Trip Report Making Lemonade out of Lemons Fractal Family Trip Report - Completed

I think we can all agree that so far 2020 has been one big sour lemon.

For those that did not read my Pre-Trip report; my entire family (Val-wife, Alex - oldest daughter, Sterg - son, Toni - youngest daughter) has recovered from the Covid-19 virus. Myself, Val, Sterg and Toni got it in March and Alex in April while working as a nurse. Val had it worse with a fever for a couple days and flu like symptoms for about a week. The rest of us were either asymptomatic or had minor symptoms.

Add to that the mental stress of living in a society dealing with this pandemic, Toni missing out on a big chunk of her High School Senior Year and her last dance recital (where she was going to take on a major role as Jasmine), work reductions for Sterg and high stress work conditions for Alex on the front line. Yes, 2020 has sure been one big sourpuss.

But, as the saying goes; "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!"

It just so happened that last year I made a reservation to attend the annual AHEPA convention in Walt Disney World, just as I did in 2017. We were going to stay at the Grand Destino Towers but that seemed very much in jeopardy when AHEPA (which is a charitable organization I'm involved with. Like a Greek version of the Knights of Columbus or Lions Club.) cancelled their convention. Soon after however, I received an email that Disney would honor our reservation in July. This was pretty tempting since we had convention rates and discounts on tickets. Long story short, we decided to go. We felt that having already had the virus gave us an extra level of protection and we knew that Disney would handle the health risks properly. In addition, we later found out that our rooms were moved from Grand Destino to the Contemporary in order to accommodate the LA Lakers and Milwaukee Bucks. Sterg's and my dream of playing Marco Polo with the Greek Freak and LeBron James in the pool were quickly dashed. But who could say no to staying at The Contemporary for $175 a night?

We were a go! It was frustrating however because although we had a resort reservation we did not have park tickets. We also didn't have a "park pass" which was needed during this reopening of WDW. We had to wait for all that to open and I had serious doubts it would by the time our first day at the resort (July 20th) rolled around. I decided to book flights without tickets or park passes. Southwest had roundtrip flights from Philly to Orlando for $90 plus if you had to cancel you got that credit for a future flight. No brainer. This was turning out to be the cheapest Disney trip we have taken as a family! Soon after I was open to buy tickets and book Park Passes. We had started to squeeze that lemon and add it's juice to our pitcher of cold water.

Now for the Cast of our adventure.

Myself - Chris/Fractal. A lover of Disney Parks for the many memories it has given me over the years with my family, the way it helps me completely unwind from my job, and how it taps into my creative side and challenges my skills as a photographer.

Here I am with my crazy kids at Christmas.


Val - my beautiful wife. Not the biggest fan of Disney but in the end she was on board. I think secretly she likes it more than she lets on. I will make it up to her with a trip more to her liking.

Here she is with Alex.


Alex - our oldest. Now a traveling nurse. Alex is like me in many ways but as she's getting older and more responsible I'm starting to see her take on a number of Val's traits. She's a good mix and always a delight to be with.

From a trip to Colorado we took last year;


Sterg, aka Fractal Jr. One word to describe Sterg - catalyst - he just makes things happen. He creates reactions both good and bad. He graduated last year from Penn State. He was a captain on the Swim Team but not without drama. He had to miss his promising senior year of swimming when a series of concussions (all outside the water) forced him to medically retire. PSU handled it very well as he helped the team from the sidelines. He now works as a digital marketing consultant as well as helping his cousin get his music career off the ground. Never a dull moment when Sterg is around!

with our dog Prince (Charming).


Toni - For long time readers of my reports you know that Toni and I have a special Disney connection. Many times she would be the only one up early with me to tackle the parks at opening. We have had many great adventures together in the Disney bubble. She's now technically an adult (how did that happen?) so I was going to find out this trip if the magic was still there. She's going to attend Clemson University starting next month and I couldn't be prouder.

Toni in front of the Theater her Recital was supposed to perform at.


So Covid-19 made our family suffer in many ways, but we took that lemon, squeezed it's juice out into our water pitcher, now we just needed a little Disney sugar to make our Lemonade complete.

Coming up - Our trip begins with a WDW meet-up before our flight even leaves the ground!


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We took our spots and were welcomed aboard.


Bek (the captain) then went right to business as we navigated our way off the planet and towards our destination. He was an amazing AA and the visuals were not only top notch but along with subtle movements of the ship, really helped sell the illusion.


Well, apparently the Resistance has a mole because before I could say "I have a bad feeling about this", we were attacked by the First Order and caught in their Star Destroyer's tractor beam. Poe was able to tail off and escape with a promise to return for us.

More seriousness and straight play here. It came off as intimidating and gave you a sense of danger over what was to come next.


When the doors opened you were indeed in a Star Destroyers dock and I must admit to being somewhat uncomfortable as if, again, this was really happening.


Toni staring down The First Order. Perhaps she is strong with the Force?




We were then moved out of the dock by very serious and nasty First Order CMs. I think we were called Rebel Scum at one point and I loved it!


It seems Covid is contagious enough to reach a Galaxy far, far away...


UP NEXT - Things get even more intense!
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You're spoiler is awesome, best pictures I've seen yet! Biggest regret is we didn't get to see all this in July. My husband is a huge Star Wars fan, I take one for the team every Star Wars movie, but I am looking forward to the Star Wars Land for the entertainment value of the rides.


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We were moved into this detention area for our cell block assignment.



I could tell Toni was getting a little nervous because she started to ask a bunch of questions;

"What is even going on?"
"Where are we?"
"What are they going to do to us."

and then the "hi's" started

"Hi robots with guns."
"Hi going to prison."
"Hi yelling at us."

Sterg for his part was playing along and kept giving me signals that he was loving this. Or maybe that's a secret Resistance hand code I didn't pick up on...


We had to wait until they processed the other prisoners first.


Then we were very impolitely placed in our cell. Almost immediately we got of visit from these two baddies. I kind of liked the fact you had to look through the bars and couldn't get a solid look at them.


Wait! Looks like we're being rescued! Yes, an inside Resistance group broke us out of our cell and onto escape vehicles!



It was a secret Resistance hand signal!


"Hi escaping"


And look who's going to help us out of this dangerous maze...


We were off and running until this probe droid blocked us...


Yikes! Stormtroppers spotted us!


Let's go in here...


Are you kidding me? Sterg and I were freaking out. Toni was still in her semi-shocked deadpan mode. "Hi Giant robots going to crush us."


Right under the belly.



There's Finn covering for us. Quick get out!


We're spotted!


and fired at!

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We end up here. Shhhh, maybe they won't see us.


Meanwhile Poe and The Resistance show up and attack!


Kylo spots us! Off we go again.


Whoops, wrong turn.


We slide into a sealed room but he's not giving up... This was a great effect!


We escape that onto a firing deck - think of a Star Wars version of the side of a pirate ship shooting canons.


The battle outside was now raging!



This really was pretty amazing. Not sure you can make this any more realistic.



Look who's back!



Well-Known Member
Excellent pictures as always and love the update on the family. Sad to hear about your son's concussions, though. I still laugh when I think of the trip report you put together where Sterg left his license at home. That one also included the Fractal Walk which meant barefooting through Beach Club (I should have verified that). Still, great report thus far. If you did the Fractal Walk at Contemporary, you could make it your signature move.


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When we last left our heroes they were confronted by the evil Lord Kylo Ren. Kylo tried to extract the information we were carrying by using the dark side of the force.


Fortunately for us, a direct blast spoiled his plans.




and allowing us one more escape...


we made our way into an escape pod.



while the battle outside was still on.


We left the Star Destroyer to safer ground.


Back to the Resistance base. Beck was happy to see we survived!


Wow! what a rush!


Rise of the Resistance is more an experience than a ride. I told Sterg it was one step closer to WestWorld. It's a role play experience that takes you on a extraordinary trip. A leap forward in Theme Park entertainment that make you wonder where we'll be 10 years from now. Bravo to Disney and their Imagineers!


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By the time we exited RotR Val had entered the park, unfortunately so did the rain.

This is also the time I discovered that you can only ride RotR once per day after questioning a CM about the next virtual queue slot for all 4 of us. Val was not interesting in riding alone so she never did.

We pulled out our ponchos (actually remembered to bring them along!) and scampered to meet Val and grab lunch at the Backlot Express. The fountain drink area is blocked by a long table but behind the table was a CM that took your drink order and then served it to you. I had a southwest salad that was rather good and I remember that Sterg enjoyed his burger.

Sterg then took control of the camera.

I was on the phone for a work related issue.


Toni putting on her mask...


then her poncho as we were getting ready for our next adventure.


Our mission this time was a little less dangerous; Take Val to Galaxy's Edge and on Smuggler's Run. Val has about this much interest in Star Wars...

Amazingly she has never watched a minute of any Star Wars films. In fact, if there is a Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, Terminator, or any other movie in that genre playing on our TV she'll walk by and say "How many times can you watch Star Wars?"

But she was interested in seeing the new land so off we went back from whence we came.


The newly fallen rain gave the place a different look.




I can never remember this guy's name...



Social distancing





We asked and were given permission to play 3D chess. Loved seeing the training ball and blast helmet Luke used in the Original. My geek level was pretty high!



This time Toni was the pilot along with Val. I decided to document from the gunner's seat next to Sterg.


Immediately Toni proved herself a better pilot than me and took her role rather seriously. She barked orders to Val who complied.

Pull the lever down for Hyperspace!



We ended up doing much better with the ladies' in control.


Another fun trip on the Millennium Falcon!

Really liked this shot of the cockpit - except for my poncho in the bottom corner.


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GAHHH I always love your photos! Of course when I read you were switching to silent shutter on Ariel, I knew what was about to happen :hilarious:

Enjoying this report and can't wait to read more!

Thanks @sheriffwoody ! Yes, I'm sure you did know!

Wwwaaayyyy late to the party, but so happy to be all caught up! Congrats to Toni! Your pics are stunning! Can't wait to see the rest of your adventures!

Never too late! Thanks and thanks for reading!

Ahhh, I was wondering as I read your live report if those were Avatar Banshee masks!
I get it now! We lived outside of Philly when I was training for several years and LOVE Wawa's! My husband who loved to make my daughter crazy used to sing a ditty he created, "wawa, wawa wawa wa"! Still does anytime we are out east and see a Wawa! I'll have to see if I can buy him one online somewhere. We don't have Wawa's in the Pittsburgh area.

I can't believe how many details I am seeing through your photographs! In all of the times I've walked under that I never noticed that it was the top of the guitar!

And this is insane! A back to the future/sci-fi something mix! Love it!

Yes, the mask is comfortable as well as stylish. Around here is Wawa > Sheetz Lol! Thanks for the comments!

ToT pictures are amazing. Enjoying the report.
Thank you sir!

I sure hope you have more photos and description of this ride! I got to go for the first time while I was just there. I am OG as well, but I was by myself and felt very rushed through the whole thing, so I have no idea what really happened! :cautious: Just loving your commentary to go with the great photos. No wonder everyone waits for your trip reports!

Thanks @cgersic !
I loved your RnR and ToT pics. The launch picture from RnR really captures the feeling of the launch. ToT is still one of my favorites, although I think Flight of Passage may have jumped in line just ahead of it.

I have to admit, I kinda blew past your Galaxy Edge pics as I haven't been able to experience it myself yet. I'm trying to avoid spoilers as much as possible. I was supposed to go in June, but we all know how that plan turned out. Hopefully I will get to experience it myself sooner rather than later.

Thanks @DisneyJeff ! I hope you get there soon too!

As always, awesome pics!!! Really enjoying your report :)

Thanks much!
Catching up after a couple days absence....

Yes, the SDMT is awesome and the scene inside the mine is incredible. like you, a little longer would be great! Slinky-dog length! But I guess they didn't have the room in New FAntasyland to do that!

Agreed! Nighttime in the parks is the best! All the lights and the glowing castle! It's so exciting!

My dh will be super into this and probably man the controls like Han Solo, I'll just be distracted, taking it all in and probably help us crash! :jawdrop: :bored:

YES, that's a fantastic way to capture the spirit of the land! Did you make it on TSMM? (I might have accidentally skipped that part).

WOW! Impressive! I'm usually just holding on for dear life at this point! :arghh::arghh:

Awwwwwwwwww, makes for very special family memories!

All your pictures are so impressive! Glad you're having a great trip (so far!)

Thanks @slipperalwaysfits ! Yes, we did go on TSMM. Another walk on! Appreciate all the comments!
You're spoiler is awesome, best pictures I've seen yet! Biggest regret is we didn't get to see all this in July. My husband is a huge Star Wars fan, I take one for the team every Star Wars movie, but I am looking forward to the Star Wars Land for the entertainment value of the rides.

Thanks @Tink86 ! It's a great ride!

Ok, I don't know if it's just because I did this ride Solo, but I don't remember hardly ANY of this! :joyfull: Thank you for guiding me through this ride after the fact!

Lol! Thanks funny!

Your pictures make me want to throw my camera away. AMAZING job!!!!!

Lol! Don't do that! Thank you!

Fantastic pictures!!!!

Excellent pictures as always and love the update on the family. Sad to hear about your son's concussions, though. I still laugh when I think of the trip report you put together where Sterg left his license at home. That one also included the Fractal Walk which meant barefooting through Beach Club (I should have verified that). Still, great report thus far. If you did the Fractal Walk at Contemporary, you could make it your signature move.

Thanks! Yes, amazingly no airport drama this trip! We just may have gone barefoot...

WOW, your description and pictures of ROTF was amazing. I had no interest in this at all before seeing this. Now, I guess, I will have to experience this for real:)
I confess that the storm troopers freak me out, LOL! I hide when I see them in the street. Don't know why, but I am willing to risk it once!

Well worth it! Terrific ride! Thanks for following!


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We may have said "The Claw" 100 times while waiting in line for Swirling Saucers. Again, the happy, colorful and bright motif contrasted starkly with GE.


Looked like fun and reminded me of the venerable Tilt-a-whirl that you see at almost every carnival or amusement park. A great little ride that I must have ridden 1,000 times on the Wildwood boardwalk.


Before long we were on. It starts off slow then slowly build momentum that eventually gives you a nice "whip" action. The second half of the ride was much more fun.

This didn't come up how I wanted as I set my exposure too long but I still liked it.


After getting tossed around by little green plastic aliens we were off to Toy Story Midway Mania. Amazingly, this was a walk on. I reminded Sterg and Toni of the days we would rope drop DHS and dash to the TSMM fastpass machine (which had a 10 minute line), grab fastpasses then hope to get in the standbye line with less than an hour wait. On this day one could have literally rode this 20 or more times.


It was a dash to the ride vehicles.


I actually wanted things to go slower for photographic reasons.




Wait for me!


Hello sir, please pick up the pace!


I caught up with Val, climbed aboard and started shooting (targets and photos).


Actually after a few seconds of juggling my camera and pulling the string on my gun I realized the absurdity of it (plus I was losing to Val) and put down the camera until the end.


Such a fun and happy ride - fitting right along with the theme of the entire Toy Story Land.


Off to our next adventure and to bump into a couple of old friends...

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We don't have either here in MI... so I've still never been to a Wawa, but I have been to a Sheetz on the way to my SIL house in Virginia.

I love the chicken strips at Sheetz, with their honey mustard. It's something we will go (sightly) out of our way for. WaWa has really great subs, and pretty much all their food is like heaven after a night of drinking 😂😂

In a perfect world, everyone would have access to both.


Well-Known Member
I am thoroughly enjoying your TR! Your pictures are without a doubt the best pics I've ever seen in a TR. It's obvious just how much you love photography! I've never been on ROTR yet but your pictures gave me a great idea of what it's all about since I'm not a Star Wars fan!


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Some throwback pics of us in Hollywood Studios over the years starting in 2007. We had some great memories in this park.

Toni fell asleep on my shoulders dressed in her Ariel Bippity-Bobbity outfit after a long day in the parks. We were in the Great Movie Ride Queue for our last ride of the night.


Same trip. Remember this?


At the Sci-Fi drive in.



Sterg and I had matching shirts and sunglasses. I told him I was planning a trip before I told anyone else. We called it operation OF (Orlando Florida).


Backlot tour with a box of popcorn


2011 - year of my first trip report.

Sterg finally taller than Alex.


Toni loved Officer William Club.


and I loved the singing in the rain umbrella!


50's Prime Time with "Tim" the best server we had there.


Tim doing the airplane and playing the kazoo to make Sterg finish his plate.



Toni making faces.


One of our many early morning jaunts while the teenagers and Val slept away.


With Yia-Yia!


The OG squad


2015 - No Sterg or Val

Reunion with Officer Club


It was about 100 degrees that day. Had to eat the ice-cream quick!


2017 - No Alex

with cousin Courtney. She's now on her way to Drexel U.


The "boys".


Yes, we had some really fun times inside the gates of Hollywood studios. After our last trip however, what was once one of our favorite parks had really dropped down the list to the bottom. That all changed this time as we continued to discover on our first day in the new Hollywood Studios.
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