Magic Kingdom evening Extra Magic Hours attraction line-up to change next week


Premium Member
Original Poster
Steve, I am not sure if this has been touched on in this thread, but do you know if splash mountain will also be closed during MNSSHP? Just curious.
I don't know yet, and I'm not sure if Disney know. Seems to be fairly changeable. I will update if I find out.


Well-Known Member
Our upcoming trip will be the first we will be staying "off property", not on the DDP, did not purchase our tickets directly from Disney, etc. I was actually feeling guilty/sad about not being at a Disney hotel, not having a KTTW card, etc. until lately. In the past, I actually didn't mind paying that little bit extra because "It's Disney!" but recently, we really started crunching numbers and realized how much money we could save, and ultimately spend on other aspects of our vacation doing other activites, if we didn't just pay Disney direct for everything. Granted, I will be thrilled to see the new FLE for myself, just to say I saw it, but have no interest in paying the going rate to eat at BoG just because it's new.

Obviously Disney spends money on what it wants to, but also has no problem being "thrifty" in other areas as they see fit as well. Unfortunately, the "thrifty" areas are the ones that seem to affect my family. SM, we love it. Are we irritated? Yep. Is EMH a reason we have stayed onsite in the past? You bet. Are the recent cutbacks reasons why we're staying elsewhere? Absolutely. We will never abandon altogether Disney as a family. I don't think the life-long memories our family has made there over our many trips would ever allow us to do so, but now we are realizing there's more out there. And honestly, Disney is who's allowed us to realize this. Thank you Disney. Your frugal financial decisions have shown us "a whole new world".


Well-Known Member
Would you have believed they would have cut the monorail service out for EMH or cut EMH evenings down to 2 hours? I wouldn't have believed it.

Honestly? I think TDO thinks they can do whatever they want and will do whatever they need to do in order to increase the bottom line.

And as long as people continue to line up at the turnstyles then I'm guessing they can.


Well-Known Member
Well, we don't know the exact reasons why Disney has done this.:( I'm very sad:(and angry:mad: that the Tiki Room will replace SM. It make s no sense. WHY?WHY?WHY?:confused: I guess I'll be avoiding the EMH at MK then. What is Disney thinking?:confused:


Well-Known Member
What is Disney thinking?:confused:

The only thing they ever think of any more:



Well-Known Member
Well, we don't know the exact reasons why Disney has done this.:( I'm very sad:(and angry:mad: that the Tiki Room will replace SM. It make s no sense. WHY?WHY?WHY?:confused: I guess I'll be avoiding the EMH at MK then. What is Disney thinking?:confused:

They are thinking of the money they can save by not offering the attraction and staff. Look for additional changes coming in the weeks ahead.


Well-Known Member
OK, for all those that don't like it (me). Send an email to Disney or call Disney and express your displeasure.

They might change the policy if enough people react.


Well-Known Member
I guess Disney doesn't give a flying flute that Universal is going to absolutely DESTROY them once the next HP expansion opens. Wake up Disney. :rolleyes:
Don't you know? Disney is the bestest and has Magic, so they'll always be bestest! They're closing Splash Mountain because they care about us and want to make things more Magical! :rolleyes:


Premium Member
Wow. This got ugly in a hurry. That was a pretty rough 9 pages. Nothing brings out the passion/fury of this place like Splash refurbs and EMH cuts. I guess since 2 cast members are both saying this is related to maintenance and nobody else seems to have any concrete proof that it's cost cutting I will take their words for it. We all know Splash needs help and complain about it all the time. Hopefully this helps. The extra 3 hours might not seem like much to us, but I am no expert on the time it takes to fix a ride like Splash. I would much rather have them do this than close it for a few weeks or even days. Since I very rarely would ever take advantage of EMHs anyway this doesn't bother me so maybe my opinion is less relevant. This actually bothers me less than the blank napkins. I get the concept that this is just another in the long list of cutbacks, but how many people will this really impact? Do Splash earlier in the day and use EMHs for other rides.


Well-Known Member
I guess since 2 cast members are both saying this is related to maintenance and nobody else seems to have any concrete proof that it's cost cutting I will take their words for it.

The thing is, they're one in the same. If Disney wasn't continuing to cut corners, they'd have the maintenance to fix up SM over the course of just a few nights.

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