As for someone's argument that they're just putting the Spider-Man animation back in the computer - no, they're completely reanimating it. The press release was quite clear about that. Look at the image released of the new animation and tell me it's just an HD version.
I'm sorry, you are simply mistaken. As I fully explained above, "reanimated" does not mean "start from scratch". That would be "recreate". Besides that, number one, what samples you have seen on the Internet are simply that - samples. They may have simply been for show, but even if they aren't, Number 2, if you have even a basic knowledge of computer animation, you'd know these assets already exist and making a character move five feet over or what have you, or applying a new texture, takes a keystroke, not any amount of real man power.
The point is, they aren't spending a great deal of money to do this, like some speculate. If given proper access to the original files, a high school student could do it in their spare time. "Reanimating" is as meaningless a term as "remastering" - it really doesn't mean anything, and could have simply meant they flipped the computer on, changed the setting to output in HD, and clicked "Compile" as the computer does the actual animation itself.
I don't understand this at all. What indication is there whatsoever that this bothers Universal? They contracted with Marvel to use their characters. They got it when Marvel was down and pay next to nothing for the privilege, at least compared to what such a deal would cost today. And they pay Marvel a percentage of merchandise sold, not a big deal either. The fact that Marvel is owned by Disney changes nothing. They get to use these hot Marvel characters on the cheap and in doing so they deny Disney the very use of property Disney owns. And there is nothing Disney can do about it. This is one of the greatest "pimping over" of a competitor in history. Universal doesn't have this hanging over their head. Disney does.
See, this is exactly, EXACTLY the type of post I was referring to.
"Uni kicks Disney in the bum with this one! How can you not see it?"
One can just as easily say, "Disney has Uni by the nuts on this one!! Every time a cash register rings up a Spiderman T-Shirt at Uni it's cash going into Disney's pocket! Why would Disney want out of this??"
It's all fanboy nonsense.
The truth is, neither company wants to be in this position. It's messy. We can talk about who's got the better end of the deal until we are blue in the face (and we have), but it is not truly advantageous for either company to be in bed like this. The only reason it's even tolerated is because the general public does not yet associate Disney and Marvel whatsoever. It has nothing to do with theme parks, or rivalries, etc., it's simple business - you do not want to be dependent, in bed, or contractually associated with your closest competitor. If they could (forgive the reference) wave a magic wand, the situation would just disappear. No one "likes" it, besides Internet folk who like to picture it as some Mano-e-mano grudge match.