Well-Known Member
Yay Jen!:wave:
Just catching up on the day's convo:
((Hugs)) for Jo not feeling well - I unfortunately can relate to it, the entire month of January was a revolving door of sickness in our house.
:sohappy::sohappy:for Stephie feeling the baby move!!!
Safe travels for Nibbs - sounds like you have a good plan to pass the time! I need to catch up on the podcasts myself.
((Hugs)) for Bun getting back into the swing of things.
And FWIW, I think the groundhog is just WRONG - because the temps are looking much better over the next couple of weeks. Let's think positive! Spring is coming!
And I'm enjoying the sunshine here - plus DH is on early shift this week, so he should be home in 1/2 an hour. :sohappy:
Hi dear! Thanks for the safe wishes!