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(Answered questions noted with a *. ANSWERS post.)
1. Did Jack really cure Sarah?
2. What happened between Jack & Sarah?
3. Did he really see his father on the island?
4. What happened to Christian's coffin that Jack opened? Was this a vision?
5. What is the real connection between Jack & Desmond? Why did Jack get so emotional speaking to Desmond in the jungle?
* 6. Why is Jack still wearing the key to the Haliburton case?
1. Why is Kate's mom afraid of her?
2. If Kate didn't pass out when the plane crashed, what does she know?
3. Were the guys who helped Kate with the bank robbery just a means to an end & are any of them more significant?
4. Who was Kate's husband?
5. Was the marshal ever involved with Kate?
6. What did Kate do to put her on the run?
7. Was Kate innocent & framed or guilty?
8. Was the woman in the hospital really Kate's mom?
9. Why/when did Kate go to Australia?
10. Is Kate (Katherine) really her true name?
* 11. Who put the toy plane in the safe deposit box & why?
* 12. How did Kate find out the plane was in the s.d. box?
1. How did Locke lose his ability to walk?
2. How did the island cure him?
3. What was the secret he shared with Walt?
4. What did Locke see when he saw the monster/security system?
5. How did he know how to make glue and hallucinogenic paste?
6. How did he become such a survival expert/tracker?
7. Does Locke know the specifics of/did he hear the exchange between Boone and Bernard on the plane?
8. Is Anthony Cooper really Locke's dad or just a conman?
9. Does Cooper have anything to do with Hanso (financial backing)?
10. Who is/was the brother he played Mousetrap with?
11. Why did he leave his job at the toy store?
12. When did he start the job at the box factory?
13. What was the green thing he hid in his backpack when Claire approached in Adbandoned?
1. Is Nadia still alive?
2. Where did Nadia go when Sayid released her?
3. Since leaving the RG, what was his profession?
4. When Sayid had Danielle's maps, he overlapped them and formed a triangle location. Where is/what is at this location?
5. Why did he finally see Walt, too?
6. What did Sayid trip over at the end of Abandoned?
1. Why was Susan so intent on keeping Walt away from Michael?
2. What things "happened" between Michael & Susan in such a short time?
3. What was in the envelope of Susan's personal effects that Brian asked Dagne to give to Michael?
4. Did Dagne save Michael's cards and letters or did Susan?
5. What kind of blood disorder did Susan have that killed her in a week?
6. How did Brian get to Michael's apartment the day after Susan died? Did he leave her deathbed to go straight to the airport?
7. Is Michael in construction or was he? He said it's a long story.
8. Who hit Michael with the car?
1. Does Walt have powers & is he aware he has them?
2. Why was Walt speaking backwards?
3. Why was Walt dripping wet?
4. How much does Brian know about Walt's powers?
5. Is Walt still alive?
6. Why does Walt not want to leave the island, then change his mind?
7. Did the Others really take Walt and why?
8. Why does Walt always win at Backgammon?
9. How did Walt start the raft on fire? Matches? Or did he "make" it happen?
10. When Locke and Walt were talking before the raft left and Locke touched Walt, Walt pulled away and told Locke "Not to open that thing." Did Walt "read" something from Locke? Was this why Walt changed his mind about staying on the island?
1. What happened when Claire was kidnapped?
2. Why the amnesia?
3. Why did Claire scratch Danielle?
4. Were Claire's "dreams" real or just dreams?
5. Why was the psychic so intent on keeping the baby with Claire?
6. Is there any significance to Aaron being born with black eyes?
7. Why was Claire estranged from her parents? What caused the "Daddy abandonment issues" that Thomas refers to?
1. Why did Charlie lose his memory when he and Claire were kidnapped?
2. Does Charlie remember more than he's telling?
3. In MofS,MofF, why did Charlie insist there weren't any others when he & Claire had been kidnapped by them?
4. Who really dropped Charlie's finger tape?
1. What does Hugo's nickname "Hurley" mean?
2. Why was Hurley in the psych ward?
3. Why did Hurley wait to cash in his lottery ticket?
4. Where is his father? Alive or dead?
5. What happened w/ Hurley's friends Johnny & Starla after they found out he won the lottery?
1. Who is the real Sawyer?
2. What was the "Tampa Job"?
3. What happened to Sawyer after his parents died?
1. Who was the intended recipient of the watch Jin was delivering?
2. How did Jin get back to the island so far ahead of Michael and Sawyer?
3. How did he know Michael and Sawyer washed ashore so quicky? He started yelling immediately after he broke free from the Tailies.
1. What is Sun's father's real business?
2. How does Sun know so much about medicine/herbal remedies?
1. Who was Shannon's husband?
2. What was the cause of the accident between Shannon's dad & Sarah? Who was at fault?
3. Who is the French man (and son) she used to live with?
4. What happended to/where is Shannon's real mom? (Sabrina is Shannon's step-mom.)
5. Why has Walt only been appearing to Shannon? (Vincent connections??)
6. Who shot Shannon?
7. Did Shannon die? Was she shot (stabbed?) accidentally or on purpose?
* 8. Was that Shannon's teddy bear seen with the Others? (How did it get on the island?)
9. Did Shannon go to NY for the intern job? Did she go to work as an au pair?
1. Rose said the monster noises reminded her of something from home (she lived in the Bronx), what did the noise
remind her of?
2. Why does Rose not like the Hatch? Does she "feel" something about it?
* 1. Was Boone speaking with one of the Tailaways on the radio in the Nigerian plane or someone else?
2. If Boone had lifeguard training, why did he almost drown & why didn't he know correct CPR technique?
1. Who really died? Scott or Steve?
1. Does Vincent have powers?
2. What is Vincen't purpose?
3. Is he more connected to Walt than the obvious master/dog connection?
4. Why did he lead Shannon to Boone's grave?
Miscellaneous Questions - Lostaways
1. Why haven't they looked for the radio tower?
2. Why haven't they used the cable as anything more than something to follow to find Danielle?
3. Why didn't Jack, Locke and Kate get more info from Desmond before letting him take off?
4. How many of the Lostaways have "powers"? (Feeling things, making things happen, having visions?) Who?
5. Why haven't they tried to map the island?
6. How/why did Joanna, an experienced diver, drown? Did she really drown?
7. Is it just coincidence that Randy was both Locke & Hurley's boss, or did someone make that happen deliberately? If so, who?
8. Why haven't the Lostaways explored the hole Locke was almost dragged into?
9. Why didn't the Haliburton float?