MASSIVE Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party Photo Post! By tk421-sw & thimblekisses


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
Great trip report, however, just wondering why it is in News & Rumors instead of the trip report forum? I think the people who read the trip reports regularly would like to see this thread too! :)
My guess, because the majority of the users here see News and Rumors or General Discussion more than the other boards.
You guys are just freakin awesome. Every time I see your posts and pictures I get chills. Thanks again for all the hard work and taking us with you on your trips. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
You guys rock!!! For all your hardwork and time put into creating your costumes you defintately deserved to be grand marshals.

AND you have really made me want to attend this party. Maybe I can fit it in next year, hmmmmmmmm!


New Member
Wow. That looks it was so much fun. I didn't even realize. I think I've become a convert.

I mean, a TEACUP full of CANDY?! That's amazing in and of itself.


New Member
Oh my God, great pictures. I'm so anxious in being there. Just 14 more days.....

Are you sure you can go in the park @4pm???????


Active Member
We were there the same night and now that I know what costumes you guys, had, we saw in the parade and adventureland. They were totally awesome. We had a great time that night and because it wasn't sold out, not crowded at all. Execellent pics!!!


Well-Known Member
Those pictures are great!!! You guys looked like you had an awesome time, it must be fun to go with such a big group of friends. I wish I could see the headless horseman in person.

Is anybody else wondering why there is a random Jungle Cruise Cast-Member in the parking lot? :lookaroun


New Member

Wow this is wonderful. The costumes have me speechless :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:
If you have a group next year can I have an invite to join you? I would love to go to my first MNSSHP w/ you & others from the boards. Heres to a great update once again & to hopefuly another awsome MNSSHP group next year. :D :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
That was AWESOME! Your pics were great! I really wish i could have been there in person to see everything but i prob wont be able to for anotherr 6 years! At least during Halloween that is. Great costumes btw and keep the great trip reports coming!


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Original Poster
Wow! The thread has really grown since I last saw it! I read all the posts and there were lots of questions posted so I'm going to try to answer most of them! Here goes. . .

The pumpkin mickey buckets were for sale at WDW. I bought mine a couple of weeks before on a separate trip in anticipation. I stared at it sitting next to the computer every day and got more and more excited!

The totals for singing, roll call, etc. are a little inaccurate, because we stopped counting after the parade - we had expended a lot of energy by then!
The totals we have recorded are something to the effect of:
song - 53 times
ask about annette - 8
ask about cubby - 3
roll call - we stopped counting this one really early because we did it every single time we went through any turnstiles or a line of any kind.

The train station rehab and locker situation seems to change pretty often. I never know which end is going to be blocked off. As far as I am aware, there are no lockers available at this time. It may very well be too hot for your costume at 4pm. We started off with tights on with our socks (the girls) and quickly changed out of those in Downtown Disney because it was so hot. We were sweating bullets for a while once we got in MK and we weren't even wearing that hot of costumes (except that the shirts are pretty thick). My only advice would be to maybe fold your costumes up neatly if you don't want to wear them right away and carry them in a plastic bag or something. It is very likely that it will be extremely hot until the sun goes down or maybe even raining, this is FL after all.

As to the question why isn't this posted in trip reports - as with most of our photo posts it's kindof a combination trip report and update. While we are posting about what we did on our trip, we are also updating on what happens at a MNSSHP and what it looks like, what's new this year, etc, which usually qualifies as news since a lot of people don't know what happens at this event. Plus, I was up till about 4 am working on the thing, so posting it in two places might seem a little much for me that late at night. Maybe I'll post a link in that section later or something we'll see. :wave:

Donald Duck I believe was once again dressed up as a pumpkin. I don't recall if I saw him in the parade, but we did see him in Toontown, and I am fairly certain he was a pumpkin.

The camera we used for the night shots and, actually, all of the shots is a Kodak Easy Share CX7430. Pretty easy to use (although Ryland's better at it than me) and takes great pictures. I don't even have it on the highest quality setting, either.

Whoever referred to the teacup full of candy - I was surprised as you were! Hence the picture. I took a ton that didn't make the photo post cut (Ryland said this was far too many) but Disney REALLY upped the amount of candy this year. NOT AN EXAGGERATION. That whole 11 billion pieces of candy for the whole event statistic that was mentioned is completely fathomable once I saw how much candy they handed out. Holy cow. Disney folks really listened from the past couple of years when guests complained about lack of candy. If you miss your candy this year you must be asleep!

Am I sure that you can get into the park at 4pm? Yes. I am absolutely sure. After attending 3 MNSSHPs and one MVMCP in the past years, this has always been the case. We even asked a few CMs in Downtown Disney to confirm that this was still going on, and confirm they did. One year we arrived at the gates at about 3:40 and they did make us wait until 4pm to pass through (this was before we had APs).

And finally, why on earth was a Jungle Cruise CM in the parking lot? I have no idea. And why did he stop us and make us sing? I don't know but I'm glad he did. It was hilarious. We were excited to get so much attention and since we're theatre people we always love an opportunity to be in character. (Little did we know how far we'd carry it in the park!) He told us his name and to come visit him on Jungle Cruise but we totally forgot! Probably for a number of reasons - first of all I'm not the biggest Jungle Cruise fan, frankly it scares me quite a bit (I don't like AA in the water - I don't care how state of the art it is, it freaks me out), so I'm never really like Whoopee! Let's go on Jungle Cruise! Also it didn't used to be open for these events, it being dark and all, I think last year they added it to the attractions that would be open for MNSSHP and MVMCP. So sadly, between all our marching and singing, we missed him. Hats of to you, buddy!

Did that cover everything? I hope so! Thanks so much guys for your enthusiastic response - it's been a long time since I've done a photo post and I was really excited to do it again!:wave: :sohappy:


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Pumpkin Phoenix said:
You guys made my experience all the more amazing.
The second me and my friends walked down Main Street around 6ish, we were greeted by the original mickey mouse club skipping down the street, unforgettable!

Can't wait for the update!

Heyyy now that I see your picture, I remember you guys! Great costumes!!! Jack's makeup was great - Ryland was Jack our first year (I was Sally) at Mickey's. I love the Belle and Alice, too. Did you guys make those? They looked great!


New Member
Awsome pics. you guys really look like you had a blast!

funny thought I had while I was on the subway, I wanted to see a picture of your group and another group of people who also dressed as Mousketeers facing off against eachother West Side Story style. -snap!- -snap!- -snap!-

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