed a large pink building right at the coastline. Anyone who knows this area knows this is the Don Cesar hotel. Unfortunately, even when cropping, blowing up and saturating the colors in the pic below…you can’t really see that there’s a big pink hotel…but it’s there- I swear it is!!!


Now, I really enjoy being able to pick out familiar sites from the air. I regret not having my DSLR out with the telephoto hooked up for this, but you’re just going to have to take my word for it with the pics below. See, I usually can pick out Epcot from the air with no problem- in fact, it's why I intentionally sat us on this side of the plane. I mean, the “Swalphin” is super obvious and SSE kind of stands out. Still, for whatever reason, I couldn’t find them for the life of me. Then I spotted something…something I’ve never noticed before from the air. I’m sitting there thinking, “man, that white blob over there kind of reminds me of Space Mountain.” Then I realize the buildings I’m looking at to the right are BLT and the Contemporary!!! And while it was more a white blip from the air…I could see…THE CASTLE!!! And as my eyes adjusted and started picturing the WDW map in my head, I realized I could see the Poly, the GF, and yes…I was also able to pick out SSE and the Swalphin too! I could see all of this until shortly before landing. Talk about WELCOME HOME!!! I'll share one of these pics, but it's really tough to spot any of this...


I tried cropping and zooming, but it’s still really hard to pick them out…but I swear they are there!
So, landing was uneventful and we were soon ready for the first “ride” of our trip.



Kind of sad...I am now using the DSLR (vs my phone), but I'm so jittery from excitement that I can't take a decent shot!

I also had temporary amnesia…or magical euphoric memory loss (your pick)…and forgot where to find DME. Of course, the jetways now have it labeled on there…but I guess I also had some selective blindness upon arrival. So, I sucked it up, went to Information, and got directions to DME. I was kind of embarrassed, but clearly I needed the help. At least the info was correct…


As we get down to the ground level and start heading towards the DME area, I start seeing DME and DCL buses…and I’ll admit it, I got kind of misty. Thankfully, DH didn’t notice because I would have been mocked considerably. We had our magic bands on, so getting through everything was a breeze. In fact, the only tough part was convincing DH that our checked baggage would be delivered to our hotel. It’s like he’s never been to WDW before!!! We’re directed to line 2 and make our way all the way to the front.


We’re the only ones there and it kind of looks like we just missed a bus for our grouping of resorts. Just then the CMs manning that section of lines asked which resort we were headed to for our trip. I said we’re going to the Poly and magically, they opened the ropes and led us out to a bus. Sadly, it was a magical yellow Mears bus, but hey…it would get us where we needed to go.


Although, I was kind of jealous with all of the DCL buses around us…just something about having the Disney labeling on the bus. OK- feeling quite shallow right about now!


Still, I really can’t complain…we were on a bus, that bus was nearly full and about ready to go. I think we waited less than 5 minutes to start heading towards the resorts. This was also our first time seeing the new DME video and can I just say…I HATE IT!


Before ever crossing onto Disney property, we saw a sign that Disney was near!


Yeah- the Characters in Flight balloon is kind of a give-a-way that Disney is near! Shortly after spotting the balloon, one of the best views on earth came into sight…



I was obviously not in a good seat to snap any good pics, but I think most of us know that we were getting ready to pass under the Maingate!!! I remember being really frustrated after this as well. I wanted to check in on Facebook, basically confirming that we’re officially “inside the MAGIC BUBBLE,” but it wasn’t until we were farther in that I was able to get ‘Walt Disney World” to come up as a check in option. i.e. I didn’t want any of the parks or resorts. OK- minor annoyance…I know!

More to come on Day 1! Thanks for reading!
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Great pictures so far of the parade. It always feels great when the characters pick some children out of the audience and give a little extra attention so the kids fell special. Can't wait to see the remainder of the parade. Following along.

Thanks :) Yeah- it's really one of those things that makes Disney parks really magical. I know I've always loved it when the characters and performers have done that for my kids.

You know you've seen FOF pics too many times and know too many cast members when you're like - and there's Josh, and Dan, oh hey Becca...

OK, so now I'm all curious as to which one is Josh, which one Dan, and Becca, etc. :D LOL - Of course, I've already played my own little guessing game with it and assigned out names. I'm probably horribly wrong :)


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OK...same goal try and get through FoF!

So, when I left off, Merida and crew were approaching...









And there she is…what I’ve been waiting for…


(see, the fairy is just as excited as I am!)

Actually, I had to take a lot of pics before she got close enough for me to go nuts taking pics of my most anticipated element of the parade...





Getting closer...




Here she is...





And she is SPECTACULAR!!! Holy cow!


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I can't say for sure, but I think I started jumping up and down as she got closer.



We had a pretty open space above us, so I was really hoping she’d raise her head in front of us and we’d get to see some flames. Wish granted…










(putting in my order for more fire- PLEASE!)



(Sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!)

This would also be the big “fire is hot” joke of the trip. I honestly wasn’t expecting to be able to feel the heat from Maleficent, but DH thought I sounded like a preschooler and kept educating me that fire is hot. Nice.

I was still just so in awe of Maleficent and took pics for as long as I could. I swear, I'm sure it would be a huge liability, but I want the home version! Now that would be a souvenir! I haven't smoked a cigarette in nearly 8 years, but I'd love a lighter version of this even for just lighting candles. It would be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO awesome!, more Maleficent...







(tail control)



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OK...actually - it's "munk" time first...


...afterall, Dale is my favorite munk! lots of Mickey and Minnie pics...






It's like she's saying good-bye...

Her too!

Parade is over! We don’t normally wait for the daytime parades, but we both agreed this was AMAZING and worth the wait.


***That's it for now. See...I actually got through FoF as promised! Thanks for reading :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks! Just so much going on that logging in just doesn't always happen. I have so many days where I tell myself I'm going to log in and post more and a ton of things come up. That's life. :)

I complelety agree! But I will try to find more time in the future! It is great to read all the TR's and watching al the familiar pictures! Since we are not in WDW in 2015, it's the only thing to keep up with WDW. We will be in DLP later this year, but no date planned yet :) But in '16 and '17 we will be back in WDW! And sometimes work is just to much to find time for the log in. And normally I only log in during weekdays... weekends are so busy with other stuff!


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Very nice, Thank You. The parade looked wonderful.

Thank you! The parade totally lived up to expectations and so thankful we were blessed with sunny blue skies for my picture extravaganza :)

I complelety agree! But I will try to find more time in the future! It is great to read all the TR's and watching al the familiar pictures! Since we are not in WDW in 2015, it's the only thing to keep up with WDW. We will be in DLP later this year, but no date planned yet :) But in '16 and '17 we will be back in WDW! And sometimes work is just to much to find time for the log in. And normally I only log in during weekdays... weekends are so busy with other stuff!

I'm naturally jealous that you get to DLP so regularly, but of course, you're a lot closer than I am ;) I still wish I could have made it there when we were in Europe back in 2010, but I think the day it would have worked for us - it was the choice between DLP and going to the Louvre. I'm a huge art lover and that was the clear winner. If it makes you feel any better, we're not hitting WDW at all in 2015 either...but more on that at the end of the TR.

I have a hard enough time trying to find time to update the trip report. Just so much going on...from keeping up with working full time (at lunch right now), keeping up with the girls, staying on top of my fitness goals, softball, house stuff, and then - everything else. There need to be more hours in the day! :)


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I'm going to try and get us to the point where we're heading back to the room to rest up for dinner on day 5, but we'll see how that goes. When I left off, FoF had just ended and by positioning ourselves in Frontierland, we were in a prime spot to go straight to our FP+ for BTMRR...





We got lucky and got in the last seat for this one too. Man did we get bounced around and it was GREAT!


(yup - this is the view from the back)




(I think I take this exact same pic at least once a trip)






Man, that was fun!

The crowds are just so thick and we want to rest and clean up a bit for dinner…so we start making our way out of MK.







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Check out the line for Dole Whips at Aloha Isle!!! NUTS!





Moving on...





Happen to catch the Dapper Dans on our way out of MK…


Wow- not even 4pm and we need to get outta here!


Balloons!!!!!!! Oh, how I'd love to buy one, but there's no good way of getting one back on the plane. I know the mouse ear ones can be deflated and re-inflated- or so I've heard, but I just can't imagine it being the same. We also learned from our 2012 balloon acquisitions that these things can stay afloat for well over a month. Oh balloon for me.


Still making our way out of MK...



We decide to take the monorail since there’s no boat in view…





Stopped at the Contemporary…



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And back at the Poly…


The line for Dole Whips in MK got me thinking that I’d really like one. I guess that’s a major perk of being at the Poly…easy access to Dole Whips with little to no wait. Yes, I know it’s no longer self-serve, but the one they made me was decent sized (compared to early pics from the opening of Pineapple Lanai)…


(yes, I know it's just a little blurry)


Back to the room…


(I really got used to seeing this)

And relaxing on my balcony…


(looks like the sun is starting to set)

See- this is why I really like having a room with a patio or balcony…we really do use it!

After some solid rest, we get dressed up and head out to the monorail…


***OK, that's it for now. Coming up...dinner at Narcoosee's, our Monorail Crawl, and my crafty little plan for the rest of the evening. Thanks for reading :)


Well-Known Member
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Still loving your report!

Thank you :)

Great pictures of the parade. I'm so jealous that you got a couple pictures of the dragon and fire. I really wanted to take a couple but I missed it with my camera. I guess it makes it a reason to go back.

Thanks! I had to keep mine on continuous mode just to ensure I captured it. It's kind of funny because a lot of my picture sequences look like flip books when they're all together. Definitely reason for you to go back :joyfull:

Another stellar TR! Thank you for sharing.

Thank you!!!


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Original Poster, when I last posted we were on our way to Narcoosee's. On a side note, this marks one of the few times I've worn heels at WDW. While I had thrown on my fave gold flats and flat sandals for our other nice meals, tonight I was in 5" heels. While my feet hate me for it, I do love wearing heels; however, it always feels so strange to put them on at WDW. I also packed a pair of flat sandals in my bag because I knew the heels would get old before long.

So, we arrive at the GF and check out the progress on the gingerbread…


Then it’s out to Narcoosee’s (which feels like a very long walk in 5" heels!)…


(not sure why I picked a pelican statue as my arrival pic)

We arrived early, so we sat for a while waiting for our table. We had a lovely kitchen view as we waited...


Finally time to be seated...and we were seated in an area with a nice view of the bar (which looks like a cool place to hang out) and a decent view of the water (well, what you can see of it in the dark)…







Mmmmmm….salty butter and blurry bread!



DH tried their sidecar. It was good, but he still didn’t like it as much as the one from Yachtsman…


I had a pumpkin spice martini, which was only OK.


I decided to start with the calamari.


It was OK…nothing earth shattering here, although, the banana peppers add a nice touch.

Awful shot, but I loved being able to see the Dreamlights from in there...


Entrees were now on there way out.

DH got the Key West shrimp and fettucini…


I was actually feeling kind of full, but it was entrée time. Not sure if I should have skipped the Dole Whip earlier or if I should have consumed less at brunch. Oh well, I got the Joyce Farms all natural chicken breast…


I was just feeling so full and couldn’t eat even close to all of my food. This was part of why I skipped seafood…I wasn’t in the mood, but I also really didn’t want to drop seafood $ on dinner if I knew I wasn’t going to eat it all. Still, the chicken was very very tasty...a tad heavy on the salt...but still very good. DH liked his too, but didn’t think it was anything amazing.

I popped into the bathroom on our way out to ditch the heels for comfy jeweled sandals. It's funny because one of the hostesses saw my shoes as I was heading in, and remarked about how they were pretty but did not look comfy. She was pleased to hear that I was switching out my footwear.

All in all, I think we'd return to Narcoosee's. It's pretty and while we didn't have a ton of seafood, what we did have was still decent- even if not mind blowing in all areas. I actually liked my food better than what I had at Cali Grill.

After that, we went back up to the main building and took a few more gingerbread pics.




***Sorry, that's it for tonight. Thanks for reading!!!


Well-Known Member
Great end to the parade. Love the fire pictures from the dragon, spectacular. Dole Whips, just can't live without them. Dinner choice of Narcoosees is on my buckets list but what you have shown us make it tops on my list. The Ginger Bread house looks beautiful. Following along.


Well-Known Member
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Great end to the parade. Love the fire pictures from the dragon, spectacular. Dole Whips, just can't live without them. Dinner choice of Narcoosees is on my buckets list but what you have shown us make it tops on my list. The Ginger Bread house looks beautiful. Following along.

Love that parade!!! And even more...LOVE that dragon!!! :inlove: I'm very happy that I was able to rebook Narcoosee's and can definitely see us going back. In some ways, I regret not keeping my Wishes timed ADR for earlier in the trip but that leaves us something to try in the future. Oh, and there are A LOT more pics of that gingerbread house to come. I'm just a tad obsessed! ;):D


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So, I was taking pics of the gingerbread house at the GF when I last posted. Looks like they are calling it a night...


Next up was Mizner’s Lounge. See…tonight was our monorail crawl. Woohoo!!! This is what happens when you don't bring the kids to WDW!!!!!!


(you'd think I had more than 1 drink in me with the way this turned out)

At least we have some music for our next phase of drinking...


We head in and it's pretty crowded, but find a table on the side that just needs a few glasses cleared. We grab it while we have the chance and I take a few pics...



So, we already had our drinks at Narcoosee’s, but more drinking at Mizner’s. I had some kind of chocolate martini and I think DH had something that looked like a mojito, but wasn’t.


I wanted to like Mizner’s, but the service was really slow. I guess at least we could hear the band. We weren't really feeling we paid our tab. Hey, between Mizner's and Narcoosee's - we are 2 drinks into this crawl!

We popped outside for a little bit to call the girls…and DH called me a creeper for taking pics of the splash area (and other things outside- like lights). What can I say, I love Alice in Wonderland! Creeper?!?!?! I think NOT!




Time to leave the GF and head to the next crawl stop...the Contemporary.


Where are you monorail???


Blurry and dark- but this is obviously us on the monorail...looks like it may be the MK stop...I think.


We drank enough at Cali Grill a few nights ago, so we decided to just hit Outer Rim.




(feeling thankful that I canceled our breakfast here for the next morning)

DH ordered a Long Island Iced Tea and I ordered a Blue Mule. This caused some confusion. The waitress asked if I’d like a glass for my ""drink" and I’m thinking…yeah…it’s a mixed drink, so yes, I’d like a glass. When she brought out the drinks, she brought me a BLUE MOON! Mystery explained…she thought I’d ordered a bottle of beer! Still…I got my drink…



The crowd at Outer Rim was very ... convention crowd, I guess. Still, we relaxed for a bit and I took some pics.


We debated about heading to WL to hit Territory Lounge, but my secret plan was to get back to MK since hours were extended. So, I suggest to DH that we just head to the Poly for our last round. I guess drunken donuts will have to wait...again.

Snapped a blurry shot of the 5-legged goat before heading back to the Poly...



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I really have no idea what all I drank, but I know I had 3 (maybe 4) big drinks at the Poly and DH had several Lapu Lapus. Just a small sample of our drinks...



Funny side note...I know we ordered a backscratcher at some point, but they were all out of the actual backscratchers. They warned us some people actually turn down the drink without the backscratcher souvenir!

DH decided his drink umbrella was his official trip souvenir. The CMs behind the bar also got a kick about the drink umbrella we’d seen stuck into the door number earlier that day.


A side note, I know a lot of people stop by Tambu while waiting for ‘Ohana…and I never noticed how rude some of the guests were. Maybe it was because we were sitting there all relaxed, but some people just seemed really sharp with the bartenders.

It’s also around this time that I realized I screwed up schedules. I thought Wishes was going off at 10 that night and that we’d be catching it from the dock before heading back to MK. It was around this time that the lights in ‘Ohana dimmed and Wishes started. Our view was rather obstructed, but I got a few totally awful pics from Tambu Lounge…



Took a few pics around ‘Ohana & Tambu before DH and I headed back to MK…





Oh yea...more drinks (still not all of them!)...




And a few more pics that don't involve any potent potables...





So, we head back to MK. I'm pretty sure we took the monorail, but I'm really not 100%. To be perfectly honest, while we were far from sloppy drunk, we were quite happily, I had to rely more heavily on my pics for the evening.

The 2nd running of MSEP was going on in MK when we arrived. I took a very blurry pic on MSUSA just so you can see where we were in the parade on our way in to the park…


We couldn’t get to the other side of the street due to the parade…so we headed towards Tomorrowland Terrace…and I took some castle pics. Not a fan of the pink…or really the whole Frozen color theme.


Somehow, I convince DH that we should ride IASW (pretty incredible considering I'd already convinced him to come back into MK vs. drinking at WL)…so we make our way back into Fantasyland, so I could say good-bye for now to my fave...


***That's it for tonight. Thanks for reading!!!
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