Premium Member
Actually that’s why they killed plus…that and it would never really work anyway…Everyone swore DAS abuses causes this. DAS is basically gone as we know it. Yet nothing has changed. All those people in the LL will now be in standby… so the illusion is bc a line is “moving” its better off. 45 minutes is still 45 minutes whether moving continuously or not
Because a 45 short line is way worse for business than a moving one.
And we all saw the disgruntlement in person at some point.
Fastpass was designed for one purpose: to get you into the shops in a better mood with the time you “saved”

And it worked.
But what they have now does not work…nor will never work. It’s eroding the customer base.
And that will cause losses…and already has but has been covered to this point with ill advised price tactics. Covered in Saran Wrap.
The big myth in these talks is that Disney can “repurpose” any system they want. That is almost entirely false. They were engineered to operate in a certain parameter for a certain result. This isn’t crypto where bob can make it up and sell it to you when you’re drunk off snake oil.
And anyone who’s ever met the man knows that if you need a genius to pull these things off…that ain’t it.
Wait…they can shut down the noodle restaurant to save minimum wage on a dozen staff and then sell expensive cupcakes in there for an hour instead. That can be repurposed