Line Cutting


New Member
dox said:
Ok, now i gotta speak up. First off part of your post is off topic and second, no offense but you have no idea what type of disability that women suffers to come to such a conclusion. There are plenty of people who require the use of a wheelchair, who can ambulate short distances. My mother doesn't need a wheelchair to get around, but should she return to WDW in the near future we've told her that she will have to use one b.c. there is no way she can walk those parks and stand in line for 1/2 hour. Does she suffer from what you would categorize as a disability?? No she does not. But given her age and medical history after one day of walking around the park her vacation would be effectively over otherwise. So don't be so quick to judge.

Agreed! Things like diabetes, parkinson's disease, and MS could all be valid reasons to require a wheelchair or electric scooter, but might not have any obvious signs to someone not familliar with them. Those could result in a person not appearing to need the help, when infact they truly do.

As for bringing the entire group up with them... That can be a problem. Many of the lines are now built to accomodate a wheelchair person to use the chair thorughout the line and wait like anyother. There are also many CM's that enforce the policies that say some of the party should wait in line and when they get to the front, then the wheelchair person can join the remaining party. That's not always realistic depending on the attaction though.

Frankly, I never get upset about it because I just never know the person's situation. If they truly need that assistance, then it just makes me feel that much more fortunate that I'm an able bodied person that can wait in the full line.

Also, just think about all the cool line queue things they miss by not waiting in line! :p


Well-Known Member
I worked at six flags and we had one simple rule about wheelchairs...there was a limit of (I think) four additional people who could ride with you. The rest of the members of your party either waited in line or waited patiently for the ride to be over.

I don't know if Disney has such a rule and it's not enforced or doesn't have a rule like that at all, but it would be something to look into.

This is not to say that I have a problem with people in wheelchairs because I don't. If you need one, you need one and there is nothing wrong with it. But I do not believe that 20 million people should be allowed to ride with people who are in wheelchairs.

Now...that's enough of that side arguement. :D


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
I worked at six flags and we had one simple rule about wheelchairs...there was a limit of (I think) four additional people who could ride with you. The rest of the members of your party either waited in line or waited patiently for the ride to be over.

I don't know if Disney has such a rule and it's not enforced or doesn't have a rule like that at all, but it would be something to look into.

This is not to say that I have a problem with people in wheelchairs because I don't. If you need one, you need one and there is nothing wrong with it. But I do not believe that 20 million people should be allowed to ride with people who are in wheelchairs.

Now...that's enough of that side arguement. :D
So, why do you want to "punish" the families that want to ride together when one of their members is in a wheelchair? If they were able, I bet they would LOVE to stand in line WITH their family and ride without worrying about the wheelchair. :wave:

So to be fair... they shouldn't allow ANY group into a line that has more than 5 members. Right? :rolleyes:


Active Member
WDWCP said:
Agreed! Things like diabetes, parkinson's disease, and MS could all be valid reasons to require a wheelchair or electric scooter, but might not have any obvious signs to someone not familliar with them. Those could result in a person not appearing to need the help, when infact they truly do.

As for bringing the entire group up with them... That can be a problem. Many of the lines are now built to accomodate a wheelchair person to use the chair thorughout the line and wait like anyother. There are also many CM's that enforce the policies that say some of the party should wait in line and when they get to the front, then the wheelchair person can join the remaining party. That's not always realistic depending on the attaction though.

Frankly, I never get upset about it because I just never know the person's situation. If they truly need that assistance, then it just makes me feel that much more fortunate that I'm an able bodied person that can wait in the full line.

Also, just think about all the cool line queue things they miss by not waiting in line! :p

Thank you! It drives me crazy for people to judge others. My son is visually impaired (20/200), but has the parks practically memorized after 5 trips. He gets a card from guest services that he hands to the CMs at each attraction so he can sit in the front. Heard at Fantasmic! "He doesn't look blind to me.....why do you get to go with him to the front row?" After walking through the RnR line the regular way and DS gets put on the front seat...."He walks pretty good for a blind boy"...... I suppose my son is supposed to have the lone WDW experience without family or friends near.:brick:

10 days until we are ºoºrlando bound with 27 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Just one thought on this. Disney always tell you to move forward and take up all available space. If people aren't doing that, does that mean that no one else should use that space? I was in the stand-by line at Tower of Terror one day and it was HOT. Everybody was standing (or sitting on the stone wall) in the shade. But that left more than half of the pathway empty. Should everybody HAVE to wait behind people who want to sit in the shade?


New Member
not so disabled
<HR style="COLOR: #1353b3" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->I agree about the cutting in line, your either in lline or not no place holders. On the same note, what bothers me more than anything is when I see somebody wheel up in a wheelchair that with no physical disability, and then proceed to drag 15 other people with them. I watched a women do this in SM she jumped out of the chair and right on the ride. Talk about making your blood boil, that is completely inconsiderate and disrespectful to all disabled individuals who actually suffer some illness. Justa blurb of insanity

i know this is off topic, but to this person who said this...two years ago i had gotton Pneumonia from the shark tank in typhoon lagoon. I had an 104 temp and could not walk the parks without being short of breath b/c of how filled up my lungs were. I had to get a wheelchair b/c i sure as heck did not want to ruin my families vactation!! There was nothing physically wrong with me there but i clearly needed it!! I of course got the rude comments said straight to my face about how im just using it to get the good seats *which in most cases are in the back* or trying to backdoor rides!! I have good hearing too, so if they were said to others around me, i still heard it....and trust me it gets old and hurtful after a while!! I couldnt believe how many people think that since a person is in a wheelchair that they should just move for you. You can walk easily move, its hard to manuver that huge thing...i would have given anything to just get up and walk. I could get out of the chair to get on the rides like that lady too btw. So just as a final note, you never know why the person needs a wheelchair, i have so much respect for them now and always move/help/whatever when i see someone in one.

sorry i know this is really long, i just irks me when people say stuff about how annoying wheelchairs are, esp since ive been in that situation!!


Well-Known Member
ChuckElias said:
Just one thought on this. Disney always tell you to move forward and take up all available space. If people aren't doing that, does that mean that no one else should use that space? I was in the stand-by line at Tower of Terror one day and it was HOT. Everybody was standing (or sitting on the stone wall) in the shade. But that left more than half of the pathway empty. Should everybody HAVE to wait behind people who want to sit in the shade?
We had this problem at R&RC. When you enter the preshow room they tell you to move all the way in and fill in any spaces. Everyone was just hanging around in the middle, so DH and I went to the back against the wall. This guy in front of us started giving us a hard time about "cutting", which we weren't doing. We all ended up in the same line coming out, but he really gave us dirty looks for it.


Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
We had this problem at R&RC. When you enter the preshow room they tell you to move all the way in and fill in any spaces. Everyone was just hanging around in the middle, so DH and I went to the back against the wall. This guy in front of us started giving us a hard time about "cutting", which we weren't doing. We all ended up in the same line coming out, but he really gave us dirty looks for it.

I see people now that just skip the R & R preshow and open the door and walk right into the loading area.

Now that aint right!:mad:


New Member
pintraderpayee said:
Thank you! It drives me crazy for people to judge others. My son is visually impaired (20/200), but has the parks practically memorized after 5 trips. He gets a card from guest services that he hands to the CMs at each attraction so he can sit in the front. Heard at Fantasmic! "He doesn't look blind to me.....why do you get to go with him to the front row?" After walking through the RnR line the regular way and DS gets put on the front seat...."He walks pretty good for a blind boy"...... I suppose my son is supposed to have the lone WDW experience without family or friends near.:brick:

10 days until we are ºoºrlando bound with 27 teens on a school bus for 930 miles of smiles:hammer: :sohappy:

Pintrader, that is terrible! I cannot belive that people would even question how visually impared your son is. Some people truly turn into children at WDW and the whole "why do you get to be in the front? I wanna be in the front" thinking is just ridiculous and to say it loud enough for him to hear....shameful.


Active Member
There's a few wheelchair threads around. I find them amusing because I'm healthy, look way in shape, but SOMETIMES my legs hold fluid from my diabetes so I get a wheelchair. IBD if ANYONE has the right to judge if I do or don't need one. I'll wheel around in one if I need to, but if I have to put up with comments I may pop you for questioning my lifelong affliction imparing my ability to walk. Questioning wether someone LOOKS like they need a wheelchair is like questioning wether someone needs a sip of water. "They sure don't look too thirsty". :fork:


Active Member
Nemo14 said:
We had this problem at R&RC. When you enter the preshow room they tell you to move all the way in and fill in any spaces. Everyone was just hanging around in the middle, so DH and I went to the back against the wall. This guy in front of us started giving us a hard time about "cutting", which we weren't doing. We all ended up in the same line coming out, but he really gave us dirty looks for it.

I have had that happen, too, as I was riding without my husband. Nobody would fill up the space so I led the pack forward to fill in the space and you would think I cut in line. I did not. I actually had a CM point me to that corner and everyone else went with me. It happens on ToT, too, in the Twilight Zone room.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
So, why do you want to "punish" the families that want to ride together when one of their members is in a wheelchair? If they were able, I bet they would LOVE to stand in line WITH their family and ride without worrying about the wheelchair. :wave:

So to be fair... they shouldn't allow ANY group into a line that has more than 5 members. Right? :rolleyes:
eh...I was just stating the policy we had there. But I mean I see your point of view and I understand it. But on the other side of the argument it does get a bit rediculious to see a wheelchair come up (which I have said I understand, so people don't get all up in arms) and then bring along 10+ people with them. I am perfectly fine with them being able to ride with their families and they all should get to experience the magic just like I do, but why shouldn't there be a limit on the number of people brought up the line with them? I'm not saying it has to be a small number like 4 (which was what it was at Six Flags when I worked there), but I think that a hugemongous crowd is stretching it a bit. Just my opinion as a person who experienced it multiple times not only as a guest, but also a worker.


Active Member
OK here are the things that i hate the most..
-People in scooters beeping at me to move when in fact we are all going in the same direction and they are not going to get any farther than i am.
-People who use strollers as weapons to make it thru crowds.
-People who are foreign and know english but choose to act like they dont when they are doing something wrong. For instance stopping mid row in the theatre and people telling them to move and they just ignore you.
-Parents who dont control their children and let then run around and bang on everything and hang off everything.
-When one person stands in line for the ride and right before you get on they have seven family members climb over the rope and get with them.
-The tall person that stands right in front of you at the beginning of the fireworks.
-the guy with the beer gut that constantly hits you in the back while you are in line.
-Anyone in your personal space!
-No matter how close you put your bag or what ever next to you, someone always kicks it over, or better picks it up and moves it!

All this happened to me on my trip March 17 -25th 2006


Ringo8n24 said:
I have had that happen, too, as I was riding without my husband. Nobody would fill up the space so I led the pack forward to fill in the space and you would think I cut in line. I did not. I actually had a CM point me to that corner and everyone else went with me. It happens on ToT, too, in the Twilight Zone room.

People do that all the time, they're supposed to fill in the space.


Active Member
KumbaRider said:
People do that all the time, they're supposed to fill in the space.

Yes, I am well aware. I was just responding to the other post that said you get dirty looks when you do it. It is very true that you do get the looks because people are not listening to the CM and you are.


New Member
I try not to let people ruin my fun.... if they want to cut... It's on them, I leave it to Karma...When they end up dropping their soda on the floor or over themselves.


Account Suspended
Mr.Pickles thinks this thread should die, for it only shows the true uglyness of humanity. YOUR AT DISNEY WORLD LITGHTEN UP!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, we have had to use a wheelchair on only one occasion, however, we were a Grand Gathering of 12, and it was during Christmas. I know for parades and such, 3 people could stay with my mother and the rest of us went to the regular parade viewing. They allowed 4 including the wheelchair. This was fine with us and very understandable, if every person in a wheelchair had 12 people with them there would not be enough room for all to view the parades. We told the group with my mother to stay put and we would come to them after the parade, as it was very crowded and we knew exactly where they would be. Unfortunately, after the parade, many people berated them for not moving along. They were out of the line of traffic and shouldn't have been a concern to anyone, but still people felt compelled to make some remarks. We let it be like water off a ducks back, you can't let it get to you, you've worked to hard to earn this vacation, don't let strangers take the magic from you!


New Member

I am really not trying to get anyone upset seems as if a lot of this discussion is apples and oranges. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that we are taught in grade school not to cut.

First, having a family member hold a place in line is not "cutting". As a 2nd grade "class mom", it is common (even in grade school) to allow a child's place to be held when he or she has to get out of line for some reason. It is also common for a child to be allowed to save "Mom" or "Dad" or "Grandma" a seat if they are joining the child on a field trip, presentation, etc...

"Cutting", on the other hand, is when someone tries to advance through a line for no legitimate reason and seems to have a "cheating" motivation behind it. In a lot of cases that we have been discussing (and where those who admit to doing it are being chastised), this doesn't really seem to be the case.

Call it justification or whatever...but when my family was at MK on Saturday, my parents and my children got in line for Stitch (15 min. wait). My husband and I parked the stroller and grabbed fast passes for Buzz. We saw our family was already right outside the turnstyle and we stood outside the line and told them to have fun. The CM asked if we were family...we said yes and he asked us if we wanted to join them. Nervously, we asked the two familes right behind mine. They were more than gracious and one of them (nicely) commented..."Of course, join your family. That's what we are all here for." Of course, this was first thing in the morning before everyone was worn out. This was also the ONLY time we did this in our four days at the parks.

But that is exactly how I feel about it ALL THE TIME too..whether I am on the giving or receiving end of this equation. And maybe that is what the difference should be. Is the person or persons in question really cheating or inconveniencing others by joining their party? In the case of a couple people joining the rest of their group this would probably not be the case. If my parents and my children are in line would I join? Yes. If I was in a group of ten and only two were in line would I join? No. Would I care if others did the same? It would probably, like most things in life, depend on the situation. Not much is black and white and that is the problem IMHO I see in a lot of this thread...we don't know each individual situation. Life is too short to worry about trivial stuff like this. Specifically, if I am ever that uptight where it does start to bother me for a family member to join the rest of their party, I am going back to the room to take a nap!:snore:

Justa' BigKid

New Member
I have no real reason to post this except to get it off my chest. This is not even something that happened at Disney, but it could. Once while on vacation in Boston, we were visiting the USS Constitution "Old Ironsides". While waiting in line for the tour you have to queue up and we were lucky enough to be twords the front of the line where the benches are. Trouble started when a seamingly very nice woman, 20ish, from another country "cut" over a chain to take a seat that no one was using. Mind you she was alread in line maybe 4 or 5 place behind us and only moved about 10 places up in line. It is not like she was getting there any faster, she just wanted to sit.

Well, the woman behind us threw a fit and started really getting on to this girl for the horrible thing she did by cutting in line. We were not even sure if the girl spoke or understood enough english to understand why the lady was so upset. Needless to say, the girl felt pretty low and wound up leaving the line all together.

Not five minutes later, the woman gets a call on her cell phone from her family, she tells them where she is in line and has them join her. We and the family behind her sure let her know that what she did was uncalled for considering she had just chastised someone for doing basically the same thing - cutting in line.

I'm not trying to say that familys shouldn't hold places in line for family members. But try and see it from the other guys spot when you have them join you closer to the front.

Maybe if families want to stick together, the members that are closer to the front should join the family members further back in line.

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