Living Seas Pics - Questions!


Well-Known Member
mousermerf said:
When i was able to get a good look at it before, it had cables coming out of it like a sound or lighting control board, but perhaps i confused the location? Glass paino eh? Got any pics of that? It sounds neat..

A couple.

First is one I took from the observation deck in December. (Gotta love a brand new camera) Though it still came out very dark and I had to heavily edit it to brighten the pic.

The other is from, of all places, the Disney Weddings website:
(And while you're at it, click on #6... Who the heck wants to get married in Munchkinland???)



Well-Known Member
The only piece of concept art that I've seen for this thing shows Dory swimming around the sea igloo. As far as I know, however, that was not an actual show scene, but a concept of how the Nemo characters would fit into TLS. WDI is being pretty secretive about this thing, unlike E:E, M:S, or even Turtle Talk, all of which were announced and hyped throughout most of their construction.


Well-Known Member
Lefty said:
What is a sea cab

That's what the Omnimover vehicles were called in the Living Seas pavilion.

They were a VERY basic Omnimover vehicle, with no working doors, just an opening you stepped through. They also didn't rotate at all, they just followed the curves in the track. And the track was simply the load belt, a 90-degree turn into a tunnel (the one you can see from the observation platform), 3/4 of the way around the lower level of the central observation hub, and up the ramp underneath where you walk out to the observation deck. The unload belt was even in this up-ramp, so you didn't even get to fully exit the aquarium before unloading.

There was a link to a video given earlier in this thread, I believe. (Same one available here on WDWMagic?) It gives a very good overview of the whole original progression into the seabase.


Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
I was there in mid February and the dolphins were there. I also took a really close look at the tunnel that the sea cabs went through and it looked like the windows were covered from the inside. From what I remember before phase 1 of the rehab you could still see inside the tunnel. It may be wishful thinking but I surmised that there was some work going on inside the tunnel. I guess we will find out when phase 2 is complete near the end of the year.


New Member
The picture where you see the "control board" is most like a sculpture that is in a private longe area. Or it could be a sound board.

I've done the DiveQuest tour several times. This is where you get to scuba in the aquarium, and can pretty much go anywhere in the environment, including right up to the windows where the longe is and look inside.

Only area you have to stay away from is the fence that seperates the dolphins off. Evidently if the dolphins don't know you they will defend their part of the aquarium and they don't want them hurting themselves on the fence.

As for your "where are the dolphins?" question, by law they have to have an off stage area that they can go to if they desire. Usually you can see the gates to this area if you look into the tank from the passage way to the central viewing area. I've been given a tour of the backstage area for them and as I understand they like it. It has a huge sunlight and is "quiet", which is important to them.



Well-Known Member
gregburg said:
The picture where you see the "control board" is most like a sculpture that is in a private longe area. Or it could be a sound board.

Its not a scupture its definitly the glass piiano thats in the lounge. The picture Rob562 linked to proves this.


Active Member
Does anyone happen to know if all the parts of the tank happen to connect? Like the resturant and everything. Also I saw a picture once of Mickey swiming inside the tank has anybody ever seen this? And lastly since they are refurbing the TLS and all. Dose anybody now about that like bump on the glass window downstairs I think it's around the dolphin tank. It wasn't always like that and mind you the last time I went to EPCOT was January of last year so maybe they fixed it already. But does anybody know what happened their and if they're ever gonna fix that? Which I would imagine would be extremely complicated and expensive. Anyways thanks for the info:wave:


Well-Known Member
Now seems as good as time as any to give some information about the new Nemo ride. I wish I could remember the exact name of it though.

First off, it will be an omnimover ride. From the looks of it the cars will rotate at least once like on Journey into Imagination with Figment and stay in that position for a good chunk of the ride. (I'm not sure of the rotation aspect of the cars but from what I've seen and heard it looks like this is what will happen)

Second, the ride track has been extended to add a few curves before the main tank section.

Third, the ride I believe has 10 scenes. One of these is called "under the pier". 2 or 3 of the scenes are in the tank.

Fourth, Much of the ride uses projections along with scrims and some sort of frames around the scrims.

Fifth, Please do not quote me on this information as I'm sure my explanations are not exact.

Finally, I cannot/will not tell you my source of information and you are free to believe me or not.:)


Account Suspended
Original Poster
WhyteAL said:
Does anyone happen to know if all the parts of the tank happen to connect? Like the resturant and everything. Also I saw a picture once of Mickey swiming inside the tank has anybody ever seen this? And lastly since they are refurbing the TLS and all. Dose anybody now about that like bump on the glass window downstairs I think it's around the dolphin tank. It wasn't always like that and mind you the last time I went to EPCOT was January of last year so maybe they fixed it already. But does anybody know what happened their and if they're ever gonna fix that? Which I would imagine would be extremely complicated and expensive. Anyways thanks for the info:wave:

The observation deck, the ride, the lounge, and the restaurant all look into the same tank.

The bubble on the acrylic wall is said have happened when the old Hulk Hogan TV show Thunder in Paradise filmed in the tank and a light was placed too close to the wall and thus slightly melted it.


New Member
WhyteAL said:
Does anyone happen to know if all the parts of the tank happen to connect? Like the resturant and everything. Also I saw a picture once of Mickey swiming inside the tank has anybody ever seen this? And lastly since they are refurbing the TLS and all. Dose anybody now about that like bump on the glass window downstairs I think it's around the dolphin tank. It wasn't always like that and mind you the last time I went to EPCOT was January of last year so maybe they fixed it already. But does anybody know what happened their and if they're ever gonna fix that? Which I would imagine would be extremely complicated and expensive. Anyways thanks for the info:wave:

It's one large tank. A big circle. The Restraunt is on the outside of the tank. It's tough to see though from the observation decks though since it is behind coral props.

I've been in the tank with Mickey! Last August during Dive Quest (later session) Mickey was in the water for part of the dive. He was in to say hi to some guests having a private reception in the VIP lounge. As a bonus I have a video from Disney that shows me shaking hands with him under water. Very very very cool. We found out later that Mickey is super busy :), and only gets to make a limited number of dives these days. We were the first tour group that the staff could recall ever diving with him.

Can't tell you about the flaw being fixed, though I can tell you that they could not easily change a window out. They weigh about 5000lbs (I maybe low on that number). Also they are held in place by the preasure of the water. If push came to shove I'm sure they could devise a way, but it would have to be very serious.



Some people are well cheeky. Mice chat is rubbish and full of old rumors and people that think they know it all but now they are steeling Merfs pictures and even the same text!!! That site is full of people moaning on about how Disneyland is great and WDW is rubbish. Can they just repost the pictures without permission?
kap91 said:
Now seems as good as time as any to give some information about the new Nemo ride. I wish I could remember the exact name of it though.

First off, it will be an omnimover ride. From the looks of it the cars will rotate at least once like on Journey into Imagination with Figment and stay in that position for a good chunk of the ride. (I'm not sure of the rotation aspect of the cars but from what I've seen and heard it looks like this is what will happen)

Second, the ride track has been extended to add a few curves before the main tank section.

Third, the ride I believe has 10 scenes. One of these is called "under the pier". 2 or 3 of the scenes are in the tank.

Fourth, Much of the ride uses projections along with scrims and some sort of frames around the scrims.

Fifth, Please do not quote me on this information as I'm sure my explanations are not exact.

Finally, I cannot/will not tell you my source of information and you are free to believe me or not.:)

Thanks for the info. So are the rumors true that the track is being extended into where the old queue area and theater used to be?


Park History nut
Premium Member
kap91 said:
Now seems as good as time as any to give some information about the new Nemo ride. I wish I could remember the exact name of it though.

First off, it will be an omnimover ride. From the looks of it the cars will rotate at least once like on Journey into Imagination with Figment and stay in that position for a good chunk of the ride. (I'm not sure of the rotation aspect of the cars but from what I've seen and heard it looks like this is what will happen)

Second, the ride track has been extended to add a few curves before the main tank section.

Third, the ride I believe has 10 scenes. One of these is called "under the pier". 2 or 3 of the scenes are in the tank.

Fourth, Much of the ride uses projections along with scrims and some sort of frames around the scrims.

Fifth, Please do not quote me on this information as I'm sure my explanations are not exact.

Finally, I cannot/will not tell you my source of information and you are free to believe me or not.:)

First bit of detailed info I believe! Thanks.


Well-Known Member
So are the rumors true that the track is being extended into where the old queue area and theater used to be?

Yes and no. The old preshow is being used but the old queue area will still be there along with a new bit of queue next to or through the old hydrolator area.


Well-Known Member
Much of that list is correct. I have not personally been through this area, but a coworker has had a tour of the new ride route, and her story pretty much lined up with this one.

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