Longest Drive to WDW...


Well-Known Member
Drove down a couple of years ago from Ashland, MA(about 30-45 minutes West of Boston). Total distance to Orlando from Ashland was I think just shy of 1,300 miles. We made a couple of stops on the way since we left late and did alot of our initial driving at night. Stopped in New Jersey, close to the border with Delaware at about 4AM and got some rest. Continued for awhile and then stopped in DC to go look at some of the sites, then went and stopped in North Carolina to rest. Drove through to Georgia and stopped again, then got to Florida the next day and went to the first beach we could find. Hung out at the beach for a few hours then finsihed our journey to Orlando.(We didn't really have a time frame for how long we were going to be down there and my wife has relatives in Ponciena and St Cloud.)


New Member
My dad immigrated to the states last December (really miss him) so I was thinking of combining a trip to see him and also sometime in WDW. Hes living in Michigan, so my question is how long would it take to drive from Michigan to WDW?
Thanks for your time.


Well-Known Member
When I go to see my parents (they live in the Detroit area) I make the trip in two days, but it only really takes 16-18 hours. (I travel with a dog, and she complains if she is in the car too long)


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mad_mark
Hes living in Michigan, so my question is how long would it take to drive from Michigan to WDW?

That depends on where he is in Michigan (It is a rather large state). From Chicago was under 20 hours taking our time (We stopped a lot :) , from SW Michigan is probably another 2-3 hours, but it can vary greatly. (For instance from Mackinac is probably around 24 hours)... For a good "guestimate" you can use Mapquest. I loved driving down, but if I were on a longer trip, or was coming from overseas, I'd get an inexpensive airline ticket instead from someone like Southwest or ATA (For time consideration if nothing else).


Well-Known Member
it takes us about ...

26 hours of driving.. We leave at 4:00 am and get to Birmingham at 7:pm. I go that way to see my best friend who lives in the Birimingham area. Then we take 65 to 231 and to I -10. In cottonville are abunch of stands to buy the cheapest oranges and fruit. half the price of I-10 or I-75. These little stands make the whole trip worth it. at least now there are three of us driving. My kid drove 3 hours one day and four hours coming back. It took a lot of strain off of all of us. The real key to making driving easy, is to know where you are going in advance and NOT TO WATCH THE MILEAGE SIGNS. This way the miles blend together and you don't "drive each mile." The only time we checked the map was outside of Ocala, to make sure of the Florida turnpike turn. Use the Left lane, and getting on the freeway to come home. after that, if you have done the trip before, know where you are going and don't count down the miles. You drive each one that way, instead of them melting into the next one. .


Well-Known Member
In 1986 and 1990, we made the drive from Maryland. My sister and I set up blankets in the back of our parents' pickup truck and snacked on cans of Vienna sausages.

We also kept a look out for cops while our mom pushed 85 miles an hour!

Ah, the fun of being a poor WDW tourist...

Nowadays, I refuse to drive -- flying all the way!

John Baynes

New Member
My wife and I used to drive from El Paso to WDW. It is about 1700 plus miles one way. We did it three times in one year. Now my work has transferred me to a place that is only 181 miles from WDW. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to go since we moved here. Hopefully, in September right after Labor Day and then on our annual trip in November for the Food and Wine Festival.:) :D


Wow....a lot of people have a very long drive....I don't know how I could survive!

Thank goodness I'm in West Palm Beach and only less than 2 hours away.....:)


Well-Known Member
I do not know how all of you can do these long drives. I don't mind driving, but when you are talking about 20+ hours of driving each way. I just can't do it. When I fly it is only 5 1/2 hours from door to door typically.

I just got an e-mail from Orbits.com today with $104.00 round trip from Albany, NY to Orlando. I just might have to go for a long weekend.:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PhilharMagician
I do not know how all of you can do these long drives. I don't mind driving, but when you are talking about 20+ hours of driving each way. I just can't do it. When I fly it is only 5 1/2 hours from door to door typically.

I just got an e-mail from Orbits.com today with $104.00 round trip from Albany, NY to Orlando. I just might have to go for a long weekend.:sohappy:

Hmmmm...Albany isn't all that far from me. May have to check this out. :D

We tried driving straight thru the first time we drove. I should have been about 21 hours from home to my inlaws on the Gulf Coast. With all the traffic, construction, breaks it was nerve wracking. Never again. Now the ride is part of the trip and we arrive in WDW a wholelot less frazzeled.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by edwardtc
We drive straight thru from Indianapolis, IN. It's exactly 1,007 miles from our front door to the Port Orleans Riverside Parking Lot :D We do it in about 17 hours - and that's driving just a tad over the speed limit.....well, ok, about 80!

Are you sure you're speeding. From Richmond, Va to Orlando is approx. 850 miles. I have routinely done that trip in 11-12 hours. So Ed, it's taking you 5 hours to go an additional 150 miles, that's not going very fast.

1007 miles divided by 17 hours = 59.23 miles per hours (That's not even speed limit in most states.)

Sorry to point that out but the numbers just looked funny to me.


New Member
Originally posted by Since1976
The drive TO Disney is great! The anticipation builds and builds and builds...

It's the drive back which is a drain...

I hate the drive back. To think that I have to go back to work and school is depressing. Makes me want to cry sometimes!:hammer:


New Member
I think we've got everybody here beat. We drove from Vancouver, Washington to Orlando - around 3500 miles. We left Wednesday evening, April 28th, ran into a blizzard in southern Wyoming, ended up spending Thursday night in Goodland, Kansas. We drove through Friday night and pulled in to WDW Pop Century around 2pm on Saturday.

For my two daughters, this was the third time they'd made that trip. The first two times was to drive down for their college programs in 2002 and 2003. This time I helped them drive, as they were taking two cars and moving down there to work and go to school.

In 2003 they left in early August and drove across the northern tier and into Toronto and New England before heading down the east coast. Between that and driving back to Washington state in January 2004, they've managed to hit all of the lower 48 states.

Having both driven and flown, I can tell you that flying is better!


New Member
I agree with Yellowbird97. We are from Newark, Delaware. We start at 6:00am and arrive in Savannah, GA around 8:00pm. Anyone who drives the 95 corridor south, I cannot suggest a days stay in Savannah enough. It is the most gorgeous city in the United States, and we have been pretty much everywhere.
There is also an outstanding restaurant called The Lady and Sons, the owner is Paula Dean who has a regular show on the Food Network. Reservations are accepted and suggested. The restaurant is very casual and not expensive at all. The food is great and an empty seat is rare, that is why reservations are suggested.


When I was a kid my dad drove us down 1-2 times a year, from Upstate, NY. 1265 miles each way! Took 1-3 days depending on how many times we stopped.

In July we'll be driving from NC, only about 10 hours thank God!


Well-Known Member
Newark is in the hizzouse!:king:

I try to get my wife to drive down but she won't do it. She'd rather drive up to Philly and fly down and rent a car.

Oh well! She won't drive with me across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel either. She's a wimp!!

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