Fair enough. Sure.
But do you want this woman to never have a job at your fast food joint either? Must she never be able to feed her children again, even after the judicial system has inflicted whatever punishment society has agreed upon?
That's pretty much how it works where I live in Canada. McDonald's, Tim Hortons, Subway, anywhere you handle cash, insist on a police check before hiring.
Similarly, I used to have to get one every year when I volunteered at my kids' school.
These background checks are broken into multiple categories: crimes of a sexual nature, assault, crimes against property, and theft (among others). It indicates if charges are current or if your conviction has been served. It also includes any peace bonds (restraining orders) issued against you.
You are not required, of course, to provide one if asked; but good luck getting hired or being allowed into that volunteer position if you refuse to supply one.
Bonus injustice - you have to pay for it. Not sure how much it is now, but it used to be $25, or $15 if accompanied by a letter from the institution (school, coaching, scouts, etc.) for whom you will be volunteering.
Needs to be renewed every year.
Screw up here in Ontario, and there are permanent repercussions. Worse yet, dropped charges will also show up on the background checks. Many employers infer that a dropped charge does not necessarily mean that you are "not guilty", but maybe you just got lucky as there was not enough evidence to proceed.