Premium Member
Been through this as well. Resort guests took more than 80-90% of the FP+ inventory at 60 days out. Same day inventory was not good, especially with E-tickets. As for demand? When you pay for something, you expect an immediate and continual return. FP+ was free. Guests didn't frantically refresh to get attractions. They are now because they just spent $15 a person for their entire family on a vacation they probably already overspent on and are getting nothing in return. When you charge someone for access, they are going to make sure they get access. There is a lot of psychology behind this.
Guests paid and they are taking inventory even if they don't like that inventory. They paid for it and are determined to get something (and often as much as possible) in return from park open to close. My family has experienced this. Because of Genie+, we rode attractions we'd normally never ride.
This is the biggest thing Disney didn't forecast: the amount of demand that charging for it would actually create.
Remember: the goal of the daily charge was to reduce demand. It had the opposite effect. It's actually kinda fascinating.
so what you're saying is if they simply charged $15 more for tickets for everyone and kept the old system "free" (so to speak), things would work much better, they'd have less guest relation nightmares (and blue tents all throughout the parks), and they'd probably be making more money too and they didn't think of this?