LOST Discussion Thread


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The number 815

The flight number was 815

The safety deposit box number was 815

The copier that Charlie was selling was model C815

something was up with that number

14 major charactors in the show


With the Theory that the group splits up, could they split like that

8 - Jack, Charlie, Boone, Jin, Sun, Shannon, Hurley, Claire (Cave)

1 - Locke

5 - Kate, Saywer, Walt, Michael, Sayid (Beach)
speck76 said:
IN ABOUT 24 hours, we're going to get a fresh dose of "Lost," the hot ABC sci-fi series about the strange adventures of plane crash survivors stranded on a mysterious island.

The previews for a new episode — after weeks of reruns — have been deliciously teased by ABC.

Whose body is being carried by three "Lost" regulars in the rolled-up blanket? Could it be Jack, who was in a gun tussle with Ethan?

Were the producers fulfilling their promise that one of the 14 main characters would get killed this season before the May finale?

TV watchers are being separated into two camps: Those who get "Lost" every week, and those who get lost just thinking about it.

"Lost" offers more twists and turns than a Sunday drive down Highway 1. So, to help out those watchers (or would-be watchers) who are seeking some guidance, here's a primer in time for the new episodes that start airing at 8 p.m. Wednesdays on ABC-Channel 7.

At least 46 people survived the horrific plane crash of Oceanic 815 that originated in Australia and ended on a tropical island. Each episode corresponds to one or two days on the island, so at the end of the season, they will have been stuck there for about a month.

Each survivor is linked in some way to the others, and at least three have killed people in their pre-island days.

This isn't "Survivor: Mystery Island," although the concept came from an ABC executive trying to cash in on CBS' hit reality series. The odd happenings on the island have some fans speculating that the survivors
are not on an island at all, but are instead stuck in purgatory to atone for their earlier sins. Others think the people are part of a mad scientist's petri dish.

Odd things happen on this island. A marauding polar bear pops up occasionally. And some sort of "monster" lurks in the treetops.

There's also a mysterious man named Ethan Rom, who wasn't on the plane's roster and kidnaps pregnant castaway Claire. When last we saw an original episode three weeks ago, Claire just popped out of the bushes, mussed but unharmed. Is she still pregnant? That question alone has dominated Web site discussions about the series.

In a recent interview with "Lost" producers Bryan Burk, Damon Lindelof and JJ Abrams, the trio said that Claire was still pregnant and promised "the monster" would be revealed before the end of this season. They did give us one clue: It isn't a dinosaur. We also got him to admit that this thing is bigger than a breadbox (much) and lives in the trees.

But other intrigues will remain.

"There is another mystery that will make the monster pale in comparison," Lindelof promises. "We walk a tightrope every day trying to reveal enough so that viewers don't feel like they are getting strung along, and not so much that they lose interest.

"It's like 'Jaws.' It was so much scarier when all you saw was the fin and the tail rather than the actual shark."

In fact, all the producers admit that when they read the message boards on the Web, they are shocked at how close viewers are to discovering the island's mysteries and where the characters are heading.

"Sometimes they are so spot on, we wonder if they have seen the scripts or know someone in the writers' room," Burk says.
"Then they stray so far off the mark, we know it's just a coincidence."

We do know a few things, however. We know that actor Greg Grunberg was asked to come back for the season finale. He was the pilot we saw getting ripped out of the cockpit and brutally killed by something we think is the monster.

Or was he killed?

In the recent Boone-centric episode, Boone tells Locke he's going to tell Shannon about a metal hatch they found on the jungle floor. Locke beans him and ties him up. Boone wakes up hearing Shannon scream. Eventually, he discovers "the monster" has killed her. Psych! It was just a dream sequence. Or was it?

At least we know we've seen the shadow of "the monster."

"Actually, we showed the shadow of the so-called monster during the (aforementioned) Boone episode," Burk says. "We were going to reveal it then, but because of the success of the show, we will put it off for a while.

Thanks Speck. Now I have even more questions!!!!

1. What 3 have killed people prior to the island?
2. How will the pilet come back? Or is a flashback?
3. Was the Shannon murder a dream or not?

4. Is the monster really blue with googily eyes and loves cookies?


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Dakotadogy said:
Thanks Speck. Now I have even more questions!!!!

1. What 3 have killed people prior to the island?
2. How will the pilet come back? Or is a flashback?
3. Was the Shannon murder a dream or not?

4. Is the monster really blue with googily eyes and loves cookies?

1. Kate (who I think killed her Dad); Sayid (was a solider) and probably Sawyer. 48 people were alive on the island, but 3 died: Joanna (never met) got stuck in a rip current (but I think it was something else) The Marshall, and Scott.

2. From the pilot episode....the airplane pilot had brown hair....the dead guy in the tree had blonde.......I always thought something was funky here.

3. good question.....but I am pretty sure it was a dream, as she is in many future episodes....too many to be dead.
speck76 said:
1. Kate (who I think killed her Dad); Sayid (was a solider) and probably Sawyer. 48 people were alive on the island, but 3 died: Joanna (never met) got stuck in a rip current (but I think it was something else) The Marshall, and Scott.

What about Jin . . . wasn't he in a Chinese (?) type mafia? I think they showed him washing and rewashing his hands one night (in a flashback) as if to wash off blood.

Also, what's up with Hurley. He's one of the main 14; but hasn't had a back story (unless I missed it).

Good catch with the 815. Did you find that or did you get it from somewhere?



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Dakotadogy said:
What about Jin . . . wasn't he in a Chinese (?) type mafia? I think they showed him washing and rewashing his hands one night (in a flashback) as if to wash off blood.

Also, what's up with Hurley. He's one of the main 14; but hasn't had a back story (unless I missed it).

Good catch with the 815. Did you find that or did you get it from somewhere?


I got the 815 thing from a friend

Hurley has his story in Ep 19, which is 3/2

Jin is Ep 18

Anyone else think that Sun is preg?


New Member
Dakotadogy said:
1. If there are others on the island, besides the crazy french woman, will they try to get Claire and revenge Ethan's death?

That's a very good question...also, I've been wondering, how did Claire escape Ethan (how can a pregnant girl fight her way free from Ethan or whatever else is out there). :confused:


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stranger said:
That's a very good question...also, I've been wondering, how did Claire escape Ethan (how can a pregnant girl fight her way free from Ethan or whatever else is out there). :confused:

We will never know, because Claire does not remember, and CHARLIE KILLED ETHAN :mad:

Ethan did have a scratch on his face.

There has to be others on the island........

Remeber the French lady (Danielle)........who is ALEX?

What if part of the plane landed on another part of the island, and it had survivors too......the tail section was never accounted for.


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Spoilers below

highlight text to read

Sun spoke english in front of Jin while he was getting his butt kicked for burning down the raft...at the end of the episode, Jin left Sun.

Walt was the one who burned down the raft

Hurley's batteries ran out on his CD player. Hurley was also on the TV in Korea in Jin's flashback.

Shannon and Sayid are hooking up
speck76 said:
highlight text to read

Hurley's batteries ran out on his CD player. Hurley was also on the TV in Korea in Jin's flashback.

I'm not sure if that quote will show up in the white spoiler color.

Now my question . . .He was? What was he doing/kind of TV program? There hasn't been much history on Hurley and I'm curious. I totaly missed it. Was it when the little girl was sititng on the sofa and the guy took the dog?



New Member
Ok, I totally missed that. I did not even see him on the tv.
I agree there is not much history on Hurley, maybe they will get to his story sooner or later.


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Spoilers below

Korean translations from Lost the other night:

When Sun is on the beach in a swimsuit:

Jin (running up to Sun): Get over here, now!
Sun: What's the matter? I came out to swim.
J: [sorry, I didn't get this one]
S: What's the matter with my swimsuit?
J: Why would you wear this with all these other people around?

Jin (background, as Jack, Kate, et. al. are talking): Come on, hurry! Everyone's looking at you! Hurry, let's go! etc.

Sun (when Jin pushes her down): What are you doing?

Jin (when Michael runs up): This has nothing to do with you! Why are you interfering?
Jin (poking Michael): Who the hell are you? Don't talk to me.

Spoiler below, select the area to read the text
Hurley's TV appearance, but alas, the first shot of the tv was too far away and the second shot had the tv out of focus. However, watching the episode a second time, I noticed that you could hear the newscaster talking in the background. The one clear part was near the beginning of the scene, right after the Secretary lets Jin inside and the two are walking across the room, the newscaster distinctly says:

"Over the weekend, lottery winner..."


The Secretary's daughter only says one word, "Daddy."

Spoiler below, select the area to read the text
She shouts this twice when he takes the dog, and whimpers it once a few scenes later when Jin is beating the crap out of him.

The last part, on the beach:

Spoiler below, select the area to read the text
Jin (to Sun): You don't believe me either? (Michael asks, what did he say?) It's not me. It's not me. I didn't start the fire, okay?

Spoiler below, select the area to read the text
During the fight:
Jin: When I walked by, the fire was already burning. My hand got this way when I tried to put the fire out.

Spoiler below, select the area to read the text
After Michael asks Sun why Jin would run away if he didn't do anything, she says to Jin, amazingly enough, "He's asking why you ran away if you didn't do anything wrong."

Spoiler below, select the area to read the text
Finally, as Jin's father is hugging him on the boat, Jin's father says, "It's alright, it's alright."


New Member
Dakotadogy said:
And the transalation really showed another side of Jin. Do you speck Korean?

I like how they showed us that Jin isn’t really a bad guy at all. For some reason, I thought Jin was able to speak English like Sun or at least understand it.
Next episode looks good and maybe, finally, some secerets of the island will be revealed.


New Member
speck76 said:
No, I do not speak Korean...I found a website that translates Sun and Jin stuff.

I'm still having a bit of trouble with Jin. I'm unclear why he decided to leave Sun. I had said way back that I think he is one of the good guys and the flashbacks from last week seem to confirm that. It seemed that he was trying to make the best of a difficult situation and never went as far as Sun's dad would have wanted/expected him to go in enforcing the mob-like activity. It was always trying to get the job done without killing. After they revealed the conversation with his dad I thought for sure he'd want to reconcile with Sun. I guess the lie about Sun speaking English, and perhaps a feeling that he'd given up too much and sacrificed his morals too much for Sun had finally caught up with him. Any other thoughts why he decided to leave Sun?


New Member
Kevin said:
I'm still having a bit of trouble with Jin. I'm unclear why he decided to leave Sun.

I’ve wondered if there isn’t a part of Jin that doesn’t resent Sun just a little. For one thing, it’s her father that had Jin involved in those horrific acts. Sun didn’t pick up on any signals that something was wrong with him, even though something was clearly wrong. I’m sure he made the signals hard, if not, impossible to read, but Sun is his wife and should know him better than anyone else (In his mind, at least).
Also, considering the difficulty he went through in planning their escape in Los Angeles and now going through the plane crash, she’s turning into someone else and in some way is leaving Jin behind. I could understand Jin resenting Sun just a bit.

I think its better they’re separated…Sun is now free of the restrictions Jin has had on her and he is free to go off and do some thinking.

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