Magical Express luggage tags


Are the tags mailed out to you as soon as you make your reservation, or do they send them to you when your departure dates gets closer. I'm looking into making a January reservation.


Well-Known Member
Laura22 said:
JP - since you are being so helpful I'll butt in with another question (sorry if you've answered this before).

I booked a "room only" for November at All Star Movies and we are flying down on that trip instead of driving and I'd like to use ME. Am I supposed to call Disney and give them my flight info? Is that how they will know to send the tags?

Delta keeps changing my flight into MCO. If I told Disney my current flight info and then Delta changed my flight times a few more times before the trip, would Disney know the changes automatically somehow or would I need to keep calling with new info every time it changed? (assuming I'm supposed to call them with this info in the first place)

The Magical Express is free, but you do need to call to book your seat at least 10 or more days prior to arrival, (its best if your booked at least 30 days in advance to ensure you get your luggage tags in time.) If you booked your room directly with Disney, by phone or internet, you can call Disney directly at 1-407-W-DISNEY. If you booked with any travel agency, online or in person, you will need to contact them to book your seat on the Magical Express.

After you book, if your flight information change before your arrival date, we do ask that you call Magical Express Guest Services at 1-866-599-0951 to update your information. If you flight is delayed on your date of travel, we will monitor your flight to ensure transportation is availiable when you do arrive.

Hope this helps! :sohappy:
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Active Member
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I thought it would be more acceptable than starting a new subject about the same thing.

Has anyone been having trouble with the luggage tags recently? I was arbitraily reading through someone's trip report the other day, and they mentioned they never got their luggage tags. On top of that, we received our free decorative tags about two weeks ago, and then a week ago, we receive the exact same package, with five more tags. It's making me nervous that they sent the decorative ones twice on accident instead of the yellow ones. I do have three weeks until departure, so there's still time, but I just wanted to see if anyone had been having any problems. Thanks.

Edit: Since I originally posted this message, I spoke to my mother, and we received again today ANOTHER set of the decorative tags! That makes 15 tags for five people! What the heck is going on? I think I will just call Disney...
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I think they send the souvenier tags anytime they send out updated travel documents. So maybe you made a change recently to your ressie? I doubt they would send you the wrong tags, they come from different departments. Like JP said, they try to send out the ME info so you recieve it 5-10 days prior to arrival.
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Well-Known Member
This prob won't make you feel any better but I'll share my story anyways. HeHe When I booked our trip I had requested a reservation for ME. At that time I was told that the Hooters airline code could not be found but the WDW agent would make a note as to what airline we would be coming in on. Well, I never recieved anykind of e-mail or snail mail conf my res. This is because they never booked it. We had to book when we were at MCO. We didn't have to wait very long at all but it was an inconvience. Try giving them a call and get a conf on your reservation.
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DisneyGrl85 said:
This prob won't make you feel any better but I'll share my story anyways. HeHe When I booked our trip I had requested a reservation for ME. At that time I was told that the Hooters airline code could not be found but the WDW agent would make a note as to what airline we would be coming in on. Well, I never recieved anykind of e-mail or snail mail conf my res. This is because they never booked it. We had to book when we were at MCO. We didn't have to wait very long at all but it was an inconvience. Try giving them a call and get a conf on your reservation.

I'm sorry... did you say Hooters Airline? I'm sure my husband will be looking into this for our next trip!
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Well-Known Member
Yodasnuggs said:
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but I thought it would be more acceptable than starting a new subject about the same thing.

Has anyone been having trouble with the luggage tags recently? I was arbitraily reading through someone's trip report the other day, and they mentioned they never got their luggage tags. On top of that, we received our free decorative tags about two weeks ago, and then a week ago, we receive the exact same package, with five more tags. It's making me nervous that they sent the decorative ones twice on accident instead of the yellow ones. I do have three weeks until departure, so there's still time, but I just wanted to see if anyone had been having any problems. Thanks.

Edit: Since I originally posted this message, I spoke to my mother, and we received again today ANOTHER set of the decorative tags! That makes 15 tags for five people! What the heck is going on? I think I will just call Disney...

Please note that the DME travel documents are sent from a different office then your vacation package documents. The Magical Express documents are scheduled to be mailed 21 days prior to your vacation and are expected to arrive about 5 - 10 business days prior to your vacation arrival date. If your party size exceeds 4 guest, additional sets of Magical Express documents are mailed to included all guest names. These may or may not arrival at the same time.

Each time you call to modify or even verify your reservation a new room confirmation is generated and sent out. If you are on a vacation package, are within 45 days of arrival, and are paid in full, the free plastic luggage tags may be included to ensure you have recieved them. These duplicate reservation confirmations have no connection to your Magical Express Documents.

Hope this helps! :sohappy:
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Well-Known Member
Aurora23 - I'm sorry... did you say Hooters Airline? I'm sure my husband will be looking into this for our next trip!
Yep...when we booked I told him Hooters Air and when we checked in at MCO for ME we told them Hooters Air and they replied "Hooters has an airline?". So if you're taking Hooters be sure to get a conf number from Disney.
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We've never booked a package, but always receive the decorative tags when we stay on property. We leave in 18 days and are waiting for our ME info.
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Well-Known Member
I just wanted to mention that I got my tags super quick. They came about a week and a half after I set up DME. And that was when there was still a good month to go before my booked date.
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Active Member
Quick question.

We are due to arrive in WDW on Oct.5th but our plane doesn't land until 8:30pm and we are coming in on Delta Song. I have heard that ME is in a totally different terminal than the one we will be coming into how does that work with the luggage etc. and will there be any ME help in our terminal at all?
Also, will coming in at 8:30pm cause a problem with the luggage as in how long will it take for them to bring it to our rrom(all-star movies)?
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Well-Known Member
I called yesterday, because we also have a late arriving flight (around 10:00 p.m.) They suggested that we claim our own luggage and then go to the Disney welcome counter with our luggage so that it can be loaded on the bus with us.
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Well-Known Member
mousebymarriage said:
Quick question.

We are due to arrive in WDW on Oct.5th but our plane doesn't land until 8:30pm and we are coming in on Delta Song. I have heard that ME is in a totally different terminal than the one we will be coming into how does that work with the luggage etc. and will there be any ME help in our terminal at all?
Also, will coming in at 8:30pm cause a problem with the luggage as in how long will it take for them to bring it to our rrom(all-star movies)?

The gate terminals where your plane pulls up are ALL serperate from the main terminal where DME and luggage claim are located. After getting off your plain you follow the signs and board a train that transports you to the main terminal.

Here are several maps of Orlando International (MCO)

Don't worry. It's quite the easy airport to navigate. You won't be able to miss
luggage claim or the DME counter. If you do have trouble there are plenty of DME CM's on hand to help you. You can't miss them. :)
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Active Member
JPVonDrake said:
Please note that the DME travel documents are sent from a different office then your vacation package documents. The Magical Express documents are scheduled to be mailed 21 days prior to your vacation and are expected to arrive about 5 - 10 business days prior to your vacation arrival date. If your party size exceeds 4 guest, additional sets of Magical Express documents are mailed to included all guest names. These may or may not arrival at the same time.

Each time you call to modify or even verify your reservation a new room confirmation is generated and sent out. If you are on a vacation package, are within 45 days of arrival, and are paid in full, the free plastic luggage tags may be included to ensure you have recieved them. These duplicate reservation confirmations have no connection to your Magical Express Documents.

Hope this helps! :sohappy:

OK, that explains things then. I call like every week to make sure they have all of my information correct! (as someone above helpfully suggested). At one point they had my 21 year old sister down as a child, so clearly, that had to be changed. In the end, I'll probably end up with about 35 luggage tags! Anyone need?

Also, I have to ask, what was the Hooters Airline like? I've seen commercials, but have never known anyone who's flown on it.
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New Member
I got this email today... even though I got an email weeks ago that confirmed my booking. I am very angry...

WE can not book the transportation if the trip was booked by
Expedia...please contact Expedia for the transportation.Thank you for
your interest in Disney's Magical Express Service.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (407)

Thank you,
Disney's Magical Express Team

Yesterday I got this email from them...

Hi Derrick,

Because this reservation was booked through Expedia and not our group
reservation office I am only able to verify that you have been booked
for the shuttle service.

I am also sending you some information on what you will need to do if
you do not recieve the luggage tags.

Once you arrive at Orlando International Airport, please visit the
Disney's Magical Express Welcome Center located in Terminal A, Level 1
and Disney cast members will assist you. Here are a couple of things to
keep in mind:

- Pack any valuables and/or medication into a carry-on bag because you
might not have immediate access to your luggage when you arrive in

Thank you and have a Magical day!
Disney's Magical Express Group Reservation

Guess I'll have to pay for a cab then?

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Well-Known Member
I would call them. I wouldn't think there would be a reason why you couldn't use DME. I'm sure JP will have an answer for you tho. He's very good with advice and answers. Good luck. :wave:
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New Member
Raven66 said:
I would call them. I wouldn't think there would be a reason why you couldn't use DME. I'm sure JP will have an answer for you tho. He's very good with advice and answers. Good luck. :wave:

Thank's, who's JP?

Seems strange to me though that I have already had a confirmation email from them ages ago that said details and tags would be with me 10 days before departure. I leave next Friday 7th October for AKL, because I haven't received them yet, I emailed them and theit answers are above.
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Well-Known Member
JPVonDrake. He always has good answers.

I would still call them. Don't email. You can ask more questions and get better answers if you call them.
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New Member
Raven66 said:
JPVonDrake. He always has good answers.

I would still call them. Don't email. You can ask more questions and get better answers if you call them.

O.K. Thank's again.

Will call them tomorrow, it's 23:00 here now and it's time for bed as I have to be at work at 06:00 in the morning. :cry:
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Well-Known Member

JP would be me. :wave: I am a cast member with the Disney Reservation Center and I am always glad to help whenever I can.

To answer your question, if you book your room reservation with any travel agency or wholesaler (ie Expedia) you must book all components of that reservation directly with your Travel agency for legal reasons (in part to ensure your travel agent always receives their full commission from Disney.) You CAN use Disney's Magical Express, you just have to contact your travel agency (Expedia) to book it.

After reading the second e-mail, it looks like Disney was "able to verify that you have been booked for the shuttle service." meaning YES you are booked with Disney's Magical Express by Expedia. Since Disney cannot verify/update your flight information for legal reasons, or ensure Expedia sends you your documents, your e-mail was written with information on what to do if you do not get your travel documents from Expedia.

Simply said when you arrive, just go directly to the Disney Welcome Desk at the Orlando International Airport (located on Terminal A side of Level 1) and Disney will happily provide the free transportation and luggage service for you.

Enjoy your Vacation in our Kingdom! :sohappy:
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