looks like fastpass if going to change!!!


Account Suspended
To clarify, for anyone who's just now joining the program :)

When Test Track first tried to open, it would have 4-5 hour long lines full of people Disney invited to come and see the attraction. They sent out fliers and such to passhlders and media much like they do nowadays. However, they didn't give themselves enough Test/Adjust time.

Commonly, with a 4-5 hour long line, filling the entire queue (before FastPass existed, so the ENTIRE building queue, the extended exterior queue, and then a line stretching back the Mousegear) it would just flat out die and refuse to move for hours.

Twas not a pretty sight. Disney actually brought the ride completely down, closed it up, worked on it for what - almost another year, or was it two? And then re-opened it again.

Invitations to Test Track's non-grand-opening are highly collectible items on ebay if you happen to have one.

Anyways - Jim is implying Everest will have thse kinds of issues. His little brain fails to acknowledge that Test Track is an entirely different beast than Everest.

Sure it will have some nice technical aspects etc - but existing coasters already have similiar. A coaster is 99% gravity and the occasional "if not clear then stop" safety brake station every so often to keep the trains for colliding in the event of a problem.

Test Track is 27 programmed vehicles excellerating and braking on command from 0-65mph on a track where they are 6-12 seconds apart. There is no "stop here if need be" brake station, but rather a command sent to a vehicle to shut it down if it needs to stop - a much more complicated process. That'd be a technical headache if you had just 2 vehicles, now remember it can run up to 27. Plus, the nature of the vehicle isn't just start and go, its accelerate, brake, report your speed, know your location, know the location of every other vehicle, and adjust for error (they dont always speed up or brake at the same speed in reality) in realtime.

Big scary complex math.

Everest? "Stop here" or "Green light means go" let gravity do the rest.


Well-Known Member
JH is reading into a very lenghty recent patent by Disney that has been discussed on these boards already and I have to agree it seems more of a cover all bases type of thing than real proposals to be enacted. Disney has patents over all kinds of things for the parks that have never seen the light of day and probably never will. At this point, interpreting this recent patent info as sure-fire news of what is planned is wrong.

I thought his attempt to portray the Fort Wilderness Campground as a place where only those who scrimp and save to go on vacation use was a little off-base. While true if you pitch a tent the campsites are the cheapest way to stay on property, the full-hookup sites for the RVs are more than the value resorts (plus the price of buying or renting an RV) and the cabins on property are held at prices that are equivalent to the deluxe resorts. So that puts a kink in his analysis of any plan that FW would be shafted any benefits of a tiered FP program.

I do think they could seriously be considering a program where the more you pay to stay on-site the more "free-bie" FPs you could get. But I don't see them doing away with FP for your average guest nor do I ever see it becoming a pay-for-only privledge. But I do still think that once you enter the gates of the park, all guests should be treated as equally as possible. Everyone pays the same to enter the gates during normal operating hours, so it shouldn't matter where you stay outside the gates.


New Member
Mark my words....the version of fastpass he is referring to will not happen....... The whole point of a patent is to keep others from using the idea, or make them pay you if they do. The reason all of these aspects of the patent are included is so the company has patented control over every possible use of the fast pass. You know how corporations are, if you leave one aspect unpatented, they will seize it, rename it, and basically steal the idea. They are just covering every possible use of fastpass so they have a lock-solid patent on the technology


New Member
In addition to the problems disney caused itself during the opening of test track, the fact that it opened some two years later than originally announced added to the anticipation of guests. there was a myriad of problems that led to the disastrous lines for test track. :hammer:


New Member
Disregarding the source...

Regardless of what you think of him personally, it seems in this case he's right already. The Disney sponsered ebay auction listed already has it offered. So to say "it isn't going to happen" is incorrect because it already is (in some limited implementation). Whether this goes into widespread use is a whole different matter.

Personally, I wish the whole FP and dining reservation system would go away since it takes so much out fo the spontinaity of the experience, but I realize thats a pipe dream.

Unfortunately, Disney has been creating a pay for play system for years in all its businesses. Look at Cruise reservations and dining. Look at Magic nights, and concierge service. Why would FP be any different?


New Member
And again I've read an interview with Weiss where he talked about guests being able to plan their day from their hotel room including ride times. This must mean Fastpass. I doubt off-site guests would be able to do this.


As others have stated... Mr. Hill is rumor machine. If he is such an expert on Disney parks why then was he recently asked to leave and escorted (i might add) from a disney theme park (D.W. I believe) for giving unauthorized tours of the park. Someone with as much knowledge as he has about Disney had to know this was against Disney policy. (LOL)



Well-Known Member
Wouldn't this be a death wish to the fast pass system? I mean, its meant to make guests enjoy their stay more. I don't know about you, but when I'm happy, I tend to spend more money. :lol: As all of you said though, it is more and likely a rumor. It just seems too far out there to be true.


New Member
Carolwood said:
Someone with as much knowledge as he has about Disney had to know this was against Disney policy. (LOL)
He stated himself that he knew it was not officially sanctioned but that Disney didn't really care or do anything about it in the past. In his situation, a couple people got on his tour by mistake and then complained to City Hall. That was what precipitated the incident. There are others who give/gave tours as well. So he did know it was "officially" against Disney policy, therefore your LOL doesn't really apply.

As for Jim Hill being a rumor machine, am I wrong or does every Disney board on the web not have a section called 'News and Rumors', and do not people post rumors constantly? Doesn't Screamscape have a rumor section? Don't most Disney sites have a rumor section? Aren't rumors what people find fun to read? Don't people flock to read them because it's fun to read about what may or may not happen?


New Member
cac2889 said:
It just seems too far out there to be true.
Too far out?

From the patent application:

[0250] c. Different levels and hierarchies can be applicable at different hotels. Thus, more luxurious hotels can have higher priorities. (END)

You mean like giving conceirge guests special safaris?

[0239] .... The guest is directed to use the DTV in their room of occupancy. This availability to use Fastpass can be provided on the night before or the day of the park visit.(END)

Al Weiss has already commented on this in interviews as something that is in the works.

Who knows if it will happen, but I hardly see how it can be deemed "too far out." It doesn't seem far out at all.


As for Jim Hill being a rumor machine, am I wrong or does every Disney board on the web not have a section called 'News and Rumors', and do not people post rumors constantly? Doesn't Screamscape have a rumor section? Don't most Disney sites have a rumor section?

I think the problem many people have with Jim Hill is that his articles are written like they're absolute fact, rather than the rumors or speculation they really are. He has an arrogance about him that gets to be off putting. Most other sites with rumors make a huge point of reminding people that they’re just that - rumors. JH seems to like people to think he's a Disney savant, whether he gets his facts right or not.

More to the point, though - This whole “Destination Disney” thing, which we’re seeing the beginning stages of (New Fastpass procedures, Magical Express, MYW, Pal Mickey etc), sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. I know TPTB are trying to keep people on property, spending money, but they’re making things WAY too difficult. Fastpass already causes problems - think of how many angry looks you get from the less-than-Disney-savvy guests stuck in line when you run through the FP entrance. Now multiply that exponentially when those folks don’t catch on to the fact that you now (potentially) have to make FP plans days/weeks ahead of time. Ugh!
Frankly, the whole thing creeps me out. :lookaroun


New Member
STGRhost said:
I think the problem many people have with Jim Hill is that his articles are written like they're absolute fact, rather than the rumors or speculation they really are. He has an arrogance about him that gets to be off putting. Most other sites with rumors make a huge point of reminding people that they’re just that - rumors. JH seems to like people to think he's a Disney savant, whether he gets his facts right or not.
I don't see that at all. I see that he tries to back up his "rumors" with facts. Isn't that better than just spewing rumors with no facts to back them up? Would you rather he say, "I have absolutely no basis for the rumor that Disney is building a new resort in Antarctica but please read my article anyway?" The title of the article in question is: "Is FastPass going to become a "Pay for Play" perk?" not "FastPass is going to become..." To write with credibility you have to write with some degree of authority (and Jim Hill is savvy enough to know this). I don't see him championing rumors long beaten to death like many rumor sites do.

I remember once when a certain rumor site (I won't give the name but the first syllable rhymes with Dream) reported that construction had started at WDW's Adventureland on Fire Mountain when in fact they were constructing a new maintenance shed!


New Member
I LOVE you guys. LOVE! :kiss:
Normal people would just stop complaining about something they dislike. Probably stop going to the site. But not you guys. I said in a thread the other day (it got deleted by Steve) that I get such pleasure from watching you guys get your panties in a bunch over everything Hill says. It's just beyond fantastic.

I'll make a deal with you guys. I'll have Jim keep writing stories that you can't stand. Then you come on the boards and start flapping your lips about how much you hate him, that you take what he says with a grain of salt, and that he's a hack. Imagineer Boy, the William Hung thing is so great. I'm happy you brought it back for this thread!

Again, I love you all. But remember that when this thread is deleted, my love will go on!


Well-Known Member
CoryMitchell said:
I LOVE you guys. LOVE! :kiss:
Normal people would just stop complaining about something they dislike. Probably stop going to the site. But not you guys. I said in a thread the other day (it got deleted by Steve) that I get such pleasure from watching you guys get your panties in a bunch over everything Hill says. It's just beyond fantastic.

I'll make a deal with you guys. I'll have Jim keep writing stories that you can't stand. Then you come on the boards and start flapping your lips about how much you hate him, that you take what he says with a grain of salt, and that he's a hack. Imagineer Boy, the William Hung thing is so great. I'm happy you brought it back for this thread!

Again, I love you all. But remember that when this thread is deleted, my love will go on!

First someone has to come here and post the link (and thats the trick isn't it). Its all part of the master plan?



Well-Known Member
I think you guys are whistling past the graveyard on this one. Disney is a business and, as with most businesses, if you pay more you get more. I'm not saying anything's going to happen, because I have no idea, but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility.


Well-Known Member
objr said:
First someone has to come here and post the link (and thats the trick isn't it). Its all part of the master plan?


Actually, the first thing to happen is the information is posted here first and then Hill takes it and tries to make facts from pieces of information / rumors. :lol:

Hey Cory :wave: Good to see you still trying to build up JHM. Too bad it's all for naught. :rolleyes:


mousermerf said:
Disney hasn't had any fiasco's like Test Track, well, since Test Track.

I'm guessing you aren't familiar with DL's Rocket Rods.

I saw the other thread on this topic after reading Jim's story the morning it was published. Unless it's changed since I last looked yesterday, no one, not a single individual whatsoever doubted the validity of the possibility of FP changes. And, as I told myself at the time, the very instant that it gets mentioned that Jim Hill wrote about it, that will change dramatically.

Wasn't exactly as difficult as predicting an earthquake of course.



Well-Known Member
CoryMitchell said:
I LOVE you guys. LOVE! :kiss:
Normal people would just stop complaining about something they dislike. Probably stop going to the site. But not you guys. I said in a thread the other day (it got deleted by Steve) that I get such pleasure from watching you guys get your panties in a bunch over everything Hill says. It's just beyond fantastic.

LOL Cory. You are really too much.

Why do people talk about 'ol Hilly Boy? The same reason they talk about an article in Star Magazine or the National Enquirer.

It's fluffy fun, and when someone like Hill so regularly makes a total donkey of himself it's highly entertaining. It's like watching a train wreck once a week.

I just about busted a gut when he announced a delay in his little CDs - if there is one thing Hilly is it's predictable. Has the man ever filled any promise he has ever made in a timely manner? His word means NOTHING - how are people expected to believe the tales he tells when he tells blatant lies so often?

Your attitude fits his well - too big for your britches and the total opposite of what Disney magic is supposed to be about. It's all about self-congratulation and holier-than-thou nonsense based on very little fact so old Hilly can make himself out to be an insider instead of the outsider he really is. It's pretty sad when someone spends their whole life trying to be a part of something they clearly are not - though the petty side of me must admit to finding it absolutely blindingly hilarious that he was tossed out on his behind at Disneyland. Poetic justice at its best - he got thrown out of the one place he wishes he could be an inside part of. Any normal person would be ashamed but Hilly just sees it as a chance to swindle more people out of money (those who donated years ago and are still owed what he promised hopefully learned from that mistake, however).

I'm glad the fact that you work for what is the most discredited, reviled, and generally disliked Disney site on the web makes you so happy. I have to say that your level of professionalism is what makes me most stunned by you - that you feel you have to come here and in each of your posts trash people who speak their mind about your employer. That seems to be the only reason you visit here.

Go back to your couch and write your fluffy TV musings, Cory. All it does when you participate in threads like these is make you and your site look even worse - I'm surprised Hilly hasn't put the quash on your petty postings regarding his site here; he may be many things, but stupid isn't one of them, and he must see how your attitude in your postings here, your lashing out in such a childish manner over and over, makes the site look even more hackish than it is.

Hilly media is a tabloid site, and fills that purpose - sometimes entertaining fluffy stories that have just enough grain of truth in them to make them interesting occasionally. But you take out the "really for reals" and the "Why for?" and the "Your thoughts?" and you really are left with a lot of speculation based on heresay who's content is unverifiable at best.

A tabloid.

I'm sure the lackeys over at Star Magazine and the Enquirer are just as proud to be a part of their publications as you are - but I'd guess they have a more realistic view of the position their publication has in the world than you do. Now be a good little doggy and run home to your master and let him know what all the evil haters over at WDWMagic say about him, since he seems to care so much mentioning us all the time.

/pats the puppy on the head

Good boy.



New Member
Enough with flaming Jim Hill already. It's getting so old. I visit this site and Jimhillmedia.com on a daily basis and love reading both, whether its a rumor or fact. And when it's a rumor he tells you its a rumor. You don't like his site , don't read it. But I have yet to find any of his articles to be total fabrications. It seems some people on this board will give greater credibility to a Disney Resort bus driver who claims that a fifth gate involving villains is opening soon than any article written by Jim. If i have a complaint against Jim its that he doesn't finish his dam articles. I've never been to DL, but I've been waiting for the conclusion of the Light Magic Parade fiasco forever now.

Personally, I think part of the problem is that some of us (myself included at times) have a hard time hearing any negative stories about Disney. Unfortunately, news isn't only good news. What's scary is that you see this type of reaction from people everywhere nowadays too. Not to get political, but we seem to be getting to the point in this country nowadays where any negative story by the press about our government/military etc. is greeted as being anti-american. Merely b.c. Jim may point out at times some negative aspects of Disney, it doesn't mean he is attacking Disney. In fact, I for one, find a lot of love and affection for everything Disney on that site. And btw, his site isn't solely dedicated to Disney, which is one of the other reasons it is so enjoyable.

So let's stop with the bashing whether its Jim or any other competitor site. Obviously , we all LOVE this site or we wouldn't post and visit here as often as we all do.

Now getting back to the main point of the thread...

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