Living at Epcot - A June Beach Club TR

Finally getting around to starting the trip report - only a month after returning from the World...Thankfully, we took plenty of pictures, which are helping me remember our experiences, but will likely make this one long report!

This was our family's 5th visit to WDW since our first in 2007 (with one less kid), and definitely the best one yet! My wife and I were celebrating our 15th anniversary, so we had to do it up right - we'd always wanted to stay near our favorite park, so we decided to spend our week at the Beach Club. It was like living at Epcot!

There were a few firsts for us on this trip, aside from the choice of resort. The most readily apparent was the new touch-to-pay and touch-to-enter system. We tend to use our room charge account for the vast majority of purchases and meals, and the new system worked flawlessly throughout our trip. The RFID park entry also worked well for us throughout the trip, though I can't say the same for other guests...It honestly didn't seem to be any faster than the old system, but that's a topic for another post. Other first time experiences included Star Wars Weekends and lots of new dining - but we'll get to those later.

This was also our first time visiting the parks anywhere close to "peak" season. All of our previous trips have been in Oct/Nov, with the lone exception of last year's trip in late August, so we were a bit nervous about what to expect from the crowds. I'm happy to report that the crowds were very manageable for most of the week, with a fairly noticeable increase during the last weekend. We didn't see a single tour group until the last day! We also had quite a bit of weather to deal with, including a tropical storm, but nothing we couldn't handle. We got wet, but it certainly didn't dampen the fun!

We spent 7 nights in a studio in Beach Club Villas, with 6-day park hoppers (started out with 5-day, and decided to add one mid-trip, which created a lovely little fiasco that I describe in another thread, thanks to the recent ticket price increase). First, the cast and crew: Myself, DW, and the 2 girls (14 and 3). Here we stand after shamelessly gorging on pot stickers and wings at Ohana the first night of our trip:


Now, to the details: We awoke bright and early Sunday, June 2nd, and tore down I-75 for around 6 hours before arriving at the Beach Club at about 2pm. We were met at the curb by a lovely CM with an Ipad who guided us to the front desk, where we were told our room wasn't quite ready yet. Having no plans to hit the parks on our travel day, we decided on a quick tour of the resort - absolutely beautiful! Yeah, that's me in the jeans and 3-year-old. Not a good choice of attire for the admittedly short, but rather warm, walk over to the International Gateway.

We'd never been to any of the Epcot resorts, or the International Gateway, before, so we decided to see just how close we would be to the World Showcase. We walked out of the lobby, hung a left, and in about 5 minutes were standing at the IG!


A short while later, we received the text saying our room was ready, so we headed over to the villas. We were placed in a handicap accessible studio room on the 3rd floor (this is the second time we've been put in a handicap room at WDW, in spite of having no handicaps...), which was pretty much a typical Disney hotel room - small and basic. We were stretching it with the four of us in such a small room, but we knew what to expect, and after some very creative clothing storage, we'd pretty much settled in. We had a queen bed and pullout sofa, and a pretty nice view of the woods between us and World Showcase. We were able to see the higher Illuminations fireworks from the balcony each night, and if we'd had a decent camera I would've taken some photos...This is what the place looked like most of the week:


Here's one of the many poignant scenes (arranged by our Mousekeeper during our absence) that greeted us upon our return to the room. You'll notice Pascal savaging my lei from Ohana while the other animals look on, unconcerned. Only Sulley appears to show some regret for standing idly by in the face of such irresponsible behavior.


After settling into the room, it was time for...bubbles on the balcony:


We decided against Downtown Disney, and just hung out at the resort until around 5pm when we headed over to Ohana for dinner. Each person in our party got to choose at least one meal during the trip, and this one was our DD14's choice. We'd eaten here during our very first visit to WDW, and she had been dreaming of those wings ever since. Dinner did not disappoint!


And what dinner at Ohana would be complete without the Coconut race? Note the lack of a coconut anywhere within our reach, and my daughter's laser-like focus on...who knows?, which pretty much characterized our joint performance in said race.

After dinner we had a relaxing monorail ride around the resort loop. As you will see, we've been at WDW a grand total of 4 hours and our 3yo has already wisely selected two very unique and valuable souvenirs that I'm certain will give her many years of enjoyment. Note also the lei, prior to its encounter with Pascal.


All in all, it was a great first day at the World, and we hadn't even entered the parks! Much more to follow!


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
Original Poster
Great report so far. Our favorite park is also Epcot, we have our Jan trip booked at the Boardwalk Villas. I can't wait to be so close to my favorite park, your report is getting me excited!

I don't blame your little one for getting scared on TT, that ride is terrifying! I have only rode it once, and I was also begging for my mom! (I am 31 :oops: )

Looking forward to the rest of your report.

Boardwalk is an awesome resort too! We spent quite a bit of time there between the Boardwalk Bakery (which is fantastic) and the other restaurants and shops.


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
Original Poster
Day 3 - Hollywood Studios!
Tuesday morning we were up bright and early to hit DHS. As we walked along Crescent Lake we noticed that the ferry was sitting at the Boardwalk dock, meaning the YC/BC stop was next on it's way to DHS. After a few minutes of debate we decided to "race" the ferry and see if we could make it to the park via the walking path before the boat did. We had a *small* jump on the boat, since they were just leaving the Boardwalk dock as we walked past our dock, but we basically ended up arriving at the park at the same time the boat did. We walked at a pretty good clip, and the boats are very slow (and it had to stop at the Swolphin dock too), so all in all the walk probably takes just a bit more time than the ferry ride (exactly 20 minutes by my watch).

For those wondering about this option of getting to DHS - the walk is very easy and pleasant first thing in the morning. However, I wouldn't attempt it after about 11am as there is basically no shade. Here are a few shots taken during our walk that morning:

Just past the Boardwalk - this was another boat making the return trip:

We arrived at the front gate about 15 minutes prior to the scheduled opening time and the park was already open, so I regrettably didn't get to participate in the mad rush for TSMM FP's. It was actually kind of nice, as I just walked right over to the FP kiosks, just behind the initial crazy group of grown men acting like they aren't running (while totally running).

The wife and older DD went straight to Rockin Roller Coaster, got a baby swap, and then rode via standby while Ellie and I went to get a cookie and some coffee at Starring Roles. Then DD14 and I rode RRC while DW and DD3 went and got in line for Woody and Buzz M&G. Interestingly, the CM announced to the entire queue that the characters WOULD NOT fall to the ground if they yelled "Andy's Coming!" He told my wife that this false rumor was started by another CM "who is no longer with Disney..."

Anyway, this was easily the longest line we waited in all trip:


But worth it!

We noticed quite a few Star Wars Weekends elements scattered throughout the park, including some sets from the movies. Here's the operating table where Darth Vader ("Dark Bader" to DD3) was created:

At this point we headed over to ride TSMM via the FP line, which was great as always. Other highlights of this day included The Muppets Show, Star Tours, and Disney Jr Live (which DD3 loves!). We watched Jedi Training Academy, which looks really cool, and then ate lunch at Backlot Express. DW loved her boneless wings, but my hot dog was pretty mediocre. To be honest, DHS isn't really our favorite park, and we were planning another afternoon there for SWW later in the week, so we bailed after lunch.

We took the ferry back to the resort, and after a short stop at the room to freshen up - back to Epcot! We had a dinner reservation at Rose and Crown at 7:30, so we just wandered around WS for the afternoon. It was fairly overcast, with a lovely breeze, and very low crowds! DD3 had received a pearl in the Mitsukoshi store in Japan last year, and DD14 needed one of her own, so this was our first stop. This is one of our favorite spots in WS!

"7 3/4 - very rare blue pearl!!" (You have to picture the Japanese girl shouting this at the top of her lungs while banging on her drum)

The wife had purchased a little necklace to hold the pearl for each DD beforehand, so here you see the 2 girls doing their awkward pearl pose:

Next up - the Morocco pavilian for a henna tattoo!


The rain had been threatening throughout this day, but had largely left us alone. That would change as we sat down for dinner. After walking around the showcase for a while (and another ride on the Gran Fiesta Tour and Maelstrom) we checked in at Rose & Crown for dinner. After a very brief wait we were seated on the veranda, just barely under an awning (truthfully, only about 3/4 of our table was under the covering).


Our view as dinner started:

Thankfully, it never really poured, but about halfway through the meal it started to sprinkle, and we had to break out the ponchos and umbrella. The wait staff was extremely helpful, and offered multiple times to move us inside, but we wanted to keep our great view for the show, so we just rolled with it!

It was totally worth it!


After Illuminations, it was still raining, so we donned the ponchos and headed into Future World to hit the Character Spot. This was a great call, as there was no line at all! We visited with all of the characters, took lots of photos (which won't make it into this report, as they're all on PhotoPass+) and had a great evening. The little one was approaching critical stage at this point, so I volunteered to walk her back to the resort while DW and DD14 stayed in FW for more rides.

Ellie and I really enjoyed our stroll back through WS and past Crescent Lake. We decided that a late night stop at Beaches & Cream was in order, since we clearly hadn't had enough sugar that day. This was the first of too many stops at the B&C take-out counter! Finally, we hit the sack so we'd be ready for rope drop at MK in the morning! More to come soon!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like another great day. I have yet to try the pearl experience in Japan, sounds interesting but I may have to wait till my daughter is old enough.

I didn't realize beaches & cream had a take out counter! I have never been there before but it is a MUST on my Oct (no kid, F&W trip) and Jan trip. I am sure once we try it we will be back for the ice cream!

Looking forward to the rest.


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
Original Poster
Sounds like another great day. I have yet to try the pearl experience in Japan, sounds interesting but I may have to wait till my daughter is old enough.

I didn't realize beaches & cream had a take out counter! I have never been there before but it is a MUST on my Oct (no kid, F&W trip) and Jan trip. I am sure once we try it we will be back for the ice cream!

Looking forward to the rest.

The take-out counter at B&C is a great thing - especially considering that the wait to get a table is usually over an hour. They don't have every menu item available at the counter (the kitchen sink and a few other specialty items aren't there) but its great for a quick scoop of ice cream or a shake. Oh, and the No Way Jose and Brownie a la Mode are both available, and both amazing!


Premium Member
So glad the whole phone thing worked out! What would these kids have done in the dark ages when we only had land lines! LOL I had a friend who's parents still had a party line:eek: Sharing a land line! The horrors! Sounds great other than the TT fright!


Well-Known Member
Loving the report, your daughters are gorgeous......I am so sorry to hear about the TT experience that was dif a bummer indeed. And its nice to see not everyone runs from the rain! Looks like you guys made the most out of it.

I have never gotten the pearls but your the second person who has reported on getting one recently, I may just have to break down and get one myself come August.....


Well-Known Member
Love the Trip Report so far! Bummer about Test Track...I would have been not to happy if they tried to do that to me (I'm an engineer and the part I was looking forward to most was designing my own car!)

I almost did the whole pearl shebang when I was there in May...i've been looking at it and been so close to trying it for a few trips of these days I will just do it. Looks like she had fun!

How did you like the Beach Club?


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
Original Poster
Love the Trip Report so far! Bummer about Test Track...I would have been not to happy if they tried to do that to me (I'm an engineer and the part I was looking forward to most was designing my own car!)

I almost did the whole pearl shebang when I was there in May...i've been looking at it and been so close to trying it for a few trips of these days I will just do it. Looks like she had fun!

How did you like the Beach Club?

I'm an engineer as well, and I was looking forward to designing the car. The overall experience just didn't make sense without it, and the ride itself was very similar to the original version with different scenery. I wasn't impressed.

The pearl thing is fun, if only for all the attention that it places on the person choosing the pearl. My oldest is a bit shy, and wasn't a fan of everyone watching, but we got a kick out of it!

Beach Club is an amazing place to stay, particularly if you love Epcot and WS. Being able to walk into WS and the pool make it worth every penny, but the boardwalk area is also a big plus. We loved it, and will definitely stay there again one day!

Maelstrom Troll

Well-Known Member
Great trip report so far! Last December, we stayed at the YC and it was so great being able to just jet on over to the WS whenever we wanted. We won't be staying there this December (Pop then cruise), but December 2014 if my annual meeting is there again. The conference center there is very nice and the continental breakfast was good too. I can't wait to see more Epcot escapades!


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
Original Poster
Finally getting back to it - Day 3: Magic Kingdom!
Up bright and early to catch the bus over to MK. The little one enjoyed watching the egrets and otters swimming in the canal behind the bus station. We used the buses only to get to and from MK during our trip, and never had to wait more than 20 minutes or so. Overall, transportation at BC was a great experience!

We arrived well before park opening, and took our spot inside the turnstiles - just to the right of center so we could see the show, but be positioned to get inside quickly. It was already starting to sprinkle, so we had the rain gear ready to go.

This particular item came in handy later in the day, when the heavens opened up on us:

After watching the show, we headed straight for Enchanted Tales with Belle, and managed to get there in time to be in the very first group of the day! This is a great attraction - our little one loved pretending with Belle and the other kids, and the Lumiere animatronic is amazing!

After this, we decided to try and complete the rest of New Fantasyland before things got too crowded. We left Belle and I got Peter Pan FP's while the others got in line to meet Ariel. After meeting Ariel, we walked over to the new Little Mermaid dark ride where we waited about 10 minutes. Another big hit! After this, we made our way through the rest of Fantasyland, riding Pooh, Peter Pan, Dumbo and the Teacups.



We decided it was time for a little break, and headed over to check out the Tangled area.

My overall opinion of NFL - it's beautifully done. Really enjoyed walking around and taking it all in, but the Mine Train is desperately needed, as there just isn't enough to actually do. It was late morning at this point, and we'd done everything we planned to do, so we decided on an early lunch at Sleepy Hollow. The waffle sandwiches are some of our favorite items!


You'll notice our daughter's healthy lunch of a purple Mickey sucker. She did eventually discover that the Fruit and Nutella waffle tastes a lot like chocolate, and downed about half of it! By now, we've noticed the crowds getting heavier, so we decide to head back to the resort for a rest and swim before our reservation at BOG for dinner. We return to our room to find this little guy chillin' with the rest of the animal crew:

We had a nice restful afternoon, and I was able to resolve the great cell phone debacle. It turned out we had insurance on the phone, and our carrier sent a new one via next day air to the business center at YC. Of course, as our dinner ADR approached, more rain began to come into the area. By the time we got off the bus at MK around 4pm, it was flat out pouring. We waited for a while to see if it would calm down, but no such luck.

We donned our ponchos, put the little one in her stroller with the cover, and charged into the park. It was like salmon swimming upstream! We were literally swimming up Main Street as people poured out of the park. As we reached the Beast's Castle, the rain finally began to let up, and we were checked in, only to discover that Ellie had fallen asleep in her stroller! We waited inside the lobby of BOG for about 20 minutes, and then were seated in the main dining hall.

The restaurant is beautiful, and we were pleasantly surprised by the food! Our little one didn't wake up until halfway through the meal, and when she saw the faux window, which shows a scene of a snowy forest, she asked to go outside to play in the snow! We really enjoyed this experience. I had the pork chop, which was good (not great), the wife had the salmon and DD14 had the seafood pastry. They both loved their entrees, but the dessert was the highlight! We had one of each of the cupcakes, though the chocolate was my favorite. And, of course, you can't beat having a glass of wine in the MK!


Yes, the Grey Stuff was, in fact, delicious. After finishing dinner, the weather was cooperating again, so we decided to hit Tomorrowland for the evening. The park was still fairly crowded considering all the rain, but we were able to get in a couple of rides on the Peoplemover, took in the dance party, and most of our favorites. We left as Wishes was beginning, as the little one was in meltdown mode and is not a fan of fireworks. We knew we'd be back on Friday, so we hit the bus station and got another good night's sleep.

Next up - a day of relaxing at the resort get's interrupted by Tropical Storm Andrea...


Well-Known Member
Ok...In addition to learning about tonga toast on this forum now Ive just learned about Nutella and Fruit Waffles. I went immediately to searching and some sites say it is on the DP and some say it is not. Since you were just there do you know if its on DP as a snack credit? How the heck am I going to fit all this food in? o_O


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
Original Poster
Ok...In addition to learning about tonga toast on this forum now Ive just learned about Nutella and Fruit Waffles. I went immediately to searching and some sites say it is on the DP and some say it is not. Since you were just there do you know if its on DP as a snack credit? How the heck am I going to fit all this food in? o_O
Finally getting back to finishing this report - we don't do the DP these days so I'm not sure about how it works here. I know most of the items at Sleepy Hollow are snack credits, but not sure about the waffle sandwiches.


Smitty Werben JagerManJensen
Original Poster
Day 4 - Resort Day
Thursday was to be our relaxing day at the resort. We were planning to spend most the of the day at Stormalong Bay, but tropical storm Andrea had other plans. We started the day with a breakfast ADR at Kona Café, but the teenager wasn't down with getting out of bed early after a late night at MK. So, the wife and I took DD3 and headed over to the Poly, leaving the eldest to her beauty sleep.

This was our second time eating at Kona, but first for breakfast. I was looking forward to trying the Tonga Toast, and I wasn't disappointed!

The wife had the Samoan, which was also fantastic!

And of course we had to have the press pot of Kona coffee, which was excellent. We've had Kona coffee in Hawaii before, and it was every bit as good here! Overall, Kona is one of our favorites on property so far!

After breakfast, we wandered around the Poly for a bit, and at this point I need to vent one of my few complaints about this trip. It seems that TDO has decided that only the monorail resorts are worthy of resort-specific merchandise, and that's a shame. The Poly literally had an entire store full of Poly merchandise, which is great. However, the Beach Club had a whopping 5 items: a mug, 2 t-shirts, a magnet, and a polo shirt. Pathetic, Disney.
Still, aside from our resort-merchandise-envy, we enjoyed the Poly as always. One of these days we'll get around to staying there!


So, the weather is pretty nasty at this point - rain is pretty steady as we head back to the BC. We get back to the room, and decide to hang out and explore the YC a bit. Little one and I walk over and find the hidden mickey on the big globe in the YC lobby (with a little help from the Captain). Later in the afternoon, the weather looks to be clearing a bit, so we decide to try and get in some swimming at SAB.

The weather held off and we ended up getting to swim for quite a while!

It wasn't the most beautiful weather in the world, but after all the rain we'd had, we weren't complaining.

This was the closest the teen ever got to the pool:

After a great afternoon of swimming, the wife and I were ready for our romantic anniversary dinner at Flying Fish! The kids remained behind for a quick dinner at Hurricane Hannah's, while we walked over to the Boardwalk. Dinner at Flying Fish was easily the best meal of our trip, and one of the best ever at Disney. Started things off with the Caesar salad and Jonah Crab Cake appetizer:


Along with complimentary champagne and special 'happy anniversary' menus! I had the Oak Grilled Diver Scallops, and the wife had the special - both of which were fantastic! After finishing our meal, the manager stopped by and offered us congratulations on 15 years of marriage, along with a complimentary dessert of blueberry crème brule!

After dinner we enjoyed a lovely walk around the boardwalk area, during which we really wished we'd brought more than just our phones for pictures:




We stopped in Seashore Sweets to grab a few treats for the kids, and then met them on the beach at BC, where we spent the rest of the evening playing. While the rain changed our plans a bit, we still had a great rest day, and were refreshed for another day at the MK! More to come...


Well-Known Member
I'm glad you guys had such a great rest day! :) That picture of you and your youngest daughter walking hand in hand is precious!
I have a quick question.. How was your service at Kona?? My mom and I went a few years ago and loved the food, but it took a reeaally long time to get everything including our drinks and our server was just bad. Now I know we might have just gotten unlucky with our service, but that kind of left us with sour tastes in our mouths when we ever thought about returning for a second try. Thanks!

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