Premium Member
I may get smarter in recommendations, but most don’t even look at or use that part so working better to control crowds and especially improve guest satisfaction is very unlikelyMy understanding is that the issues with Genie/Genie+/ILL are due to the fact that the system is still trying to “learn” and figure out how to act based on actual and predictive data. This is completely separate from Disney’s website or the MDE app itself, it’s how the data is processed and how its use affects user recommendations and itineraries.
In theory, the system will continue to get smarter and smarter, and work better and better to maximize profits, control crowds, and increase guest satisfaction.
But I’m not sure how long public sentiment will hold out. I still expect to see Iger throw parks guests a bone with discounts, coupons, freebies, information—something to incentivize continued use of this really frustrating system.