They're 7s overall. I take the entire experience into account, not just the best moments.
For Rise:
The queue is bland and unremarkable. The pre-shows are excellent, undeniably the best part of the experience. The attraction peaks at the storm trooper room and goes down hill from there. The only other major high points are the AT-AT room, and the first encounter with Kylo (both of which are in the first half of the ride). The rest of the attraction goes out on a whimper. Maybe if the cannons still worked it would be different, but it's fair to judge the ride as is since that effect has been permanently deactivated for the majority of the ride's life. Many have criticized the majority of the ride for being a glorified "hallway simulator" and the critique is appropriate.
For Cosmic Rewind:
The exact opposite of Rise's issues. The queue is fine. The ride experience is amazing! I'd be willing to bump it up to an 8.5 (bad fit for the park or not) if not for the abysmal pre-shows. They drag and are painfully irritating. They also lead to an awful pinch point in what I like to call the "red corridor". This hallway is my least favourite room of any theme park attraction I have been on. Everyone is pushing and shoving to get to the front. It's just bad design. The theming itself is also not remarkable, but the coaster is so fun that I can give it somewhat of a pass.