Trip Report Magical Business Trip, May at the Beach Club

Hi everyone! I finally got my photos uploaded, so I guess I'll get this thing started. It'll be a short one!

Who: Me and my husband R (previous trip reports linked in my signature)
When: May 3-6
Why: R had an annual meeting in Naples, so we tagged a WDW trip to the beginning.
Where: Beach Club

Travel Day! (text heavy)

We both worked a half-day on the 3rd and headed out of town around 1:15. We had to fly out of Nashville, unfortunately, which is about a 2 hour drive and neither of us particularly likes being in Nashville. Memphis has really limited their nonstops though, so we may have to suck it up and drive the extra hour from now on :cry:

I kept getting calls from the same number, so I finally decided to google it, and it was Southwest. When I checked the app, I saw our flight was delayed by about a half hour. As we were coming into Nashville, R asked if I wanted to stop anywhere, so I directed him to McKay's (a huge used bookstore). I found 5 books in 30 minutes, which is really a lot for that place! It is HUGE and I always have a hard time finding anything, but I was pleased.

We continued on to the airport and the long-term lot was full, meaning we had to park economy. We always choose the more expensive option when his company is paying :hilarious:. We were annoyed, but they're doing a lot of construction, so I think they had a garage closed off. We got into the airport and through security quickly, then stopped at Quiznos. We thought we might get to Disney early enough for a late dinner, but with the flight delay, we didn't want to chance being starving.

The airport was slammed, and the flight leaving before ours was super late, which is what threw ours off. We ended up leaving about an hour late, and arrived in Orlando at 8:40pm.

Guess who was on the plane with us? A BUNCH OF CHEERLEADERS. It was a sign of what the parks would look like. The flight attendant got sassy with them because they couldn't decide where to sit. He said "They all land at the same time, just pick one" :hilarious:

Got our special bands on! Ignore my watch telling me I've been lazy.

Finally stopped for a picture with the Mickey!

We waited longer than normal for the bags to start moving, but we eventually got ours and headed of to Magical Express.

There was a little bit of a backup at the checkin for ME. There were four lines, and they all seemed to be having problems. I think people just didn't have their stuff together because we scanned our bands and were through with no issues.

At this point, I decided to call Beach Club because I hadn't received a text. Last time this happened we waited at the front desk forever at like 2am, and I was not going to let that happen again even though it was earlier.

While I was being transferred, we hopped on the bus. We ended up sitting there 20 minutes before we took off and not one more person got on after us :facepalm: Whatever.

I was able to get my room assignment over the phone, and he pushed the text to me so I wouldn't forget it. It was 5th floor, and my interest was piqued. I know the Beach Club is not tall, and I know that club level rooms are usually high floors. Hmmmm....

I did some googling, but didn't find anything that made me absolutely certain, and I didn't want to get my hopes up.


We arrived at our resort around 10:15/30 and stopped in the marketplace for a snack. I wanted donuts and R wanted a cookie, and for some reason he seemed to think we shouldn’t get both because we didn't need that much food. I was not having that...I got us both. Ha

We got on the elevator and hit 5 and nothing happened. Then the door opened and some other people came in and were also going to 5. But since we’d already pushed the button, they didn’t do anything and again we just sat there...They had just arrived too, and we finally realized we were supposed to scan our band otherwise the elevator wouldn’t go anywhere. Once that happened, I knew we had indeed been upgraded. Score!

I guess the bubbles are supposed to be hidden mickeys? There were some better ones, but this was the only picture I took.

The lounge was already closed, and it was late so I didn't take room photos. I was gushing over this room though! And the view!

The room was super clean and fresh feeling, spacious, nice decor. There are almost no Disney touches though, which is disappointing and no bed runners! :hilarious: We turned in for the night after we ate our treats.

Up next: First Day in the parks


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As always I loved your TR!
I will be at WDW with my family July 14-21! Lots of Magic friends will be there around that time. I would love to meet you! I am hoping to meet up with @blguager & @wishes2013. I think @Doc Disney and @ajrwdwgirl will be down there for part of my trip as well. Crossing my fingers for lots of Magic meet ups!
I will probably just miss you :cry: I'll be volunteering all day on the 21st and not heading to the parks until the 22nd.


Active Member
Last Park Day - May 6th

QUICK INTERRUPTION. My mom is at Disneyland right now with my cousins and she is texting me to tell me all about the new stuff :hilarious: I had to gently remind her that I am obsessed with Disney and already know all the things she is telling me. "They are building a huge Star Wars land!" :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious:

Ok back to our MK time.

We headed over to ride Pooh next and while in line there I got a FP for Haunted Mansion.

It was getting close to time for us to head out, but I couldn’t help making more FPs! Pooh was fun as usual, and we didn’t have anyone in the honey pot with us so we could be silly.

Whew these are noisy/grainy, sorry.

I feel like we had some time after this FP, but I can’t remember. We rode HM next though, and then I made one for Pirates. The first room in HM (before the stretching room) was RANK with all the wet people in there. Bleah...glad we didn’t stay in there long.

Either I moved while taking this or there are really ghosts in there :eek: I'm going with the later :hilarious:

Pirates was next so we got our two favorites in last before we left. We headed out after this.

Absolutely stunning photograph.

On the monorail back to our car :cry:

And that's all!

I REALLY wanted to go to Disney Springs to check out the Disney Style store that had a soft opening that day and grab something to eat, but R seemed like he didn’t want to mess with parking. He is weird about that for some reason...but it’s not like the parking garages are a million miles away or something. Oh well. He regretted it when we were like an hour into our drive before we found somewhere to eat. Google took us some dumb backroad way, so we just went through a bunch of little dinky towns.

We had no trouble getting checked into the hotel in Naples and the rest of the trip was just meetings and beach time!

I spent most of my time on our balcony reading (we had a great beach view and it was quiet) but I took a walk on the beach while R was in meetings. It was nice! He walked with me the second day.

This is at the big dinner on the last night. We forgot to get a picture before, so this was after a filling meal and some trivia. It was pretty fun!

Next trip is July 20-23! I'll be in the parks the 22nd and 23rd, hopefully with @blgauger :D I tried to make her FPs at 60 days, but her pass wasn't valid for then :hilarious: Oh well...we'll wing it! I've got my cooling fan necklace and my frogg togg ready to go.


Well-Known Member

This is at the big dinner on the last night. We forgot to get a picture before, so this was after a filling meal and some trivia. It was pretty fun!

Next trip is July 20-23! I'll be in the parks the 22nd and 23rd, hopefully with @blgauger :D I tried to make her FPs at 60 days, but her pass wasn't valid for then :hilarious: Oh well...we'll wing it! I've got my cooling fan necklace and my frogg togg ready to go.

Love this dress!


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Original Poster
So slight change of plans for the July trip!

I found out @Tuvalu is going to be enjoying Stormalong Bay on my last day there, so I did the only logical thing I could think of. I switched my resort to a split stay between All-Star Music and Beach Club! BC had a good passholder rate for my last night, and by switching from AoA to an All Star, it evens out cost-wise. I've stayed at Yacht/Beach twice now and not gotten to enjoy the pool because R isn't a sit-by-the-pool kinda guy and I don't enjoy it much alone.

So yeah, now I'll have three swell pool buddies (@blgauger is coming too, she's on my reservation)!

Also decided to rent a car so that I can drive myself to Give Kids the World and stop for waters and lunch that day. I was concerned about not having anything substantial to eat during my volunteer day and this gives me peace of mind about that. Not excited about having to pay for parking at the resorts, but I'll get over it :rolleyes:

Alright...t-minus 36 days until I fly down to good ole Central Florida again!


Well-Known Member
First Park Day continued - May the 4th (be with you)

Sorry for the gap in posting! We just finished up finals week and graduation at my work, so I had a busy week. I also had to put my senior cat down last weekend :cry::cry::cry: and it took me a while to feel up for doing anything at home but sit on the couch. I took it harder than I thought I would! I had him for 13 years, and even though I'm definitely a dog person, my kitty was my little lap buddy.

But anyway, that's life.

Back to our trip and dinner!

The great thing about being so close is that we just walked over about 5 minutes before our reservation. No transportation needed! I try to plan meals this way if I can.

We were greeted and only waited a couple of minutes before being seated. We were one of the first tables seated, but it didn't fill up while we were there at all. We were seated by the window with a lovely view of the pool and all the bathing-suit-clad guests walking by. It was a little weird, but oh well. I don't want to see some guy's hairy chest while I'm eating a $50 steak :hilarious:

Despite the weird view, this room is super cool. I kept staring up at the ceiling.

I think this was when R caught sight of the guy with the sweet mullet :hilarious: I wanted to take a picture when he turned sideways but I was too chicken.

Our server was very nice and welcoming. He brought our bread out with the garlic and butter.

My depth of field is way too shallow, sorry, but you get the idea. It was roasted or something, so it was really soft and spreadable. Perfect to mix with the butter on the pull-apart onion rolls!

These were SO GOOD! I ate one of these and one of the sourdough (also good) then I picked at another pull-apart. I ate way too much bread...rookie mistake.

8 oz. filet with mashed potatoes

Truffle :inlove: mac :inlove: and :inlove: cheese. I would go back just for this! The steak was good, and we both really enjoyed it, but it didn't knock us off our feet like we thought it would. It was a great cut, just had almost no seasoning on it. I don't need much at all, but a little something is nice. I would still go back though! It was a great meal and great service.

They had the fancy little thing to rake crumbs off the table for you, which for some reason I love. It's the little things, people :joyfull:

Overall, I give Yachtsman top marks and we will definitely be back! We had a dessert party planned for this evening, so we were trying not to get TOO full, but even the 8 ounce steak was extremely filling, so we failed. Next time, we won't plan anything else and we'll get that porterhouse for two!

Up next: Star Wars dessert party!
Just catching up...really late to the party!

Glad to hear you enjoyed Yachtsman. We certainly did not in 2012.


Well-Known Member
Great trip report! It must have rained for all of May, we were at Universal and then WDW from 10th - 25th and had more rain then I'd ever seen :mad:. A lot of CMs kept joking that it wouldn't be long until Disney can control the weather! :joyfull:

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