M:S still a sample of things to come


New Member
Original Poster
I was looking at Disneys new and improved site when I stumbled on to this little bit of info...

The outcome of your mission varies depending on how each astronaut performs during the flight.

Dose this mean that what we have been rideing is just a sample of things to come on 8/15/03 and that each ride will have a different ending when you ride or just a way to make this ride seem differant.


haha... must have posted at the same time as me 'cause I just asked the same question. :lol: Anyone know how to delete a post? :brick:


New Member
Originally posted by magicjay1989
I was looking at Disneys new and improved site when I stumbled on to this little bit of info...

Dose this mean that what we have been rideing is just a sample of things to come on 8/15/03 and that each ride will have a different ending when you ride or just a way to make this ride seem differant.

That's a very good question, I was wondering the same.:)


Active Member
For those wondering where you can read it... it is on the Mission:Space page open now on the disneyworld.com website. It is the "fun fact", so it MUST be true!! Let's hope!


Premium Member
The version people are riding now is the final version in terms of interactivity. It isnt suddenly going to become a rider controlled flight simulator on the 15th! ;)

There are 10 pods attached to the same centrifuge, so each 10 pods will experience the same range of motions, the same Gs and the same ride duration. Therefore it would not be possible to give each pod a separate motion pattern and ride length.

The whole interactive part (and weightlessness) has been slightly over-hyped during the development. The ride is interactive in that when a crew member hits a button, the button responds with light and audio, and the pod will react (such as power boost). However, those elements are done at a predetermined time, and will still happen even if there is no rider.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic
The version people are riding now is the final version in terms of interactivity. It isnt suddenly going to become a rider controlled flight simulator on the 15th! ;)

There are 10 pods attached to the same centrifuge, so each 10 pods will experience the same range of motions, the same Gs and the same ride duration. Therefore it would not be possible to give each pod a separate motion pattern and ride length.

The whole interactive part (and weightlessness) has been slightly over-hyped during the development. The ride is interactive in that when a crew member hits a button, the button responds with light and audio, and the pod will react (such as power boost). However, those elements are done at a predetermined time, and will still happen even if there is no rider.

Although I don't doubt what you've said, I think the quote on the website is interesting in that it says the outcome VARIES on how each astronaut performs. It sounds like the ending could be different, maybe even something simple like a "score" of how people did.


Premium Member
Originally posted by CTXRover
Although I don't doubt what you've said, I think the quote on the website is interesting in that it says the outcome VARIES on how each astronaut performs. It sounds like the ending could be different, maybe even something simple like a "score" of how people did.

Remember the corporate websites are written by people who have never even seen these attractions, nevermind actually ridden! Much like how they have Mission Space being shown in the location where The Land is on their map! Not the most reliable folks I would say!

You cant really give a score on how well people manage to press 2 buttons! ;)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by magicjay1989
I was just on the wdw website and im not saying you dont know what your talking about steve but on this map on disney.com mission space is where it is supposed to be!!
They fixed it?!?!? :lookaroun :confused: :eek:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by CTXRover
Although I don't doubt what you've said, I think the quote on the website is interesting in that it says the outcome VARIES on how each astronaut performs. It sounds like the ending could be different, maybe even something simple like a "score" of how people did.

There is a very very good chance that the website is wrong, there are numerous errors on that site actually.

There is absolutely no way that the pods can be interactive, its just not possible


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by magicjay1989
I was just on the wdw website and im not saying you dont know what your talking about steve but on this map on disney.com mission space is where it is supposed to be!!

Right When the new Disneyworld.com layout came out, they had made a MAJOR error on the map and put it next to the land. Im just as shocked as SirNim is, I cant beleive they actually fixed it within a reasonable amount of time!



New Member
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They must have fixed the map because mission space is right where it is supposed to be on there link too or they forgot where horizons was


Well-Known Member
Speaking of the Disneyworld.com website. If you go over there now, Mission: SPACE is advertised to the right of the Epcot main menu. This is where Test Track used to be featured and you no longer have to click attractions to access the M:S page. Perhaps the advertising is finally going to begin?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by AndyMagic
Speaking of the Disneyworld.com website. If you go over there now, Mission: SPACE is advertised to the right of the Epcot main menu. This is where Test Track used to be featured and you no longer have to click attractions to access the M:S page. Perhaps the advertising is finally going to begin?
Excellent point! :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by s25843
There is a very very good chance that the website is wrong, there are numerous errors on that site actually.

There is absolutely no way that the pods can be interactive, its just not possible

Yea, I figured the website was probably wrong, but I'm pretty sure that I heard something about the outcome varying before (could have been just rumors that started somewhere), that's why I brought up the wording of the "fun fact". I've noticed numerous errors on the website, so its probably something that just needs to be re-worded to say something like.... "Your mission depends on each "astronaut" performing a series of tasks". That doesn't make it sound like the tasks changes the ride just that the ride involves you doing something.

However, again this may just be the wrong way of saying it, but Bob Zalk, Walt Disney Imagineering Senior Show Producer for MS was quoted in a recent Mickey Monitor as saying "Your response has a definite cause and effect on your experience". It sounds like what you do will effect what you experience, but, then again, it may just be another way of saying you need to do things :)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by wdwmagic

You cant really give a score on how well people manage to press 2 buttons! ;)

:lol: Very true. But, I was thinking more along the lines of a "team score". If everyone pushed all their buttons you might be "astronaut pros" or something better :)lol: ), if only 7 of the 8 were pressed, your team would get another "title". I know its silly, but I was just bringing up a possbility :)

(By the way, does the computer in the pods know when you press the button? Everytime I pressed it the light went out and you heard something at that moment. However, I always pressed it after CapCom said the word "Now". If you pressed it a little before (like when the light of the button comes on), would anything happen right away or does it still wait until after the word "Now" for the effect to happen? )


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I think it would be nice if the ending changed every time you rode it because if any of you remember in horizons you got to chose the ending of your choice. I know its not the same thing but in a way it is still a small tribute.

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
If you push the button when Mission Control tells you, you hear an audible boom in the cabin and some overhead lights flash.

If you fail to push the button, a female computer voice says "Computer Override".

The ride itself never changes.

Any advertising that calls M:S an "interactive" attraction is TECHNICALLY correct--- you do "interact" with the ride by pushing buttons and playing with the joystick.

But any advertising that suggests guests "determine the outcome" of the ride is misleading.

Then again Disney also promises you'll "fly with Peter Pan", "journey back in time to the days of the dinosaurs", "race through space", and "get shrunk".

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