Disney Irish
Premium Member
Well first we don't know exactly which character he is going to be playing. He very well could be playing a new character just like Downey is with Doom, so other than another actor returning this isn't the "old guard".Because to me it feels like Disney is desperate and afraid any of the new characters from Phase 4, which they should be expanding more on, are not going to help this movie be a hit and that they’re afraid new characters don’t sell as well like the old guard does.
Basically, they’re afraid to move forward.
Also I'm not sure what you mean they aren't using any of the new characters from Phase 4? I mean we just had Agatha All Along, we're getting Capt 4, Shang Chi 2 is in development, not to mention that Moon Knight, Ms Marvel, Kate Bishop and a few others are rumored to be in one if not both of the Avengers movies.
So they are using the Phase 4 characters, it just hasn't been as quick as some would like. So they aren't afraid to move forward.