Lightning Lane at Walt Disney World


Well-Known Member
Oh boy... I'm sorry I restarted this thread today Jeff. I was honestly just trying to discuss at the pros and cons of FP+ and G+. I seem to have angered you quite a bit with my difference of opinion that G+ is not worse than FP+ for everyone in every way.
Who likes it?

I understand some people might LIKE certain aspects of it better than FP+ (like no advanced planning) but the drawbacks FAR outweigh those aspects (no rerides, pre 7am EVERY day, on phone all day, can't choose return times, the cost, etc. etc. etc.)

That's not opinion, that's fact........
1) I like it. I liked FP+ more, but at least to me it is well worth $15pp over my visit in October with no line skipping
2)I think the correct fact would be, "the drawbacks FAR outweigh the advantages to Jeff4272". So as stated yes that is an opinion, as you can't know what everyone prioritizes in their line skipping system.
I loved FP+.......and I didn't mind paying for it, if i got a benefit.......I would stay in club level just so I could pay the $50 pp for the extra 3 FP+ per day..........
I actually think Disney should re-implement this. If someone is willing to pay $50pp and a club level room, they should be able to unlock the old FP+ system. Although 90 days seems a little extreme, maybe like a week out you can book 3LL per day for the length of stay.
Genie+ isnt close to worth the cost............AND THATS A FACT
"Genie+ isnt close to worth the cost to Jeff4272" is the actual fact. It is also a fact that "Genie+ is worth the cost to Purduevian". Making it a universal statement about what everyone feels is "worth" is pretty tough.
and for the record, no FP at all is 1,000,000x better than Genie+

and that's also a FACT
Again maybe to you. My opinion is if FP+ was the gold standard so far at 100%, I think G+ is about 80% as good, with legacy FP around 65%, and no line skipping around 40%. However these numbers will vary wildly from person to person.
you sure if you're aware, but approximately 90% of all WDW guests don't start the day early.........

so bad for 90% of the people.......thats also a FACT
90% seems high to me. I would really like some data to back that up if you don't mind. Clearly not 100% of guest get there at opening, but it feels like more than 10% of the total crowd is usually waiting at rope drop.


Premium Member
FWIW, here's my thoughts.

I don't remember paper fastpass (was a kid, so wasn't planning, but remember having fun getting the tickets?). But I have extensive experience with FP+, went during the no-FP/G COVID times, and have 2 trips with G+.

My opinion is that Nothing>FP+>G+.

Nothing gave my daughter and I the flexibility to do whatever, whenever, and the lines all moved. It was lovely. Admittedly, this was November 2020, so crowds were WAYYY smaller, so that probably factored in.

FP+ was great because I was a planner with the spreadsheets and loved having rides planned. And it was included in the price.

I have figured out how to make G+ work for me and my travel groups. I've arrived at 2:00 both trips and had 3-5 LLs stacked, which made those days quite productive. I'm a ropedropper and an early morning person, and I can save 2-4 hours of lines by using G+, which makes it cost effective (FOR ME and my small party). The folks I've traveled with during the G+ times have had great times (thanks in part to how I managed the Genie, if you'll excuse my lack of humility).

That said, there are problems that I (and friends) have experienced:

1. Picking a time, then having it shift (sometimes by hours) by the time you hit book;
2. Disney's tech not letting you book because you have to log in or some other nonsense;
3. Seeing a better time pop up, having to cancel (on a different page), then coming back and the times being gone;
4. Not being able to get multiple LLs for the same ride the same day;
5. Starting every day at 7AM with ridiculous stress - I was cool when I got to do that 60 days out once, but EVERY DAY at 7 AM, I was a bundle of stress. That stinks.
6. Labyrinthine nature of figuring out when you're next eligible
7. I find the phone time generally similar to FP+ - when I'm in line, I'm looking at times for new LLs, but I understand others have different experiences.

I think a couple of small fixes could make it way more guest-friendly (ignoring the anger over paying for something that used to be included):

1. Let you schedule a time as opposed to next available
2. What you click on the first screen is locked in
3. Making modifying a selection more streamlined
4. No restrictions on # of rides - you want 4 LLs for iasw, you can get 'em
5. A push notification when you're eligible to make your next selection


Well-Known Member
Oh boy... I'm sorry I restarted this thread today Jeff. I was honestly just trying to discuss at the pros and cons of FP+ and G+. I seem to have angered you quite a bit with my difference of opinion that G+ is not worse than FP+ for everyone in every way.

1) I like it. I liked FP+ more, but at least to me it is well worth $15pp over my visit in October with no line skipping
2)I think the correct fact would be, "the drawbacks FAR outweigh the advantages to Jeff4272". So as stated yes that is an opinion, as you can't know what everyone prioritizes in their line skipping system.

I actually think Disney should re-implement this. If someone is willing to pay $50pp and a club level room, they should be able to unlock the old FP+ system. Although 90 days seems a little extreme, maybe like a week out you can book 3LL per day for the length of stay.

"Genie+ isnt close to worth the cost to Jeff4272" is the actual fact. It is also a fact that "Genie+ is worth the cost to Purduevian". Making it a universal statement about what everyone feels is "worth" is pretty tough.

Again maybe to you. My opinion is if FP+ was the gold standard so far at 100%, I think G+ is about 80% as good, with legacy FP around 65%, and no line skipping around 40%. However these numbers will vary wildly from person to person.

90% seems high to me. I would really like some data to back that up if you don't mind. Clearly not 100% of guest get there at opening, but it feels like more than 10% of the total crowd is usually waiting at rope drop.
LOL.......I'm just trying to stir up some conversation.....I will stop trying to antagonize and let me try and lay this out realistically

1) I dont think that Genie+ is worth because the price is too high, but because of the functionality of it.......It's very inefficient b of having to do it early every day, selling out so quick, not holding return times and all the other stuff that has been mentioned......I would have gladly paid $15pp for FP+

2) I think they need to return perks to resort guests/AP holders, etc.......there is very little incentive compared to what it used to be.....

3) Genie+ plus ILL are not worth the cost and that's because it used to be free

4) My gold standard was FP+ also......I would rank as follows: FP+, FP, no line skipping and Genie+ last

5) I cannot find the story but I have read (anyone have data on this they can find?) that less than 10% of people rope drop, thus meaning if you dont rope drop you are losing out on the benefits of being there early vs those of being able to pre book


Well-Known Member
LOL.......I'm just trying to stir up some conversation.....I will stop trying to antagonize and let me try and lay this out realistically

1) I dont think that Genie+ is worth because the price is too high, but because of the functionality of it.......It's very inefficient b of having to do it early every day, selling out so quick, not holding return times and all the other stuff that has been mentioned......I would have gladly paid $15pp for FP+

2) I think they need to return perks to resort guests/AP holders, etc.......there is very little incentive compared to what it used to be.....

3) Genie+ plus ILL are not worth the cost and that's because it used to be free

4) My gold standard was FP+ also......I would rank as follows: FP+, FP, no line skipping and Genie+ last

5) I cannot find the story but I have read (anyone have data on this they can find?) that less than 10% of people rope drop, thus meaning if you dont rope drop you are losing out on the benefits of being there early vs those of being able to pre book
Glad to hear I misinterpreted your posts. They seemed angry to me. I'm always up for a good conversation about something, and glad to look at things from a different view point from my own!
1a) 100% agree on the early every day. I think it should be at park open regardless of if you are in the park or not. I always try to look at it from Disney's perspective on why they made the decision. Only thing I can think of is if at least 1 person is awake at 7am, they are likely to buy a breakfast maybe the wouldn't have? Doesn't seem worth making customers mad for some extra food $$

1b) Selling out so quick. This was always a case even with FP+, I remember not being able to get SDD, 7D, or FOP 60 days out. The real issue here is they need more high demand attractions to spread the LL1 priority out. MK is the only park with close to enough high demand attractions. It shows because nothing at MK sells out instantly. This probably wasn't a problem if you were always booking 90 days out with club level, but it seems to me that the availability around 8am is very similar to that of 30 days out for FP+.

1c) I agree this is a big issue, but from a logistics point of view, I'm really struggling to see how they can "lock in" times on the first screen. For instance, right at 7am, the person that clicks refresh first will simultaneously be "locked in" for every single attraction in that park that has LL. Thus leaving 1 less spot available for whomever clicked second on everything from ROTR to it's tough to be a bug. I agree it isn't right, but I'm struggling to figure out how that would work. I feel like this also used to happen ~60 days out on FP+, but not to that extreme since everyone was picking different times.

EDIT: there is no reason the second screen shouldn't lock you in though, assuming you are "able" to book a LL

2) Agreed, I stayed offsite for the first time in years because there weren't great perks

3)Ahh yet you say you would have paid for FP+, should be free and not worth it are 2 different things to me. I agree it should be free, but I also feel like it is worth the money.

4) Everyone entitled to their opinion. Curious what did you like about FP (legacy) over G+. Personally hated running around the park, very happy to have that on my phone now


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
LOL.......I'm just trying to stir up some conversation.....I will stop trying to antagonize and let me try and lay this out realistically

1) I dont think that Genie+ is worth because the price is too high, but because of the functionality of it.......It's very inefficient b of having to do it early every day, selling out so quick, not holding return times and all the other stuff that has been mentioned......I would have gladly paid $15pp for FP+

2) I think they need to return perks to resort guests/AP holders, etc.......there is very little incentive compared to what it used to be.....

3) Genie+ plus ILL are not worth the cost and that's because it used to be free

4) My gold standard was FP+ also......I would rank as follows: FP+, FP, no line skipping and Genie+ last

5) I cannot find the story but I have read (anyone have data on this they can find?) that less than 10% of people rope drop, thus meaning if you dont rope drop you are losing out on the benefits of being there early vs those of being able to pre book
I'm beginning to think you don't like Genie+.


Well-Known Member
Not being able to pick a time is clearly a downside for guests, so I assume it benefits Disney to have done it that way. I am trying to figure out why the choice was made to have it work that way.
This allows them to only release a percentage of future return times and for the system to not blow up if a ride goes down for a few hours and spread riders elsewhere. So if Splash goes down for multiple hours, then can cut back on how many future passes are given until they know what the impact was. Also it helps to prevent a savvy AP guest from stacking times in the evening to just show up for an hour, hit 5 rides, and leave without spending more than the $15 upcharge.

The "first available" piece sucks for us, but it makes their logistics easier.


Premium Member
This allows them to only release a percentage of future return times and for the system to not blow up if a ride goes down for a few hours and spread riders elsewhere. So if Splash goes down for multiple hours, then can cut back on how many future passes are given until they know what the impact was. Also it helps to prevent a savvy AP guest from stacking times in the evening to just show up for an hour, hit 5 rides, and leave without spending more than the $15 upcharge.

The "first available" piece sucks for us, but it makes their logistics easier.

Even if they gave you some choice of time they could still control which times were offered. The second point is a good one, the current method could force people to stay in the park longer.


Well-Known Member
Even if they gave you some choice of time they could still control which times were offered. The second point is a good one, the current method could force people to stay in the park longer.
I think that operationally it benefits them in multiple ways. You're right that they could offer fewer splash passes in the evening until they know how much/little it's been down in the early hours, but by making people choose the earlier ones versus a different ride they delay the impact of any issues until later, depending on demand. (christmas/easter week it might not make any difference)

Also when you add in scheduling to a system that's already unnecessarily complex, you can allow people to create impossible schedules and demand fixes, as in refunds or alterations. They have enough trouble just pulling up the list of rides and times without trying for a 1pm and it being unavailable.

Now I'm fully on board with one prescheduled ride the day before for on-site guests. The problem with that likely is some will no show and ask that they get their G+ fees back for XYZ reason. I believe that it would be a popular enough change though to be operationally successful.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear I misinterpreted your posts. They seemed angry to me. I'm always up for a good conversation about something, and glad to look at things from a different view point from my own!
1a) 100% agree on the early every day. I think it should be at park open regardless of if you are in the park or not. I always try to look at it from Disney's perspective on why they made the decision. Only thing I can think of is if at least 1 person is awake at 7am, they are likely to buy a breakfast maybe the wouldn't have? Doesn't seem worth making customers mad for some extra food $$

1b) Selling out so quick. This was always a case even with FP+, I remember not being able to get SDD, 7D, or FOP 60 days out. The real issue here is they need more high demand attractions to spread the LL1 priority out. MK is the only park with close to enough high demand attractions. It shows because nothing at MK sells out instantly. This probably wasn't a problem if you were always booking 90 days out with club level, but it seems to me that the availability around 8am is very similar to that of 30 days out for FP+.

1c) I agree this is a big issue, but from a logistics point of view, I'm really struggling to see how they can "lock in" times on the first screen. For instance, right at 7am, the person that clicks refresh first will simultaneously be "locked in" for every single attraction in that park that has LL. Thus leaving 1 less spot available for whomever clicked second on everything from ROTR to it's tough to be a bug. I agree it isn't right, but I'm struggling to figure out how that would work. I feel like this also used to happen ~60 days out on FP+, but not to that extreme since everyone was picking different times.

EDIT: there is no reason the second screen shouldn't lock you in though, assuming you are "able" to book a LL

2) Agreed, I stayed offsite for the first time in years because there weren't great perks

3)Ahh yet you say you would have paid for FP+, should be free and not worth it are 2 different things to me. I agree it should be free, but I also feel like it is worth the money.

4) Everyone entitled to their opinion. Curious what did you like about FP (legacy) over G+. Personally hated running around the park, very happy to have that on my phone now
FP only b it was free


Well-Known Member
I do respect his position though and I think Disney has really put themselves between a rock and a hard place by changing the system around so much, that it appealed to different demographics and now someone will always be super upset by it.

Ignoring the money and focusing on the system...
G+ is much better for:
  • offsite guests as only ILL has a resort perk (I stayed offsite last trip for the first time in ~10 years)
  • People that like to go with the flow and let the day come to them
  • People that book more last minute vacations (don't miss out because they weren't ready 30 or 60 days out)
  • People that just don't want to plan a lot. Just want to show up and have a good time.
FP+ is much better for:
  • Hyper planners (anyone else used to have excel spreadsheets?)
  • People that like to sleep in
  • People that stay onsite (actually got a huge advantage)
When FP+ was around, people used to complain all the time that you had to over plan for everything at WDW and DLR was so much easier to just walk up and have a good day.

Personal experience (so far only used G+ for one day).
  • I was on my phone less than FP+

I was actually surprised how much more planning that G+ required. The need to grab low capacity rides with your first few selections, no matter the time, wasn’t something I was expecting. To understand which rides get full first and how to manage the parks without doing space mt followed by splash followed by dumbo then big thunder was something I had forgotten about, thanks to being able to pick my FPs in the comfort of my home vs at the theme park and grabbing what came up in fear that it I didn’t it would disappear.

I was on my phone more, mostly because we were looking to ride certain rides that had “flashes” of availability.

Genie+ takes away yet another of the on-site perks. And between G+ and park reservations, there is zero spontaneous park days.

The 30-90 day reservation for FP was dumb, no reason the couldn’t have been 5/10 or something much closer and after they announce “final” park hours. (And the 60 day restaurant restaurants are much better vs 180)

But again, our days without G+ suffered, and there is no value buying it for AK or EPCOT and studios on busy days.


Well-Known Member
I was actually surprised how much more planning that G+ required. The need to grab low capacity rides with your first few selections, no matter the time, wasn’t something I was expecting. To understand which rides get full first and how to manage the parks without doing space mt followed by splash followed by dumbo then big thunder was something I had forgotten about, thanks to being able to pick my FPs in the comfort of my home vs at the theme park and grabbing what came up in fear that it I didn’t it would disappear.

I was on my phone more, mostly because we were looking to ride certain rides that had “flashes” of availability.

Genie+ takes away yet another of the on-site perks. And between G+ and park reservations, there is zero spontaneous park days.

The 30-90 day reservation for FP was dumb, no reason the couldn’t have been 5/10 or something much closer and after they announce “final” park hours. (And the 60 day restaurant restaurants are much better vs 180)

But again, our days without G+ suffered, and there is no value buying it for AK or EPCOT and studios on busy days.
I agree 100% with this post

Genie+ was designed for more spontaneity but I think it actually does opposite.........You still need a reservation and now you dont know if you're going to be able to get on the headliners without 2+ hour waits until the morning of and thats for every day...........If you book park pass and dining in advance, why not let rides in advance?

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