Magic Express worthless?! Thoughts on this new service


New Member
For families that never leave the property (I have never left in the past five one-week trips) this makes the entire Orlando experience a Disney one.

I left Mears in the past two trips for a private car (Happy limo, no complaints, I recommend) due to adding to two heads to the trip. We did the grocery stop on the first one but did not on the second one, not really a big deal.

When it comes to a enjoyable Disney vacation for me it is all about SUBMISSION so this additional form of submission makes my stay more enjoyable and allows me to relax even more.

Bring it on...


WDWMAGIC Transportation Sponsor
AEfx said:
Quicksilver -
While I can appriciate your unique perspective, I think your conclusion contradicts your earlier points. As you said, those that want door-to-door service, a grocery stop, their luggage with them, etc., will choose a towncar from a service such as yours just as they always have.

The people who this will help are those that used to take Mears (who is part of this anyway) and those that rented a car to get them to/from the airport and let the car sit all vacation, just because it wasn't a whole lot more than Mears service for the week. Now if you were a car rental company, yes, I'd be worried.AEfx

Hi AEfx,

50% of my clients are in fact people that would use a shuttle, found about us, and decided to go with Quicksilver because is either about the same price or cheaper ($30.00 per adult in a shuttle - $95.00 in a Towncar - $110.00 in a Van up to 10 people). Now I will have to wait 18 month to get that clientele back, after all it's FREE!
Like I said before, I'll survive, I'm sure many will continue to use us for convenience.
My only frustration is we do not have a strong enough unity to fight the monopoly Mears created here in Orlando for the past 30 years....


Gregory nicolas.


Well-Known Member
I have to say I have used Mears almost without incident since I started going to Disney regularly in 1997. As I am not usually running on a time clock and frequently it is just me, the cost alone makes it worth it for me. I cant see spending $80-90 dollars for a towncar service just for me in these cases.
I have in the past recommended Quicksilver as an alternative to Mears as the party in question was working under somewhat of a time constraint, so for the additional $32 dollar as opposed to the wait time it was fine for that situation. I think the service is a good one and certainly is a viable option in certain cases.
With the Advent of the Disney Magic Express, I think it is going to put serious pressure on al of the towncar/ shuttle type of businesses, however I Am pretty sure that Disney didnt bother to do that for that reason alone, if it was even part of the consideration. I have a Travel Channel special on tape that had talked about how the idea of building more hotels, more restaurants etc was all done a while ago to keep people within Disney property as long as possible. After all, a lot of people were coming to Orlando and in most cases Disney was the primary reason that most of them were coming. The longer you can keep people on the property the more revenue and demand this translates to. I had said this in another thread that I thought this was an incredibly slick business idea on the part of Disney. I for one will be using the free shuttle service and probably be quite happy doing it!! If Disney wants to extend a service to me that I Am already paying for, as some had suggested that it is built into higher room rates, Then I should certainly take advantage of it no?? Belle


Active Member
The more I think about the whole Magic Express idea, the more I am less inclined to use it. I originally thought this whole concept was a great idea, but I am not totally confident that there will be no problems with regard to the luggage situation, nor am I confident that the trip from MCO to Disney will be a quick as a towncar. Unless each Disney hotel is going to have its own bus, a towncar will be by far much faster and worth the extra money. I hate to see the lines and confusion that will be at MCO when the service first starts.

I wish the very best to the towncar companies, who are going to have to fight harder for their clients.
thats what there going to do.. there going to run out all the small companies and when they are all gone and no one else has an option they will jack up there prices so ppl dont have a choice. by the way... whatever happend to that monorail idea from OIA that was a great idea did orlando vote against it oh and another point i would like to orlando relies on the high volume of tourists. ok i made my points.


Well-Known Member
Just my luck...this thing starts on May 5th...the day AFTER I arrive at Disney World. :brick:

We're going again next year and I think we're going to try it then.

I don't knock anything until I've tried it and as of yet...Disney has never let my family down.


Account Suspended
Hey AEfx

I think this is another great idea from Disney. Offer another service to their guests. And I find it interesting that you mention the fact that they can keep guests in their parks for a longer length of time, that they can recoup more profits on sundries, food, gifts, etc. etc. I say it's interesting because on "other" topics on these boards, I've mentioned the very same thing. That Disney would rather have more people in the parks spending money on those types of products, as that is where the "real" profit is. There is lots of margin in things such as food, drinks, gifts (especially plush), etc, etc.

Of course, there are always going to be nay-sayers, as that is the nature of "some" people. To discount everything they hear or read, and to bash Disney whenever they get the chance. Funny thing is, some of these same people claim to love Disney, yet take cheap shots wherever, and whenever they get the opportunity.

I for one, applaud Disney for continuing to offer new and sometimes innovative ways to take care of their valued guests. Whether or not there winds up being a charge for this service, matters not to me. It takes money to run things, and you can't pay people with no money. So, if they charge, so be it. IT IS A CONVENIENCE for the guest. While it may be marketed right NOW as a privilege to resort guests, understand that nothing in life is free. And at some time, there WILL be the need to charge for this service.


WDWMAGIC Transportation Sponsor
I DO love Disney, and lovind "Disney" has nothing to do with loving the people that run it, and the way it's been managed for the last 10 years. Not to long ago MANY where mad at the CEO because he was "killing" the magic, and so on...

I will continue to go there, will love to see my 6 month old grow to be able to enjoy Disney World, but I do not have to love their business practice, even though they are in the making money business.
I go to WalMart, but do I like what they've done with the competition? NO. Should I boycot both because of it? No again, I'm not that brave!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm still using windows (love it), even though Microsoft was accused of ahving a monopoly. Should I buy a Mac? Oh sorry, they run windows now too, right?

Who I'm really upset with is my competitor who for many years has been considered a monopoly in Orlando. Many tried to fight it, but with no luck.
Disney's idea is noble, the extras for every guest needing transport is great (if on a budget), the fact they are a business after all is obvious; my only issue is the lenght it will be free. It doesn't matter much to us here if they will jack other prices, or have more guests to compensate the new expenses, many will loose their jobs, period! Again I must say this : it will not only hurt the transportation business, but many outside the Disney area. Like someone said before : "Soon the buses will have no windows". :lol:


Active Member
Original Poster
AEfx said:
Right, but I'm having a hard time seeing the cons. NOTHING has to change for your vacation unless you take advantage of this service. You can do just what you've done before, or you can get a free ride instead.

My main point of questioning this service is trying to justify or rationalize the cost of running it versus other services they could provide which maybe more beneficial. I'm not necessarily saying that it should be a service that benefits me personally as a Disney vacationer; but one that's going to add value to an average guest's experience by vastly improving the current "status quo". My issue is, that I don't forsee this as that much of a change from the current Mears service or that the "other" services that they've decided to provide will really benefit that many people. On paper it sounds nice, but when you start to think about it after awhile, the value just doesn't seem to be there (or at least justify the additional costs that Disney may take on by offering it).

We don't know enough about it at this point to say either way in practice (if it takes longer/less time, etc.), so anything beyond acknowledgement of the facts of the matter is speculation.

Exactly, however there are obvious factors that can be considered which can gauge certain issues fairly well (such as time, convienence, possible issues resulting from baggage being carried).

Well, here is where I believe you are wrong. I cannot tell you how many people I have talked to (and I get calls from total strangers - friends of friends whom I've never met asking me for help planning WDW trips) who have said to me, "We parked the car on the first day when we arrived from the airport and didn't use it again until the day we left,".

You can add me to one of those people who used to do the same thing. We'd rent a car, and only use it once or twice during a ten day stay. We didn't rent the car necessarily for transportation during our trip; it was just that we felt the added cost of having the freedom, if we should choose to go anywhere, was worth it and not being a slave to Mears' time schedule.

some people indeed do drive from on-site to the parks (which personally I don't get - I love to drive but I hate to park, and you spend most of your getting to and from the lots), many people find it much more relaxing to take Disney transport.

Well my family is one of those people too now; in all honesty, it's much faster driving yourself to the parks and the parking lots then it is depending on Disney transport. From any of the moderates, for example, there's an average time of at least 40 minutes to get from there to Epcot, Disney MGM Studios, or the Animal Kingdom (including the waiting time). However, via car, it was only 15 minutes (including the time it took to walk from the car to the main gate) you're looking on saving an upwards of at least 2 hours per day if you go to at least two parks. But I do agree, it's much more relaxing to take Disney transport (except of course, at the end of the day at the Magic Kingdom where everybody's crammed into the bus :lol: )

The point is, these are the very people who WILL use this service. Not those that rent a car and go off-site every day, but those people who only rent a car because it's really no more expensive than Mears or a towncar if you get a good weekly rate. It's like, "Why not?" Well, this is the answer to that - if Disney does it for free it's not going to be worth the bother to many. This will equal less temptation to go off-property.

I bet there will be a lot of people who use this service..but again, my issue is whether or not this service is greatly going to increase the quality of transport from the airport vs creating an entirely different service which maybe more beneficial.

In this case, it is in Disney's best financial interest to do this because it will keep people captive on property and totally dependent on Disney. Less chance for people to drive across the street and eat at a chain restaurant instead of going to Disney, less chance of them making off-site day trips if they don't get a car in the first place.

I think this is also where you and I disagree on. I don't believe that this is going to stop people from being captive on property. The majority of the people who will take advantage of this service are those who use Mears. Only a small perecentage of those who use this service will be those who used to get rental cars. Additionally, I think anybody who is really tempted to go off site, will still do so to check out Universal Studios. The dinners off site may stop, but that's about it. I just can't see a huge change in behavior of those who visit Disney nor can I see the cost of capturing those extra dinners onsite justifying the massive cost of operating a bus fleet going back and forth from the airport, setting up an infrastructure so that at each resort board passes can be obtained..etc.

I just don't see where you think you are going to lose here. Having people on-property for the entire time is going to increase profits for Disney much more than the cost of running shuttles to the airport and back. People paying less money for transport and keeping them there is going to just equal more money for Disney. It's redistribution of the vacation dollar, and it's all in Disney's best interest.

I feel that myself and other guests will lose because 1. it isn't going to bring in *that* much more money that will increase Disney's profit, which leads into #2. That there are better services/improvements that this "investment" could be better placed. I also know that *nothing* is free, especially with Disney, and the cost of implementing such an infrastructure for this service is fairly major, and that we are paying for it in someway (maybe not necessarily directly in the price of the resort, but it is included somewhere). It's sorta like wanting your tax dollars to go towards worthwhile projects; I don't mind paying inflated prices for a Disney vacation or even paying more during each visit; but I expect that they use that money towards projects and investments that are going to increase the value of any upcoming vacations for the average guest.


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HennieBogan1966 said:
Of course, there are always going to be nay-sayers, as that is the nature of "some" people. To discount everything they hear or read, and to bash Disney whenever they get the chance. Funny thing is, some of these same people claim to love Disney, yet take cheap shots wherever, and whenever they get the opportunity.

HennieBogan, I think that comment of yours is misplaced and misguided if it's in reference to anyone who's posted in this topic. Both pro and con, everybody who has posted something in here has posted a valid discussion on why they support or why they question this service. Nobody has taken "cheap shots" here and I implore you to provide me with one cheap shot that's been in this entire discussion or any "disney bashing"..because there are none. I find your mentality far more disturbing, because you seem to be implying the fact that everything Disney does is correct and that "how dare anybody question the all mighty Disney when they're always right?". Such an apathetic mentality like that is a weak characteristic, and dangerous to possess because it leads to the abuse of power or poor decisions to those on the other side.


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FiftiesDean said:
No offense to anyone, but a lot that I read in posts about Disney recently has been negative. You have to believe in the Magic for it happen...

I think a lot of people originally believed in the blind faith of "believing in the magic for it to happen", but have been let down too many times by Disney recently. No company's perfect, but they've made some major mistakes that makes me question every change that occurs (such as the time when they felt that character visits to the resorts was an acceptable alternative to the Early Entrance to the parks for resort guests, or the recent poor changes of "Journey into your imagination" and "Alien Encounter"). I don't see anything wrong with people questioning Disney's actions or supporting them, so long as they are logically presented. I think as consumers and supporters of Disney, it's an important to be pro-active in this way.


Account Suspended
Well Markc

If you have read any of the other threads on which I have posted comments, you would find that indeed, I don't agree with everything that Disney does. In fact, I have been very vocal about some of their "practices" this past year, with regard to certain business practicies.

Having said that, to characterize my belief in this singular issue at the outset is NOT a weak characteristic. It's called optimism my friend. Something that is sorely lacking in our society these days. In these days of bashing everything, I am one of those who says, let's give it a chance and see what happens. Again, not blind faith, but optimism and trust. Will there be bugs to be worked out with this program? Yes. That's because as human beings, we are all fallible.

The problem, I beleive, is that some here are taking the opportunity to try and turn the conversation into criticism of a project that's not even been started yet. No, there's nothing at all wrong with voicing ones' opinion on any subject. And I agree that no one is bashing on THIS topic, but some are already voicing the downsides here, and the project isn't even off the ground yet. Wouldn't it be fair to let it be tried first before we pass judgement?

Again, nothing wrong with voicing opinions. I think what I am displaying is wishful thinking for more optimism from those who believe in "some" of the magic, when it suits them, then turning on Disney when it doesn't suit their tastes. No, everything Disney does ins't golden, and doesn't always work.

To that I would say this: Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
(there's a message in that passage of verse.)

All I am saying is let them have a chance at what I believe over the long term, will be a positive program for Disney and its' guests.


Well-Known Member
markc said:
My main point of questioning this service is trying to justify or rationalize the cost of running it versus other services they could provide which maybe more beneficial. I'm not necessarily saying that it should be a service that benefits me personally as a Disney vacationer; but one that's going to add value to an average guest's experience by vastly improving the current "status quo". My issue is, that I don't forsee this as that much of a change from the current Mears service or that the "other" services that they've decided to provide will really benefit that many people. On paper it sounds nice, but when you start to think about it after awhile, the value just doesn't seem to be there (or at least justify the additional costs that Disney may take on by offering it).
The value is certainly there. What part of "free" as opposed to "pay Mears $30" make the value not there? As I said above, it doesn't matter if it's no better than what Mears already is - it's free, and the same thing for free is better than paying for it, from the guest perspective. I personally believe it will be better, only because I know Disney is going to try to make it as attractive as possible and I am sure they are already sensitive to these issues.
Exactly, however there are obvious factors that can be considered which can gauge certain issues fairly well (such as time, convienence, possible issues resulting from baggage being carried).
The baggage thing we can't comment on. It's unfair to say they will screw it up from the get-go. I too have expressed reservations about their handling of luggage; only time will tell on this one.
You can add me to one of those people who used to do the same thing. We'd rent a car, and only use it once or twice during a ten day stay. We didn't rent the car necessarily for transportation during our trip; it was just that we felt the added cost of having the freedom, if we should choose to go anywhere, was worth it and not being a slave to Mears' time schedule.
And my point is, and has been, that for SOME people, this will change. Before, it was "rent a car because it's just as easy taking a shuttle and not much more, PLUS the potential freedom is nice", now it's "hmmm...we don't have to spend anything at all, so why bother - we never use it anyway". I understand what you are trying to say - I can't live without my vehicle at home and make sure I never am without one, even when I don't need it. It just makes me feel better. But on vacation, many people will be happy to chuck the whole idea and just have Disney take care of everything. The couple hundred dollars spent on a week's car rental that you only use twice isn't going to hold the same "value" when Disney is offering free transport.

Well my family is one of those people too now; in all honesty, it's much faster driving yourself to the parks and the parking lots then it is depending on Disney transport. From any of the moderates, for example, there's an average time of at least 40 minutes to get from there to Epcot, Disney MGM Studios, or the Animal Kingdom (including the waiting time). However, via car, it was only 15 minutes (including the time it took to walk from the car to the main gate) you're looking on saving an upwards of at least 2 hours per day if you go to at least two parks. But I do agree, it's much more relaxing to take Disney transport (except of course, at the end of the day at the Magic Kingdom where everybody's crammed into the bus :lol: )
I've just had a different experience, I guess. I never waited more than 10 minutes for a bus on my last trip, with one exception - the bus from the TTC to AK took about 30. The bus service is almost universally efficent, and I'd much rather spend my time waiting on a nice comfy bench for the bus (even if I have to wait) than trekking all the way to a tram, then walking around a sea of cars in the parking lot to find mine, leaving, then repeating the process in reverse just to park hop. I park hop at least twice if not three times a day, so all that driving and parking is just a pain in the behind for me - that's what I come to WDW to get away from. :)

I bet there will be a lot of people who use this service..but again, my issue is whether or not this service is greatly going to increase the quality of transport from the airport vs creating an entirely different service which maybe more beneficial.
There isn't much they can improve on a shuttle. I don't care if it's an increase in quality, just that it at least maintains it. I've had a similar experience as wannabeBelle - Mears is definately servicable. It's not luxury, but it works for one or two people.

I think this is also where you and I disagree on. I don't believe that this is going to stop people from being captive on property. The majority of the people who will take advantage of this service are those who use Mears. Only a small perecentage of those who use this service will be those who used to get rental cars. Additionally, I think anybody who is really tempted to go off site, will still do so to check out Universal Studios. The dinners off site may stop, but that's about it. I just can't see a huge change in behavior of those who visit Disney nor can I see the cost of capturing those extra dinners onsite justifying the massive cost of operating a bus fleet going back and forth from the airport, setting up an infrastructure so that at each resort board passes can be obtained..etc.
Well, just on the dinners they'll do wel. And Universal will be less convenient, in any case - since they rarely add new attractions over there most people I know only go every few Disney visits. When I do Universal, I don't do day-trips from Disney, I transfer over there and stay on-site (FOTL access is like AC in a car - once you've had it, it's awful tough to go without it).

This isn't preventing anyone from doing anything, but in the grand scheme of things between the MYW passes and this new system, I just feel that more people will just say to heck with it and stay with Disney the whole time, just like it's very obviously supposed to do.

I feel that myself and other guests will lose because 1. it isn't going to bring in *that* much more money that will increase Disney's profit, which leads into #2. That there are better services/improvements that this "investment" could be better placed. I also know that *nothing* is free, especially with Disney, and the cost of implementing such an infrastructure for this service is fairly major, and that we are paying for it in someway (maybe not necessarily directly in the price of the resort, but it is included somewhere). It's sorta like wanting your tax dollars to go towards worthwhile projects; I don't mind paying inflated prices for a Disney vacation or even paying more during each visit; but I expect that they use that money towards projects and investments that are going to increase the value of any upcoming vacations for the average guest.
Well, I just don't feel like I would have the right to judge Disney like that, or expect them to cater only to me. Obviously Disney believes differently than you, or they wouldn't have made changes to all of these systems and implemented "Destination Disney". The tax dollars analogy is false - taxes are not a choice, supporting Disney is. If you truly feel they are abusing the money you give them, then that is something you need to look at personally. I could say the same thing about "Stitch's Great Escape" - or Magic Carpets of Aladdin, or Dino-whirl or whatever that horrid attraction is. It's just another feature at WDW designed to attract a certain type of guest, and yes, in some cosmic perception we all end up paying for it, but it's not as direct a relationship as you may imagine. In fact, I would be willing to bet that the money for "Destination Disney" features like this isn't coming out of operations, but marketing...

I'm never one for corporate kiss-butt, but then again I do recognize the situation for what it is. To be blunt, Mears and everyone else who has sprung up around Orlando has done so on Mickey's back - I don't blame Disney for wanting to take more control over their guests experience. Disney had no choice but to partner with Mears over the years because they are the only company in the area with enough scale to handle it, but they also had no control over the experience. This is the best soloution I think Disney could have come up with - it always has been odd that Disney didn't provide some service like this in the first place, as most resorts that strive to be all-inclusive already do in major tourist areas.

I think we've got a long wait to see, but I don't think any outcry at Disney spending money on refurbishing and driving some shuttles is going to change anything nor is it really warranted. This is going to be a huge service to people who need it, and those that don't won't be subsidizing it any more than any other attraction or feature at WDW. I never used EMH in the morning (I just can't get up that early), but I didn't complain that Disney provided the service, which I'm sure cost money (bringing people in early to work). It's all part of the whole WDW package, and given that resort prices haven't skyrocketed, and admission has actually gone down in a lot of cases, I just don't see where you think you will be spending more money.

I do understand the whole "you'll pay for it eventually" mentality, but I just don't think it applies in this situation.



Account Suspended
Thanks Aefx

I couldn't have said it any better than you have. But I do believe that in time, there will be a cost associated with this service. I for one, am willing to see how things work out for this program. I think it's a great idea from Disney, and I too wonder why they didn't implement it sooner. But, nevertheless, it's great that they are now.

There are always going to be nay-sayers when it comes to Disney. Partly, because that is the nature of some people. (glass is half-empty). Partly because there are those out there who like to take shots no matter the situation. I recall when M.E. received his "NO" vote at the meeting, how immediately there were those who were critical of the board for not having a better plan in place once the vote was in, with regard to who would take his place. And these were the same people who have been complaining about having M.E. ousted in the first place. Just can't please those folks. So why try, or even worry about it?

I say congrats to Disney and keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is....

ALL other things being equal, Disney could charge $25 a person for the same service they are proposing and make a killing.

I'd be willing to go even one step further: Disney could charge $5 MORE than MEARS and throw a character on each bus to greet passengers at the airport for their ride to their resort and the bus would ALWAYS be packed!

Disney vacation people are a different breed. We'd rather give our $30 to Disney for a bus ride then to MEARS, and that is exactly what Disney is counting on after the initial FREE period passes.


DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
HennieBogan1966 said:
I recall when M.E. received his "NO" vote at the meeting, how immediately there were those who were critical of the board for not having a better plan in place once the vote was in, with regard to who would take his place. And these were the same people who have been complaining about having M.E. ousted in the first place. Just can't please those folks. So why try, or even worry about it?

Totally different situations... :animwink:


Account Suspended
Dear DisneyFan

While the situations may be different, the reaction to them is the same. In other words, people who are going to be negative, and criticize, are going to do just that. It's in their nature to do so. Again, the glass is half-empty crowd.

There are just people out there who, no matter what Disney ever does, will criticize it. What I find interesting are those who "claim" to be Disney fans/lovers, yet can't seem to find ANYTHING positive to say ABOUT Disney.

That was my point.


Well-Known Member
All I can say is....

ALL other things being equal, Disney could charge $25 a person for the same service they are proposing and make a killing.

I'd be willing to go even one step further: Disney could charge $5 MORE than MEARS and throw a character on each bus to greet passengers at the airport for their ride to their resort and the bus would ALWAYS be packed!

Disney vacation people are a different breed. We'd rather give our $30 to Disney for a bus ride then to MEARS, and that is exactly what Disney is counting on after the initial FREE period passes.

well said and I couldnt agree more!!!! Belle


Well-Known Member
For those who think the baggage part will be messed up......have a little faith, and also know, 3 or 4 Orlando hotels (convention hotels) have been doing this for a few years now.....not to the extent that WDW is doing it, but this has been done before.


Account Suspended
Just wondering, how well does Disney get packages from the different shops to your Resort Room during your stay. Cause I'm thinking if they can do that, with all those logistics. Then, getting your suitcases from the airport to your hotel room ought to be a snap.

Again people, let's give it a chance.

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