HennieBogan1966 said:
Just wondering, how well does Disney get packages from the different shops to your Resort Room during your stay. Cause I'm thinking if they can do that, with all those logistics. Then, getting your suitcases from the airport to your hotel room ought to be a snap.
Again people, let's give it a chance.
I agree that this needs to be given a chance. You never know until you try something new.
However, there is always the chance that an accident or mistake could happen. Even if it's more of like a 1 in a thousand chance, it's possible. I wouldn't want to take the chance of being that 1 person who has something happen. Resort delivery does sometimes deliver the wrong item, or to the wrong place. It can most always be resolved, but can also be an inconvenience to the guest. When I worked in the MK, we would occasionally get calls from guests, or their resorts, that they had received the wrong photo, or that a package was at the wrong resort. When dealing with such a high volume of packages, delivery mistakes can and will happen. It didn't happen often, but again, was possible. After all, cm's are human too and humans make mistakes. I just won't be wanting to take that chance with something as important to me as my luggage.
I want to re-emphasize that I'm not trying to be negative, nor am I trying to shoot down an idea that hasn't even had a chance to be tested yet. Many will use it and be quite pleased with the service. It just doesn't fully fit my needs. I like having my luggage in my hands whenever possible and I like the freedom of having a car on property. It saves me time getting from the airport to the resort, and back to the airport from the resort. Plus, I can occasionally go off property for dinner or something.
What is a wonderful thing for some, is not always such a great thing for others. Everyone has different needs. Just because it doesn't fit mine, doesn't mean I want to shoot it down, nor do I view it as a glass that is half empty. Over time, this will benefit a great many people and I applaud Disney for making their vacations easier.