Sad thing is...... it's not only attraction lines, but even parade seating. I was a CM last fall, but I try to treat myself as a guest when I'm not working. I remember seeing my FIRST Boo To You last fall and my friends suggested getting a spot early. Having witnessed FoF, I agreed. This lady saw me and my friends sitting there long before she came over. As the parade was starting, her and her child started SHOVING me out the way and behind them so they could get in front of me. I asked them to stop shoving me, and an off the clock CM was waiting with us, and she witnessed all of this. The guest said they didn't do nothing, and a small uproar came out of the woodworks around me. The off the clock CM as well as my CM friends and a few guests around us got upset, telling this woman that we were there ages before she was. Eventually a HM CM came over, asked what the issue was, and I was trying my best not to complain, but the guest said I pushed them, many others stated this was not true and when asked why this was going on, the guest said I was trying to take their spot. Sad truth was that the HM CM was speaking to me half an hour before this incident WHILE WE WERE SITTING THERE, and told the guest I'd been waiting.
I don't mind sharing space, but when I'm being shoved around, it gets a bit frustrating.