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- In the Parks
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Hence why i still argue for FP and simply charge for it.... if the math isnt going to work for any system & we no its not... we also know they are not going to have any new capacity anytime soon.. Tron will offset the closure of Splash... why not give people options on when they can book or ride or better yet and Disney does this best "upcharge" for said feature... again im NOT advocating for them to charge more but Genie is obviously not the answer and longer stand by lines are only gonna cause more issues... capacity was still "capped" when i was there during Thanksgiving and i believe during the Christmas/New Years season as well what happens this year when parks are at a higher capacity. & again capping sales to me is NOT the answer or increasing prices because again all thats gonna do is create longer stand by lines & again i dont care if that means its a "moving" line because you are still wasting a chunk of your day in lines that way...,Unless I randomly happened to be on the weird “intersections in time” where it just was freak and occurred…it happened a lot. The fastpass line moved - because the inventory was complete off and thats why standbys were torturous - but there was long fastpass lines. Space, test track, tower and soarin’ stick out in my mind.
That was inevitable. There’s a few things where you lose when you try to fight it:
1. Time
2. Nature
3. Math
The bobs declared war on #3 and they are fairing as well as Custer