As much as I loved Disney movies as a kid, I actually did feel alienated by some of them, specifically the princess movies. I didn’t see any Disney princess that looked like me until 2009 with PatF; I was 17. I actually briefly touched on this in an essay I submitted to Disney for a writing competition I don’t know how many years ago. The prompt asked contestants if they could have been a part of the making of any Disney movie, which one would they choose. I wrote about my experiences as a little black girl watching Disney movies with lots of white main characters, but no black ones, until PatF. I chose PatF and wrote about how I would have loved to have contributed to adding pieces of the black experience to the movie, adding pieces of the culture. I was runner-up in the competition and I didn’t know it until I received a prize in the mail with a note from Disney, congratulating me.
Again, Disney is NOT changing the original animated films. The only animated film I can think of on the top of my head that’s been changed is Fantasia. Why some of you keep saying this, I don’t know.