Living Seas to close March 2004 for rehab

General Grizz

New Member
Don't forget Future World's other changes

1982 Attractions Rehab: 1994, 1995, 1996
- Communicore -> Innoventions
- Universe of Energy -> Ellen's Energy Adventure
- The Land -> Living/Circle of Life/Food Rocks
- Spaceship Earth -> Rehab
- World of Motion -> Test Track

1983 Attractions Rehab: 1998, 1999
- JII -> Journey into Your Imagination
- Horizons -> Mission: Space

1986/1989 Attractions Rehab: 2004, 2005, 2006?
- Wonders of Life -> Rehab? (not for a while, apparently)
- Living Seas -> Rehab

And then there's. . .
- Spaceship Earth?
- Universe of Energy?

Big question mark next to Spaceship Earth and Energy. SE MAY be losing AT&T soon. . . and apparently the gutting plans have been cancelled. If ANYTHING can stay original, let's make it SE. Come to think of it, it's the ONLY original left! :lol:

And UoE loses sponsorship in March.


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Big question mark next to Spaceship Earth and Energy. SE MAY be losing AT&T soon. . . and apparently the gutting plans have been cancelled. If ANYTHING can stay original, let's make it SE. Come to think of it, it's the ONLY original left! :lol:

Yeah, altering the overall theme of Spaceship Earth, for me, would be it. But we say this, and didn't we for the other much-loved attractions? Its sad, but all we can do is hope that what takes their places are even better. IMO, most haven't been thus far.

And UoE loses sponsorship in March.

Exxon, right? Now do you mean that their current contract is up, or do you mean its up and they've already said they definately won't re-up?


Well-Known Member
I sincerely hope that TLS remains open through most of April, only closing soon thereafter... :lookaroun

A Nemo rehab will breathe new life into this rapidly-dating pavilion (whose ambience, might I say, is quite appealing regardless)... if done right...


Now if only they could bring back the SeaCabs! Hmph! Another Omnimover® bit the dust... :(


New Member
Not to sure if this was covered here or not as I didn't read every thread...but my thought is since WOL is said to be possibly running seasonaly I would guess that WOL will only close tempoaray in the winter months...When TLS goes into rehab they will open it back up...I can't see having two pavillons closed during spring Break.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PeterAlt
Screamscape is reporting that The Living Seas will close in March for a rehab. Does anyone know if this will be the Finding Nemo redo of the pavillion, or just another normal rehab?

If Living Seas closes for rehab in March, how long would it be before it re-opens? I was planning to visit WDW sometime next Spring, probably in May.


Well-Known Member
Re: Re: Living Seas to close March 2004 for rehab

Originally posted by KentB3
If Living Seas closes for rehab in March, how long would it be before it re-opens? I was planning to visit WDW sometime next Spring, probably in May.

it depends on how big of a rehab they're planning on...and from what i've gathered, that's up in the air (well, in terms of our knowledge of the situation, anyway....lets hope the folks at Disney know what they're doing beforehand)
if it's just touching up paint and such, then it shouldn't be extremely long (though, i don't know about it opening before you get there) but if it's an overhaul, it'll take a while.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Goofyfanatic
Not to sure if this was covered here or not as I didn't read every thread...but my thought is since WOL is said to be possibly running seasonaly I would guess that WOL will only close tempoaray in the winter months...When TLS goes into rehab they will open it back up...I can't see having two pavillons closed during spring Break.

i would think you're right. i don't see them having two pavilions closed at the same time either. it just makes sense to open one while the other is closed...then again, who knows?


Well-Known Member
Just so you know, I was at Central Shops last week. I got to see one of the Nemo "Animitronics". They aren't animitronics at all. I saw the Nemo one and all it is is a basic ECV with a character shell that some guy drives around. And the one I saw wasn't for our parks, it was for an overseas park, I think it was DLP. So there is a POSSIBILITY that the AAs everyone speaks of are not for WDW.

Yes, all animitronic work for ALL the Disney parks around the world is done in WDW's Central Shops. Just about a month ago, all the Small World animitronics from DLP (I believe) came over for rehab for their celebration.

Just correct me if I'm wrong about which parks they are cause I have a habit of forgetting which overseas parks are which. :)

(The funny part of this post is that my avatar is from the LS Seacab ride)

General Grizz

New Member
Originally posted by lebernadin
Yeah, altering the overall theme of Spaceship Earth, for me, would be it. But we say this, and didn't we for the other much-loved attractions? Its sad, but all we can do is hope that what takes their places are even better. IMO, most haven't been thus far.

Exxon, right? Now do you mean that their current contract is up, or do you mean its up and they've already said they definately won't re-up?

ExxonMobil to End Disney World sponsorship - IRVING, TEXAS, July 16

ExxonMobil has decided not to renew its sponsorship of Disney’s Universe of Energy pavilion at Epcot, Orlando, Florida, effective March 13, 2004. ExxonMobil appreciates the quality sponsorship opportunity that the Universe of Energy pavilion has provided. However, after more than 20 years involvement, we have made a business decision not to renew our sponsorship.


As for Spaceship Earth, from what I've been told, it's safe.

For now.

And as for Living Seas, I have a hunch those Nemo figures are for Living Seas. I mean, Disney would be willing to invest in Animatronics for a rehab? :rolleyes: ;)


As much as I enjoy TLS in its current form, I think it is long overdue for a rehab. Bring on Nemo! It's time, it's time, for something new.


Sorry to veer off topic, but while we are discussing rehabs.....

I just heard a neat tidbit about ToT.
The 5th dimension could be in for an upgrade.

Just throwing that out there........:D


New Member
Originally posted by grizzlyhall
ExxonMobil to End Disney World sponsorship - IRVING, TEXAS, July 16

ExxonMobil has decided not to renew its sponsorship of Disney’s Universe of Energy pavilion at Epcot, Orlando, Florida, effective March 13, 2004. ExxonMobil appreciates the quality sponsorship opportunity that the Universe of Energy pavilion has provided. However, after more than 20 years involvement, we have made a business decision not to renew our sponsorship.



Thanks for the info, grizzlyhall! :)


New Member
A Living Seas rehab has been needed for years – but turning to Nemo as a crutch is an awful idea. The rehab should be used to update the facility to bring the interactive displays into the new millennium. The oceans are the most important real estate on the planet we came from them and perhaps one day man will live in them just as one day we will live in space.

The Living Seas should hold to the Sea Base Alpha philosophy – mans attempt to live and work under the oceans, Nemo isn’t nearly as important as that.

General Grizz

New Member
No, MartyMouse, but Disney's goal is to get the turnstiles rolling. Nemo will pack a HUGE amount of guests in just as Test Track did.

What is "right" doesn't matter in the face of attendance.

(You're welcome, lebernadin :) )


Originally posted by grizzlyhall
Wha Wha Wha WHAT?
It just went down for rehab! :lookaroun

Not like this.....
Maybe "rehab" is the wrong word.
More like "the addition of major technology."
That's better.

As for Living's all about what guests like. Keeping attractions unchanged is beneficial only to us Disneyphiles on the internet, not the general public.
It's obvious that guests are not interested in Living Seas in it's current form. It is TOO scientific and dry (so to speak).
Bringing in Nemo, not to be the focus of the pavillion, but rather as it's "host", would increase guest interest.
Works for me.
It makes no sense for Disney to say, "Well, guests avoid it like the plague, but it's a classic. Can't change a classic."


Active Member

LS is looooooong overdue a mayor rehab. TRUE, but also needs presence, the removal of that 80' look of Seabase Alpha. Now what about using the same concepts in the "Nemo" DVD, like the Jean Michell Costeau movie and so on. Will still be a learning process, plus, a whole new experience in the "ride" and cue's and so on and so on....


Well-Known Member
i agree with you MartyMouse! but, most likely, Disney won't. :( BUT i really think they could/should mash these two issues together. they coud use Nemo and his friends as educational tools. this would bring in the crowd AND teach them how important it is to keep our waters clean, and how one day we could live under the water. and, i think Disney might could even add a little kiddie Nemo playground type area inside the building (just a small one...nothing the size of HISTK playset)
OOOORRRR they could combine all that, and add Little Mermaid too. though, that may be too many themes and characters all thrown in together. i suppose it could work though...maybe.
but since Nemo is the popular thing with the kiddies these days, then perhaps they should give it a Nemo theme. but i definately think education should still play a major part in the attraction, regardless of anything else!

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