First, I'd just like to point out that this fountain was actually removed a year or two ago. The current scope of the project includes widening the opening under the canopy between the bathrooms and first aid, adding more outdoor seating for Casey's Corner, and installing a new backstage gate. New steel horizontal beams were installed to allow some of the vertical support posts to be eliminated. This allows unobstructed access to the new, wider backstage gate. Next, the area will be repaved to eliminate some of the flower beds and allow for the placement of more tables.
The problem is that the Main Street Theater would not have offered continuous capacity. There would be a few shows a day with massive show dumps and downtime in between. It would have had little overall impact on capacity and caused crowding issues on Main Street. I'm quite glad it didn't get built. Now... bring back some form of the Galaxy Palace Stage and it's a very different story.